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'l'lie uew Chelsea house wallsare completed. siianni farmers still dabble in Bohemi an oats. Dundee has a new Band of Hope witli 44 iieiubors. Milán is to have a new fuot bridge over the mili race. Tlie Baptlsts of Saline cleared f U at a recent chicken pie social. The M. E. church at Chelsea is being remodeled and repainted. Putnam's knitting factory at Milán has commenced operations again. Fred Allen and Miss Carrie Knight of Bridgewater, married Nov. 4. Howard Moore i to teach the winter term of school at Stony Creek. Rev. W. P. Tompkins pastor of the Milm baptist church, has resigned. The Fieedom Center school house has been nicely refurnished. Good. The Normal School now has 644 studeuts, a laige iucrease over lust year. The Clielsea Savings bank report shows deposita of $123,400.97. Good sliowing. Milan now owns a Iock-up herself, the transfer being made last Tlmrsday a. m. The Presbyterians of Manchester liold a social Friclay evenimr, at Mrs. M. Porter's. Emmet McCollum, of Manchester, died Nov, lst, of quick consumption, aged 41 years. Hiram Welch of Bridgewater and Miss Mary Hammon, of Manchester, married Oct. 27. The Free Church in Superior, has a new set of steps in front of it, ihanks to the ladies. Pity the sufferlnsjs of poor Milan. Soiiif one is about estabilshfng a woodyanl there! Tbc Presbyterian Isdien of Saline purpo-e holding a fancy fair along about ChrUtmas time. Richard Marshall, of Milnn, left Monduy fnr Kansas where he wilí come up witii the plains. The common council of Dundee has ordered all saloons to close at 8:30 p m., one huur earlier than formerly. Thermometers in Chelsea, last Baturday moraing, indicated trom 15 to20 degrees. Apples were badly injured. - Herald. The L idies Social (Jircle of the Dexter M E. church meets at the residencc of Mrs. Amos Phelps to-day, VVednesday. Milan lias i wicked eider mili tliat eata pectfully referred to'tlie Chelsea Heraltl man. ïhat Jspnnew wedding advertised for the York Baptist churcli receutly has heen postponeü until to-morrow evening, Nov. 12th The Enterprise says tliat Mort Hendershot would rest easy if he thought himself the only candidate for postmaster at Manchester. E. M. Cole, of Superior, was presented with an elegant silver cake banket re cently, for his services as president of the Ypslianti fair. Milan's cornet band offleers are : President, Miltoa Hitchcock; sec'y Chas. Stidle; treasurer, Starr Voght; leader, Alvo Reynolds. The Ladie's Library Association of Ypsil&nti give the first of a series of enlert:iinments tbls evening, at the residence of fiob't Lambie. Mrs. Thos. Birkett and Mrs. S. Newkfrk, of Dexter, have returned from Williamsburg, Ky., where they had been visiting their children. Our nijiht watch, John Moran speaks the pure Irish language, and is about the (ïnly man in these parts who eau. - Manchester Enterprise. Levi Fuller, of York, has sold Ma 80 acre farm to AI. T. Knowles, taking in part payment a house and lot in Dundee, where he will hereafter reside. A Milan tnarksman is credited with shooting at a mark and killing a sheep 20 rods at one side. He'd do for a " wide range" marksman, certainly. Frank K. Parsons and Miss Allie I. Isbell, of Pittsfield, were married Oct. 30, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Isbell, of Pittsfield. It is reported that the " cannon ball " traiu is about to be discontinued betweeu Toledo and Detroit via T. & A. A. and and Wabasb roads. - Dundee .Reporter. Lester O. Thompson, M. D., was married Nov. 4th, at the bride's residence In Dundee, to Miss Ada M. Masnn. The bride hasmany friends in Ann Arbor. A popcorn and tañy social (are not all socials taffy ?)Jat the residence of Mrs. L. D. Wheeler, Saline, next Frlday evening, for the benefit of the Presbyterian church. Dexter has a new G. A. R. post, whicli was niustered in last Thursday evening, the Chelsta Post bing present. The boys closed the evening with an oyster supper. A debating club has been organized at Chelsea, with the following ofücers: President, P. Lehman; vice pres., Chas. Depew; sec, A. W. Wilkinson; treas. Fred. Roedel. Coin. Foster. of Raisinville, raised 12,000 licads of cabbage this year marketing thein at 4 ets. per head. He also made ten barrels ot' sour krant in oue day, recently. And now the farmers about York report a great deal of soft corn, some claimIng that two-thirds of the erop is soft. Which Is to be taken with a few grains of ailowance. Ann Arbor papers claim that the city is at the mercy of hoodlums. - Manchester Enterprise. Just qualify that statement pleas. Ouly oue Ann Arbor paper ever made any such claim. Dwight C. Rexford, formerly of Ypsilanti, was married last week to Miss Carrie C. Montgomery, in Detroit. Dr. F. K. Rexford and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Rexford of Ypsi. attended. Pittsfield is losing her famous men. Andrew Campbell has moved to Ann Arhor (a sensible move) Nicholai Bovee to Ypsilanti, and Wm. Brown to Tecumgeh, all within a brief period. Edmond Dorr, of Norvell, brought to this otllce a sprout uearly eight feet long wiiich had grown the past MMOn 00 a peacli tree In his yard. How is that for high ? - Manchester Enterprise. Mesera. Jesse Warner, Doe Phillips, Frank Butler, Homer Warner, J. D. 01cott, A. E. Gardner, L. A. Wilcox, and C. B. Hobbs lelt Monday, on a buuting excursión to Clare county. They have gone loaded for bear, and we don't exlect they will be contented to bring home iniieh snaller g-tme. - Milan Journal. Superior towimliip tuiniers lind a bette wlieat niarket at Aun Árbol tli.m else where, and consequently draw thei wheat there uní se 1 1 it. " So much for Aun Arbor's good milis and good ship ping faciiities. Nov. 5, at Ypsilanti, Wm. II. Hall and Mrs. r. A. Ktnne wen marrlaJ. Al Uil ' Jbf- " 4 ¦"'l Wkmire and Miss Lffie May Gragorr. Do ¦. ggtb Benj. D. Thompson, and Miss Lowella B Chapinan, of Catsapolis. John Foster, of Ypsilanti, a man abnut 60 years of agp, was found de. id Thurs day morning last near the wood market where he liad evidently dropped de wlule returning home the night previous froni a üreiuen meeting. Why n ot organizo a lyceum for the coming long wiuter evenings. It wil both instruct and entertain the young people of the village, as no other school can or will. Let some one set the bal) rolling.- Milau Journal. The Oak Grove Cemetery at Manchester is being pat In good simpe by lot owners. A niove Id t!ie right dirección. People generally Deglect these cities of the dead, a tliing th y ougtit not to do. Why not beautify and improve God's Acre? Fred.Jerry and Isaac Suddaby returned borne Saturday night from their several weeks visit m the old country- Eiigland. They report a pleasant voyage across tlie water, and a happy greeting by the friends at their old borne. - Salino Obseivei. Peter Sharp, of Ridgeway, Lonawee Co., has been postmaster 88 years. Hta first salary as $:!2.82 per year, the mal] beingcairii-don borsebaik. Tlie revenue of the offloe at preMDt la nol prlnoely, and will unnunt to ouly abont $200 per annuin. The BrldgeWftter chicken (hierra have been c.iuglit and sentenccd John and Joseph Bteffunskl and iidoey Uolntyre John p ead jruilty and pald $60 Une and costs, Mclntyre paid $."ü fine and custs' an.i is errlng oni :i) In tinIonla house of correotlon. Mrs. Belle Fllnn spent several davs at Anu Arbor tliis weck, and liad an oper.ition perfbrrned opon her right eye. 'J'lie operation wa erfurmed by Dr. Frotlinghani, of the Univurslty, and took but two or three mlnutrs time. Sbe will be obllged to weftr spectaclo8 for a tew weeks until the eye gota Btrong.- Milao Leader. Dr. Bessar. (i. R. Williams, O. P. Newcomb and W. Babc k are the gentlemen interested in the woik of sinking the gas well on the farm of Mr. Kinear, soiTrliwt't of town, Xhey bare neo &t wort iwwtf lif rorrWilii tattiHfegitf HUpply. We tin-t their c!ile-iiise vill üboi-ally rewanled. - Milán .Ionrn-,1 Report is oarrent here rht fisw axghu since the sh'cping rooms of Hon. E. l'. Harperand wlfe, Pred VVallace and wlfe, and U. D. Billlmeyer aud wlfe, all of Saline and -.vho are dow Itopping at ChattaDonjra, Tenn., wen; entered by bnrglarg and the gold watrlies ofeaeh of the IndieS stolen, besidea some money frotp the clothesof Air Harpvr aml Mr. Wal lace.- Saline Observen The Dexter Leader apologizes because come of the physicians of that place were jealous, thinking lie jave nne of their number more tree advertising than hedid another. As iong as tlie medical association of this and evtry otlier county, make It a mlsderneatior for a pliysician to do any adverrising that he hs to pay for.why should any M. I) get jealons? Or wby should any editor apologize? Constable Palmer arrested at South Lyon, John V. Kinney ndjusting agent of the Wateitown Aricultural Insurince Co , Tuesday. Justice Griften bouiid lim over to the next tenn of Ibecircuit court for larcenv. Mr. Zina Buck of his city had insured property In Van ïuren Towuship in tliis coinpany, the ïoase being destroyed by liglitning. Pending a 8e tt lemen t in the absence of VIr. Buck, Kinney succeeded in obtaining he policy and is now in troable for the offeuse.- Vpsilanti Comercial. Wliitmore Lake Items. School opened last Monday. V. K. Stiles, who lias been at tilla place for a few weeks, returned to his home al Fowlerville Sitnrday. Miss' Lidie Premiss 'and M: Charles Brazy left last Saturday for Chicago vhere they will spend the winter. The recital given by the Literary Society ast Friday evening was well attended, notwitliötanding the very unfavorable weather. On Friday tVenlng, Xov. 20th the society will debate tbc quesüon, 'Kesolved that the invention of machiuery bas been an injury to the working clan.