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Letters From The People

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[Thlscolumnlsopen tothopeople to exprcss nelr uplnlon upou any Biihjeci I interest to lie puliltc, and oorrei pondenoc upon all sidet f all subject Is dislred. All wn uk 'i oornpondenta is to kicp ooi i personalltle, ná us argument ltutod 'i abuso. Ke oon1m, doa't om more word tban neoeaaary lo xpn-ss Ideas. The publlsher ui I I11M 'm kiiu .¦snot Qold hliimelf rospoiiHlblo (bropinO11H i H .'ssf.l An Open Letter to John V. Lnwreuce Es(. Dbar Sik:- You bare doubtlrss read n tlio CouKiKuof Nov. 4 the following extract from the report of the "Councfl Jroceeüings" of Mond i.v eTeotng, Nov. 2: Aid. Martiu, by requesl, ull'ered Ihe folorlng : Resolved, That in the adoption of Standard line as the legal time it is understooil tlmt all Iriiikintf places in the City of Aun Arbor, be closed, as heretoforc, at ten o'clock local time -or nine o'clocü and tliirty-live minutes p. m. Standard itne. Which wua carrled. Irainedlately upon lts passage, AM, Iawrenee, who bad been otlierwlse fiiiiiid,calli'd for tUf read Ing of tho rsaolaUoo, and moved that tbe vote by whlcb 11 was paHsed bu reconsldpred, Klvlng hls reasons llierefor, and iis inoiioii prevalled. orlglnul iuotlon was then lost. I tuke it for granted you and tlie other meuibers of the Board of Aldermen, who, after you had aigued the case reverted their tonner nctiou, voted down :his resolution for good reason, .imi, U you bfüeve, because its adoption would conflict with the best interest8 of the city. Of course. you will admit th;it tbe addltion of niïiirly half an hour afler ten o'clock at ni-fht lo the time during which these drinkini; places can be kept open is a matter of gmve interest to the whole city, and to the piireuts and tiicnds of the student who are assembled hore. You do not need to be luformod that a portion of the eonimunity, respectable In and in uharacler, thinks lilis a mislortuue, and regard tlie actinu on Ui pin of tlie city fulhers as :i aeriooa error. We are Uowever like jour fellow aldernu'ii, open to conviction. I wtiie you therelore, to ask you il' you will state in the CorwKH, the raMoui urged for votinjf down this icsolmion. Yours trui v.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News