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THE INDEPENDENT! THE LARGE8T, TME ABLKST, THE BEST RelipHS and Literary Weekly. ¦ I The in 'Kt inll uciilial religieus organ , in Stiito.- Tlic Spectator, Londou, hiigluml. The INIE1KN1E1MT is onfl of the bret ' papera iu tbe world. It uood poiutn re m;iny and ' BtnkloR. Tbej hve onl j to be stated to bé preciated ; and for proof ol our claims appeal oiay be taken 10 any of UK flltv-two ipsiu-8 of ihe jear. lm Independent will tho.v Ihat lta oonieuta are nmikiU by AKILITY VA KIK Tl' A'D INTKHI'.T.-He gi -i-ui ihinkerv, tbe grom stury-writurs the i'i-ni poets, men of tbe hibft reputatiou in (II iii'p.irt.iit'iiiB ol human knon ledu, onkc up i:s list oi cuBtributorB. Kcliion, philur-opuj , c!ecet liieratun-, arr, travJ, dlscoverlei. stoii.-H, aud al] coiict'ivubk'. tupies are embraced iu tle coniciiti, and everybudy old or younu, luarned and unlearned without regard u m'x, einplo) m-iit, or conditlon will flnd soinftliii.K of special iutereet in every is-ue. 'ill'ilKllKNIVK'KNH.-I[ lsarcHl'Ioiim, a ilteraiy, au educntlonal, a ttury, uu art, a Kciuutidc, an agriculiural, a financia! and a political paper comblned. "ifHEÍDTH.' ' ICJSS. - 'riIE lsDBPBNDKNT i tied Itl l!" (irtioillination ; it ta the oran of no dique or party in state or Church. It is Tree, tnen fore, to diecuss all qucstiotis, and to spcak its mind candfdly. It la not Hwerved tty fcar or lavor. It i a viorons defender of the Evanelical falth, it preacbet practical riahteouemss, and eurne-ily aupporta all mora reforms. All its columns- tbe advertislnp ai well as the re-tdin - nr; frt-e from everyüiinjr of doubifnl or objectiotiHble charaoter. No nmiter what a panon'i reilgiOD, politics or proicssion may be, il' he decires lo keeu up with tbe times and know wbat tbe brightest minds are thinking t)f, the abletit pen are wrltiut? nbmit. and wbat tbe world at larjjeis doiug- be ahould read Tm IndePKNDSNT. IKinii XO 8VBSCRIBF.UH: Threemouihs $ 75 One year $3 00 For.r monthi 1 U0 Two years 5 00 Sixmouths 1 60 Fiveyears 10 00 C'sn any one make a better investment of $2.00 to $S.0O tban one whlch will pay 52 DIVÍDENOS DÜRINS TBE7EAR, 52 KVKRY INTBILICiENT FAMIi-Y NËED3 A GOOÜ NEWtfPAPEK. It le a neceeeity for párente ahd chiltlri'ii. A tiood way to make the acqnalntanco of ïhk ÏNDErENDKNi Is to eend 3Uct'nis fora tl'JYial trip" ol a month. SPKCIMEX COPIES FRES. No paper? aro nent to unböcribera after the tlrae paid lor has explrtd. Tuk Inukpendkn-i Clnbbfnff LUt will be sent fret Xo niiy person tiskiog for it. Any one wtahing to BubscrlDe i'or one or more pipert or magfeistnefl, In coDinxtlod with The Indepkndknt, can save money by ordering from our Club List. Addreeis THE INDEPENDENT, P. O. Box 27?. New York. W7 TREMA! NT" GENERAL. JNSURAXCB WÊ' 1 il I OFFICE, Over Casper Rinsey's Grocery Store, COR. IIUKON AND FOURTH:;öï8., North British Insurance Co., Of London and Edlnburg. ICapita!, 13,000,000, Qold. Detroit Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Cash A m ets (600,000. Spriugflrld Ins. Co. or Massachusetts, Cash Aaseta 1 ,800,000. Howard !ns. Company uf New York, Caefe AssotB $1 ,000,000. Agrlcultural In. Co., Watertown, N.Y., Caeh Astets (1 ,200,000. Losei Iilberally Adluld and IrompOy PUd. i niö rnibii uowklt. cos i TfowKpapor AlvrtUing Bureau (10 üptuce tiiii(feoiitrn-ULUuy MlaMI Y11KK ! immM tor tt tallElf lUlllla


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