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John Watsok, sorviug a sentpnce of four years iu prison at Colamhus, O., for burglary, was on the -7th notiliml Uiat be had fallen heir tn $75,000, left by a relativo iu the Bermndaa. The Governor of Arkansas, growin? weary of haviug prisoners cremated by mobs in Pike County, on the 27th offered rewards for the raptura of the persons who have twice burned the woodou Henrt M. Dickerso, of Moravia, N. Y., shot and killed his wife on the 27th mul thon shot hluiself. Jealousy wal th cause. Thk cattle-growers of the country will hold a National Convention in Chicago November 17. John Tiiompson, a murderer, was taken from jail at Kingston, Teuu., the other night and Uuuml. Aftkr a qiiarrel on the 27th at Shelbyville, Ma, John Buford shot and killed his aged father. Thk Treasury Department at Washington on the 27Ui purchased 310,000 ouuces of silver for delivery at the New Urleans and Philadclphia mints for coiuage into Standard dollars. John Roach's ship-yard in New York City was sold at assignee's sale on tho 27th for $810,000. William J. Best, a well-kuown lawyer, was arrested iu New York on the 27th lor the embezzlomeut of $73,000 left in his charge. In a foundry at St. Louis a moldar named Scott Thomas undertook on th i 27th to pour flve tons of raolten iron into a pit fourteeu feet deep, and met a horrible death by falliug into the pit. THE mutuur whlch feil near Owatonna, Mimi., bas been blasted with dynamite, and half a ton of fragmenta was being sent to various parts of the country. 1t has been ordered that the postal cards, beariug a special delivery stamp, shall be delivered the same as letters with the extra stamp. It was aunounoed on the 27th that the "boomers" at Wellington, Kan., were preparing foranother raid into tho Oldahorna couuirv. Eighty lodges, renresenting several States, celebrated at Cleveland, O., ou the 27th the seventeenth anuiversary of tte organization uf the A. O. U. W. Mus. J. Frixk Gilmore, of Providence, H. l.,on the 28th gave birth to four childran who ilieil within four houfs. The mother was doing well. Five hundred people visited the house during the day and were charged by the father ten cents apiece to sce the infants. By the breakiug of a bridge sidewalk on the eveBing of the 28th over the river at K,is Saginaw, Mich., nearly one huudred persons were precipitubed into the water, aud it was feored that thirteon lives were lost. Uf to the28th the total number of hogs paoked thisseason in the West was M6,000, against l!.",000 for a corresponding ]trrin.l lnsi yt ar. The wholesale aud retail grocery business at Augusta, Ga., ha ving been monopolized by Chinaiuen, the citizens were on the 28th petitioning the council to devise meaus to stop tho yellow tide of immigratiou. Postmasters have been instructod to inolude sealed packuges in the matter entitled to special delivery, if properly stamped. Monuments erected bysix Indiana regiments wre dedicated on the battle-field of Gettysburg on the 28th and delivered to the koepiug of tue Memorial Association. Boston Buck aud six members of his gang of counterfeiters, who had been operatiug iu Western Peunsylvania, were sentenced on tlie l!8th to hard labor in the Plttaburgh Pinittutiary for various periods. Bui'k is nearly s wenty years of age. In invesiating the accounts of the lately retired offleers at Bozemau, M. T., discoverios of largo discrepancies were made on the 28th. The Sheriff was short ipi,wv; tne ireasuier iiuduu íw,., ¦¦ ¦¦ . the Coramissioners were behind $25,000 in uucertiüed bilis. ___________ Kichard HOERINO, a needv (Jerman of Harriaburg, Pa.,' was on the 28th allowed a peusion of $4,434 at Washington, and ou the same day received $17,400 by the death of a sister In Europe. Duiuxa a dense fog which hung over the Hudsou Kiver at New York on the 28th great ilamage was done to vessela by t-cllision aud several livos were lost. The total number of immigrants to this country for the niue months ended September 3 i, 188.'), was 268,Í5;O0-igainst 3:J6,44t duriug the corfesponding period of 1884. On the 2Sth of September, 188:!, an attempt was made to rob an express car near Coolidge, Kan., the engineer being killed. No clue was obtaiued to the perpetrators of tho deed uutil recently, when Henry Kellon, in jail at Jefferson, Mo., confessed that he and Abe Walter and Fred Blunk eommiUed the crime. AU of the gang were arrestad and placad in prison at Topeka, Kan., on the 28th. A packaoe of $4,000 in currency was ghipped by a St. Louis bank to Fredericktown, Mo., where the consignee on the 28th found it to contain only waste paper. A. J. Bcrrus, who was discharged from tlie commercial agency of R. G. Dun & Co., in Chicago, for insulting Mrs. Rey Good, an employé, waited at the eutrance of the agency on the evening of the 28th, aud, when Mrs. Good and her sister, Miss Lillian Walter, appeared, shot thein both fatally. Robert J. Cook, formerly noted as the Captain and trainer of the Yale College crew, but of lato in the employ of a Philadelpbia newspaper, was assaulted on the 2Sth by a negro, who struck hira a blow on the head with a hatchet, fracturing his skull. A gano of gypsy counterfeiters were caught in the Cherokee Nation near Forb Smith, Ark., on the 28th. They had laree quantities of spurious money in their possession. The total values of imports of merchandise during the twelve months euded September 30 were $570,551,200, against $608, - 110,065 the preceding twelve months, a decrease of $87,55S,803. The values of exports of merchandiss during the same period were $715,893,071, against $735,777,000 the preceding twelve months, a decrease of $19,878,389. The coinage at the various mints In the country during the fiscal year ended June 80, 1885, was as follows: Gold, $24,8ül,143; ilver, $28,848,959; minor coins, $527,657; total, $54,237,639. The number of silTer dollars distributed by the mints durlne tha vear was 20.373.625. 'i'he totaj nmount of coin and bullion iu the country July 1, 1885, was estimated at $892,500,519. The strike of shoemakers at Beverly, Mass., carne to an end on the 29th, and over two thousand men resumed wort Thk total expenses of the diplomatic oervioe for the fiscal year ended June 30 last were $440,249. For the same period the Consular service cost $87u,18:!. A FlRE at New Hartford, Conn., a few days ago destroyed a newspaper office and other buildings, vaJued at $75,000. Ths barn belonging to Hon. R. R. Greer, of Lanesboro, Mum., was burned the other day, and his ten-year-old sonperished in the llames. An ex loaion occnrred on the propeller Myles at Duluth, Minn., the other afternoon, killiua the flrst and second englneers, Thomas Hiokey aud William Rooney, besldes badly damavini; th General Hiles, commanding th Departiuent of Ui Missouri, with licmlquarters at Fort Leavenworth, recelved information on the 29th that about four tbousand well armed and equipped men were on thelr way to Oklahoma under the leadership of Captain Couch. These new boomers aiinoum ! tlieir intention tostay, and fight, if necessary, for posiession of the covoted land. Edward H. Bain, an employé of the National Metropolitan Bank of Washington, on the 30th alt. lost $20,000 while on the Street. Bain claimed to have beon robbed. The other night a Wagner sleeper on th Bee Line was raided west of Indianapolia and $700 tol en f rom the passen - gers by robbers, wlio got off the train at Indianapolti. The passengen were chloroformed. Senator Stanford, of California, has glven three Immense ranches, vulued at $3,500,000, for the endowment of a universlty and schools about to be erected at Palo Alta. Thb Land Commissloner at Washington on the 30th uit. rendered a decisión whioh restores to the public domain a tract in California claimed by the Atlantic & l'aciflc Koad equal in sizs to the State of Massachusetts. Frangís I Whitb, a member of the Boston Common Council, was arrested on the 30th uit. for embezzling 25,000. David C. and W. P. Johnston, special agents for the Louisiana Lottery at Cinciunati, were convicted a few days ago of uning toe mails for distributing lottery advertisements. A Chicago "drummer" named Maxwell, while eating oysters at Lafayette, Ind., the other night, discovered a pearl of the alleged value of $600. Georqe was hanged at Grand Forks, D. T., on the 80th uit, for murderine a Mm. Snell and hu chilJ last Juuuary. Thk eleventh annual convention of the National Woman's Curistian Temperance Union convened in Philadelphia on the 30th uit. SlX laundry girls were terribly burned by the explosión of a drum in Jïuw York City on the 30th uit. Thk report of Adjutaut General Drum shows that 6,!16 enlisted,men of the United States army are drawing increased pay for perlods.of continuous service ranging from five to thirty-flve years. A kaïn-storm of eighteeu hours' durntion had on the 30th uit. caused floods in the Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, more water falliug thau in the two provious years. Neur Lexington a trestle collapsed under a train, the engineer and fireman being killed, but the passengers escaped. The rivers were rising rapidly, and merchants on the front at Kichmoud were moving out. A minino machine, which can perform the work of several men, has been placed in Watson's sbaft, in the Pittsburgh district, and a number of miuers have been discharged. Jesse W. Jones, aged sixteen, who robbed two coaches, was recently sentenced at Graham, Tex., to ten years in the Chester (111.) Fenitentiary. Advices of the 30th uit. to Bradstreet' s from Tarious business centers indicated no general improvemeut in trade throughout the country, excepting in irou and steel. Therk were 191 business failures in the United States and Canada dnnng the seven days ended in the 30th, uit., against 170 the prerious seven days. The distribution was as folio ws: Middle States, 89; New England States, 29; Western, 48; Southern, 30; Pacific States and Territories, 24; Canada, 21. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Mus. Cïrant having been deeply pained regarding the false stories of the domestic unhappiness of her daughter, Mrs. Nellie Sartoris, on the 27th authorized the Philadelphia Ledger to state that Mrs. 8artoris had not applied for a divurce and did not contémplate separation from her husband. The President ou the 27th gave formal -'.H ; ¦ grant interviews to thoRe seeking office for thetnselves or their friends, he having wasten sumcient urne in hearing applications. The Utah Commission reported to the President on the 23th that it was only a matter of time when polygamy would become extinct, and it recoinmended a continuation of its polley. The case of Ferdinand Ward, the New York bank wrecker, was givau to the jury on the Ü8th, and a verdict of larceny in the first degree was returued about midnight. The penalty may be imprisonment for ten years. General Geobqb R died at 8:10 o'clock on the morning of the 29th, of neuralgia of the heart, at hls residence on Orange Mountain, New Jersey, in bis fifty-ninth year. He was born in Philadelphia, uraduated at Wast Foint and served throughout the Mexican war. At the outbreak of the rebullion he was commissioned Major-General of (Jtaio volunteers, and on the retirement of General Scott was given command of the army. In 1804 he was Democratie nominee for President, and in 1877 was Governor of New Jersey. Noah Porteb has tendered bis resigna tion as President of Yale College, to tak effect at the next commencement. He has held the posltion sioee 1871. The President on the 29th appointei Frederick H. Winston, of Chicago, to be. Minister Resident and Consul -General to Persia. It was estimated on the 29tb tbat Ferdi. nand Ward, the conricted wrecker t of New York, bad over $1,000,000 of hls illgotten gains safely hidden away. In ans wer to a etter from Mayor Grace, reclting rumora that were current, to th effect that th remalns of General Grant woDia in tue near roture be removed irtim their present resting-place, Mrs. Grant re. plied on the 20th that Rivorside was the choice of the General and the family; that it is near the d welling which she hopes to occupy until called to join her husband, and no thoughts of a removal of the remains had been entertained. W. E. Smith, a lawyer, of Plattsburg, N. Y., was on the 30th uit. appointed Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, in placa of Charles E. Coon. Otto Funk, who gained notoriety by the theft of two thousand books from the public library in Chicago, ended hls eareer by poison in the jail at Cambridge, Mass., on the 30th uit., where he was placed for stealing an overcoaU FOREIGN. Advices of the 27th state that a recent ¦torm off the Labrador coast wrecked twenty resselt, and one hundred lives were lost. Nearly two thousand shipwrecked persons were on the shore in a destitute condition. At Montreal on the 2Sth the Cabinet decided to grant the petition for a cdtnmission to examine into Louis Riel's lanity. The English yacht Genesta reacbed Portsmouth ou the return voyag on ths 28th, making the fastest time a yacht ever made across the Atlantic. Furtheb advices of the 23th state that seventy vessels and tbrea hundred lives were lost during the recent hnrrlcane ou the Labrador coast. flSeveral of the castaways had perished from exposore, and hundreds who escaped from the wrecks were in a starving condition. Turkish officials reportad onf!the 28th the' presence of 180,000 soldiers at points on the frontier where they were available for active service on the Balkan península. The Great Eastern, the largegt steainship in the world, was sold at public auction on the 28th in London for L:6,2OO. Thí rumor that arevolution had broken out in Mandalay and that Kiug Theebaw had been murdered proved on the 2Sth to be unfounded. A Corsicav, naino unknown, atternpted on the 29th to assnssinnte the Krsnch Minister of Forcin Affairs, DoFrfjjeiuet, in the sirei-ts of Paris, but faüe;l.?The as¦I ilant was in 'wt'-l- in eioCUOnS "m rrnsiia on In Wtn went strongly in favor of th nw Germaa Liberal party. A diSI-atch of the 2fith stated that th Pope had decided entirely in faror of Spain ia the Carolines queation. The campalgn of the English against Burmah was belng Ipushed with vigor on the 2Oth, and it looked ag if the country of King Theebaw would goon form a part of the British Empir in India. Loüih Kikl and twenty-four other halfbreads lying in prlson in th Northwest on the 3Clth uit. forwarded to the Canadian Government a petition begglng for mercy on the ground that they had buífered hvhi ciiiiitic oppression. The authoritie of Montreal predicted on the 30th uit. that the sraall-pox epidemie would bring that city into debt to the amount of $500,000 befor spring. (rRKKi-E continued on the 30th uit to forward troops to the frontier, and her citizens were represented ai clamoroua for war. A naturalized American rttizentraveling recently in Europa found in several cltles ¦ocietiei organizedto aid discharge! convicta to go to th United States and begin life anew. Threb inches of now feil on the 80th uit. in the Proviuce of Quebec. A explosión occurrod the other day at Reschitza, Hungary, in a coal-raine connected with the State railway workg. Thirteen persous were killed and fifteen injured. Therk wer two hundred cases of cholera and forty-three deaths in Laredo, Spain, during the seven days ended on the 30th uit. LATR NWS. Ferdinand Ward was en the 31stult arraigned in a New York court-room and aentenced to imprisonment at hard labor at Bing Sing for ten years. Judg Barrett remarked that the prisoner had done more to unsettle public conüdence in monetary institiitious than any man in the country, and showed no remorse for his acts. Four men were killed at Port Huron, llich., on the lst by tho bursting of the boiler of the tug Frank Moffat. Portions of Michigan and Indiana were visited by Rnow-storms on the 31st uit., falling to a depth of four incheg at points in the former State. At Audorson, Md., the livery tables of Hunt & Peuce were destroyed by flre on thp lst, and sixteen horses were burned, among them benig several valuable trotters. Small-pox continued to spread on th lat throughout the province of Quebec. The disease had also broken out in numerous small towns. At Montreal eighty-five new cases were reportedand twenty-soven deaths occurred. It as discovered on the 31st uit that Henry R. Davis, freight collector on the FitchbiiTg Kailroad, Massachuaetts, was a defaulter to the amount, of $15,000 to $20,000. Late heavy rains in Virginia have caused much damage.OThe destruction of property on the Kauawha River, in Ihe vii iuity of Charlestown, was on the lst estimated at $160,000. Thomas E. Heenan, of Minnesota, has been appointed byjth President Consul at Odes sa. The total import rat New York during the week ended on the 31st uit. were valued at $5,40,419, exclusive of dry goods. At a faith cure convention in session in Búllalo, N. Y., on the 31st uit. a feature of the occasion was the annointlng with oil o! eeventv-five persons who carne to be eured of various maladies. The couuty buildings at Herrick, Minn., were flred by a lunatic on the lst, who perished in the flames. Three Mexican brigands were captured by a crowd of citizena the other day at Periban and riddled with bullets. A tenemknt huns ¦ in New York City was burned eaiiy on the morning of the lst, and several persons perished in the flames. Navioation on the Champlaln Canal at j ing to ice, which waB over an iuch in thirkn?3s for a diatanoe f flve milos. At twenty-six leading clearing-housss in the United States the exchanges during the week ended on the 31st uit. aggregated (004,198,494, against $1,111,617,399 the previoua weuk. As compared with the correspondiug period of 1884, the in crease amouiits to 40.7 per cent.


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