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The following is the Thanksglvlug proclamatlon of President Cleveland: : Bu the PreHdent of the V'iMed Statet of America - a proclamotion : The American p.-ople have always abundant cause to be thanfcful to Almlghty God. whose waU-hful rare and guldiiiK hand have been manifested in every t;w of tbelr national Ufe, suardlDg and protectlng tnem In time of perU and Rafely leading thein in the liour of darkness and dangT. It is fitting and proper that a natlon tnus favored sliould. on one day in every year for that parpose especlally appolnted, publicly aiknowledge the goodness of God aud return thanks to hini ror all liis uracious gifts. Thkkkfoke, I, Grover Cleveland, President of the United States of America, do horeby desígnate and set apart Thursday, the 26 th day of November instant, as a day of public thanksglving and prayer, and do invoke the observance of the same by all the people of the land. On tbat day let all secular business be suspended and let the people assemble In tneir usual places of worshlp amt wlth prayer and songs of pralse devoutly tesilfy tlieir gratitude u the glver of every good and perfect gift for all that He has done for us in the year that has passed; for our preservation as a united natlon aud for our dellverance from the shock and danger of politica convulsión; for the blessings of oeace and for our Bafety and quiet wliile wars and ruinors ot wars havo agitated and affllcted other nattonsof the earlh ; for our securlty Kmiliisl tne scourge of peslllenee. wblch in OXtiexlandsJias clalmed IU dead by tboufor pFenteous crops which reward the lators nftba busbaudujan nl liKirAjuutlhA natlou's „JLifh ".ui "ir thecontentinent tbrougliout our borders whlch follows In the train of prosperlty and abundance. And let there also be on the day thus se apart a reunión of families saucllned and chastened by teuder memories and assotiatlons and letlheoclal mlercourse of frlends wlth pleasant reminlscence renew the ties of affeclion and slrenglhen the bonds. of kindly feeling. And let us by no means forget whlle we glve thanks and enjoy comfort whlch have crowned our live, that truiy gratetul hearts are incllned to deeds of chnrlty ; and that a kind and thoughlful reinembrance of the poor wlll doublé the pleanures of our condltlon.and renderour pralse and tiiaiiksclvliig more acceptable in the slght of the iyord. Done at the city of Washington thls second dav of November. 1886, and of the ludepehdeuce of the United States the UOlh. GROVER CLEVELAND. By the President: T. F. Bayabd, Secretary of State. Gov. Algcr announces that he Is not a candi date for a second term. His f riends will regret this determinaron on lus part, for he is makinj? a god and wlse executive who give8 to the office a business tone which places it ever far above any charge of corrnption, favontlsra or vacillatlon. He has etrengthened the party In the state, thereby making it again eny for a good nominee to be elected. Tlie precedent is a good one for future governors to follow, for it is purely un honorary position, out of which enough glory ought to be obtained by one term. Then no man can Bay a governor's acts are shnped with a view toward a renominution. Col. McKinstry, of Jackson, is appeinted pension agent in place of Mr. Samuel Post, of Ypsilanti, who has held the place since he received his commission from President Grant in 1873. During that time he has disbursed some f700,000 a yer in pensions and not a cent of it has been lost. He was always popular with the pensloners, many of whom he has been able greatly to help by good advice, and they had hoped that he might remain until the expiration of his term in January. The new man will have toobtain bonds for a quiirter of a millioii dollars, and the bondsinen have to swear to owning real estáte unincumLered to the value ol twlce the amount for which they become responsible.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News