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I R0I1W í WRIGHT, JEWELERS AND OPTICIAXS, IMPORTERS OF D1AMÜNDS, WATCHES, CLOCK3 BRONZt, MARBLE STATUARY, ART POTTBRY, OPERA (LASSES, FANS, HRIl'-A-BItAC, ETC. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF ELGIN AND WALTI1AM WATUHES STERLING 8ILVEBWABE, AMERICAN' CLOCKS, TRIPLE PLATED BILVERWARE, FINE CUT OLASS, KTC., ETC., UMBUELLAS. 11U WOODWARI) AVE.. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. SOLÉ STATK AQEKrg FOR PATEK.B 1'HII.Il'rK CO'S CELEBBATED WATCHES. Robust Health Ib not alway njoved by tbose who pera to possess it. 'l'lio taiiit of i-orrupted blood muy tío Beoretly midtTiiiinint; the cüiutitiiiion. ín lime, tlif poUou wülcertainly ahuw lUetfectx, itud wit hall the more viraleme tho lougcr iL hun becü allowed to pernieati' thc Kystein. Eueh pimple, ty, boft, skin Stoorder umi senne of tmnatural lassitude, or languor, is one of Nature'8 waruiugs of thc eoüsequen'ces of negleet. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only remody that can be relied upon, In all cases, to radícate the tuint of heredltary rtlllfHfH umi the special corruptions of the blood. It is the only alU-rative that is sufliciintly powerful lo thoroughlf cleanse the systoni of Sorofulous aiid Mercurial impuritics nnd the pollu(ioii of Contagious Diseases. lt also ntutralizes the poisonn left by Diphtheria and Scarlet Fever, and enables rapid recuperation f rom the cnfceblement and debility caused by these diseases. Myriads of Cures ACllfcv ï Uy AlMt'S AKAIAMl.t,, fw the past forty years, ure attestcd.andthere is no blood diseaMp, at all possible of cure, that will not yiclu to it. M'hatevcr th8 ailments of this clast, and whercver found, from the curvy of the Arctie cinle to the "veldt-sores" of South África, this remedy has affordol lu-ulth to the sufferer by whom it was employed. Dr'iggitita everywherecan i-ite mimerous cases, within their personal kaowledge, of remarkable cure WTought hy it, where all other treatraent had becu uuavalliug. PeopU will do weU to Trust Nothing Else than Atbr's Sarsaparilla. Numerouj crude mixtures are ofl'ered to the publio ai "blood purifiers," which only allure the patiënt with the pretense of many cheap doses, and with which it is folly to experiment while tWirinn is steadily be coming more deep-soatcd and difficult of cure. Some of these mixtures do much lasting harm. Bear in mind that the only medicine that can radicaJly purify the Titiated blood 3 Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PUEPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Muu, Sold by all Druggists: Price $1; Six bottle for $5. LOOD BITTERS ! Burdock Blood Bitters Purify The Blood. Burdock Rlood Bitters Sound. Refreshing Sleep. Burdock Blood Bitters Soa That Tired. Weary Feeling: Slck Headache. Gnirrs: - I have been subject to Blek ITeadacbe for years, and have tned, in yain, many advertised remedies and several nhysicians, but all to no purpose. At lost I tried your B. B. Bitters- without much faith, I admit- but today I can truly say, that af ter taking the third bottle I have not suffered from it. I recommend it to all my friends; several have been cured by it. Mv little grandson was permanently cured of Biliousness and Sick Headache, which were so severa as to canse convulsiona. They have all ceased since be cnmmenced the use of B.B.B. MUS. B. C. BODLE, Oranje, Luzerne County, Pa. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Mnln St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency in ttio city. Establlshed over a quarter of a century ago. RepreseutlnK the followiug üi-Ht-claas companies, with over 960,000,000 Capital and Aftficts. HOME INS. CO., Of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. OIRARD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. 0UIENT INS. CO., of Hartford. pOMMEHCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and OLOBE. WASHINUTON FIRE and MARINE, of BohIou. Ratos Low as tlie Iowcst, Losses Liberally Adjustcil aiid nromptlv l'nid. C. H. MILLEN. Obtained in thc United States and ForeignCoun,r , GEO.H.E.OTHBOP, 70 Griswold Si., Uetroit, Hi.U. EVERY LIVE MERCHANT I ANJf ARBOR. Should. advertí se in THE COURIER.


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