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Dexter reports a lively apple trade. Even Saline has a cider and jelly mili Clover seed at Chelsea brings $5 peí bushel. The wheat tlelds are looking well, all i over the eounty. J. B. Miles and family, of Dexter, re moved to Ornaba. "Thanksxiving necktie skating party " al the Milán rink. The Milán council Is lookliig up the eost of a liook and ladder oiitltt. Saline shipped 1,573,088 los. of merehandize, produce, etc., last year. Jolin Conaty has bought out Sed Drarj's dray business in Chelsea. The Walter Brass farm, near Dexter, las been sold to Mrs. Jessie Scott. The Brenner Bros., of Manchester are to biild a new livery barn, (5x30 feet J. W. Patchin, of Grasa Lake, lias tpèned a law offleo at Manchester. Accordiiig to the Leader severul fine weddingg are setting ripo at Milán. Mi. and Mrs. H. Heatly of,North Lake have boen visiting friends in Ohio. The North Lakens are payiujj the debt on their hall by an autograph qullt. Tliat "Nulli Secundus " society of Saline, takes in boys up to -10 years of age. A. W. Wilkimon, of Chelsea, is now a law student in K. F. Conely's office, Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. and Milus Dexter, of Milan, exj eet to speud the winter iu Missouri, The president of the viUatre of Milan bas removed a special poliieiimn f r neglect of Uuty. Seveial deaths of cattle have been reported In the county, causetl by enting too many pumpkins. Chas. A. Arnold.of Ypsilantl, and Miss Minnie I. Cotton, of Cantón wer married at Ypsi. ïvcently. At Dunilee the Bohenjian oats assooiation has adoptad articlesof incirpoiation, and elected offleers. Beans are on the np srrade, and aow brinjr trom 75 c. to $1.13, accortlinif to quality and cleanliness. Geo. .1. Nissly, of Saline, is building a chicken iucubator, etc., aud proposes to bave sprinjr cliickcns on time. Friduy, Novovember 20ih, the Baptists give an oyster supper at Milo Clark's in" uloore 1 e, p. m. and eveiiing. Died on Tuesday, Nov 10, Sarah M Spiva, aged 78 years, at Ypsilanti. Nov 8th, Phebe Baglev. aged 55 years. qufstion the other nijjht fiï favor of the ' Times being good.'1 Hard times? The corn erop in Waslitenaw county yielded 78 bushels of ears to the acre thi's year, uucording to the latest estimules. The farmers are complainiiig that the recent wet weather bid fair to glve them cold lingera before the corn is all husked. Mrs. Jas. Ackerson, of Chelsea, has rereturned from her vislt to England. She lost her motlier by dealh during her visit. The Manchester Cornet Band are to f_'ive two dances, one on Thaiiksiving-, and one on New Year's ere., at Goodvear's hall. Nat Howe, of Chelsea, his gone to Sandwich, Out., to uttend school. He passed by some very good schools in his own Hate on his way there. Wlien an Ann Arborite jroes over to Manchester and gets flighty from the effect8 of Manchester budge, he ){ets Uis name in the paper. J'ork is progressing on the gus Well. The hole is bored nearly totlie rock, where the gas is expeeted to be fonnd. - Milan Journal. The Milan folks are up in the line of surprise parties, and seeni to alwsys have u good time. Well, that's what we re here lor - if we can get it. 1 lie complaiiit U gcuerally inade by buyers t Imt farmers are holding 011 tu their w heat in the hope ot' a bcttcr prioe. Auywliere iu the 00's would move the cereal. Grain dealers idvisu farmers to cle.iu tlieir oat and other {ralns thorotijjhly beíore bringing tlieiu to ranrket, as the incieased prlce paya tor the trouble twice over. The Milán Jourual lias an Ana Arbor, (or aiilversity rather) correspondent, who gives the boys' side ot the recent outburst of averflowing auinml spirits, in good shape. Now that the long winter evenings are 011 hund it is a good time to get tip a littlv surprise party tor the editor, by paylng ti okl scores, oisiitiicribiuauew tor the paper. The offl'-e of the Hrlghton Citizen is for Biile ut a bargain. Any one desirin to toar on tiie uiiijj- of literary and newspapaporltJ tumu cuii now flnd the wuy open in jjlory. l'iof. H. W. BroWB of Ypsilaliti, depeudiiiíí un olil acquaintiinceship, Ini8 gune to Washlugton, to see it' Grover will not appoint him as a department book-kecper. Probably sometime iu December our (tittiis will have the rare pleasure oflitening to a cantata, presented by home talent. Tlie thiee ohiirch clioirx are the organizers. - Saline übservi-r. Mi. and Mis. M. Ki'ynolds, of Saline, oelebrated the 40ih anniversary of their marrlage Nov. ïlth, and at the aame time and place Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Alarsh celebrated their 12th aniiivcreary. Justice Webb, of Saline, sent Jas. Lcwis, a tramp, to the county jail for 10 diiys last week. Wonder wlietlier the arrest nul prosecutlon was ander tkc statute, or charter f and ifanyoue authorized it? líev. T. J. Joslin pretlding eider, will preacb in the Union church at Miluu Fi iday evenloa, and hold quarterly conference Saturday. The lirstquarterly ineeU Ing in aiiuoimcert for Nov. 28 and 20, at Oakville. At Saline the merchante commenced Monday lat to close tbeir stores at 9 o'clock p. m. Pity that every place in Michigan would not do likewise. It is a move in the interest of both the merchant and the clerk. Look up tlie old " Wel)Sler'H spelling book," lor spelling schools .are to be the rage again this winter. Well, thev are good tliings. More olevatiug and Instructive to the miiid ïf not as swect to the taste as " busain bees." The yiddof clover seod iu this county as coinpared with 1884 was 90 per cent The acreage of potatoes for this year ai compared with last ia !)3 per cent., anc the yield "8 peroent. Tlie condltion o live koek is as follows : Horaes, lOOpei cent, cattle 101, eheep 09, and swine PO. Roy 8. Copeland, a gradúate of the Dexter high school, clasa of '85, wlll teach in district So. 7, Sylvan, the coming winter. As thisyoung gentleman 'a object iu teaching lg to ultiniHtcly reach the university, we beapeak for him aucceas in hia present undertaking.- Dexter Leader. Valentine Bros., of Webster, aad Mr. Twamley. North LiHke, spent tbe latter part of last week in visiting the different breeders and importe of Shropahire sheep of dikland county, nnd sueceeded in purrbasing some choice young sheep bred from mported stock. - Dexter Leador. .Some one, presumably scuool-boys, are iu the habit of marking ou sldewalks and fencea with white chalk. Whoever it Is deserves to be severely reprimanded, and a good taste of leatber sti-ap miglit nar have a bad eflect. It is a despieable practice, and should hare a stop put to It at once. - Milán Leader. Accordlng to the figures in the ofllce of the necretary of state, on Nov. lst, fnr Washtcnaw county, the weijrht per measured bushei of wueat, as compared with 18K4, is 102 por cent. ; the acreage of heat now on the ground a8 compared with 188-1 is aldo 102 per cent.; and tne conditiou of the name Is 98 per cent. Tbe small pox with al] lts horrors, didn't eem to scare Wesley Burchurd, of GrasB Lake, out of hi love for Canada. You see that was the only place ho could go to with the $20,000 taken from the pocket of farmers and others about that place. But ft-w would sorrow should hc catch the dread disease and be destroyed by it. Deputy sheriff Kelley, of this yillnge, has probably asked the connty for t as who has done an equal amouut of work. $1 50 was the nmount we believe. If all offleers would strive to get their business settled up and paid up, the county wuuld be the better for it.- Manchester Knterprisc. Latest intelligence from Orrin Thatcher is that he haa not gone to sea yet, ia with Mr. Overacker at Uenterville, Cal., rides outfrequently, goes huntingoccnsionally, bas found threa bce trees, but cannot rat the houey it Is bitter, gathered from the blossoms of hoarhound His general health seems improved, but voice is no better. - Chelse llerald. The re are 723 picturea In the Lewis collection, and six lre rooms are wanted to display them in. [That means another new building cnitlng $20,000 moreorless. - Ed ] - Dexter Leader. And we feel ure that there is no peraon in the county who would take more delighl Iu chowing his friends through the great art rauoium the Dexter Leader. The Hamburg correspondent of the South Lyon Excelsior gets off this : "The largest squash story is told by one of our citizena. He says he planted one squash seed, a iiumber of yeara ago, and in the f Vi 1 1 tlrew three loads (full wagon box) from the vine. The next spring while plowing with an ox team and spui of horses, he thought he could plow right througb the old atunip, but wimt was his surprise to see them brought to a stand -till. This is equal to oak clcarlngs. Next!" In the case of the Ann Arbor and Lodi Plank Road Co. va. Gotleib Baur, of Lodi, some of the county papen state that the case was dlscontinued and the costs, $16 97, pald by the defendant. Snch however, Is not a fact. Mr. Baur was ch'trged with driving farther on the roafl than for whlch he paid toll. He had ahundant proof however to show that he drove only one tnile and puid the regular fee, one cent. At the trial before the circuit court last week, and af ter the particulars of the case had been explainud to jury, the plaintiffs withdrew the suit and pald the costs themselvcs, thus practically exonerating Mr. Baur.- Saliiip Observer. This snako story is from the Howell Uepublican : " While some of the hands were at work on the new railroad extensión two miles north of this place, on Mouday latt, in cutting off the top root ut an old oak grub whlch w:is hollow, they discovered that the hollw in the root hd been selected by the stiakes of that vicinity as a eonvenioitt )lic ror winter quurtera. They dialnilged atraight huridred of them, and Mr. Arthiir Huntinsrton, who is regponsible for the itc+y, thinks a few more xrhaps niight Inive been found if it had heen neccKsary in order to make a good story. But as one hundred wu Ihought to be enoujfll they did uot look for moro. They were of all sizes (rom four toten inches in length, and what is still more strHnge is the met that several varieties were represented in the crowd." The latest swindling dodge is worked as followg : A man claiming to represent a Chicago provisión houae circuíales a pnper among the farmers, asking tlitir opinión a to tlie probable crops this se;i8On, enrefully notingtheanswers. Attlieconclualon he asks the farmer to Rign it just to givethe report the appeaTaiice of beiug correct, and in nlne cases out of ten a good hcalthy note turus up In the hands ot au Innocent purcliaser, which wlll hnvc to be paid. - Rrurhton Citizen Allow us toremark right here, that a man who buys trom a stranger a note of thi kind iiiml.' by a neiíhbor without 'tlrut asceitaining Hs genuinenefis, ought to be made a party to the fraud. TheRe notes are bouzht by i mu becausd in cashin)í tht'in tliev itet a big sliave, aDd in 99 cases out of 100 tliey inust know tliat there ts something crooked about It. ANOTOEK EXTENSIÓN. Tho Ashleyu, of the T., A. A. & N. M. road, now contémplate an extensión of their rond through our villHge, to make conuecttun with the air lino and thence on to their coonectiou at Hamburg. Mr. Ashlt y was here last week and a meeting of our must prominent citizens was held at the bunk to aee what could be done. Mr. Ashley say thecuuipany do not want uiuch of fcsouth Lyon, only that we give them tlie right-of-way, possibly a little more. Ñow, can we aft'ord to let this chance slip through our hands, when the road can be obtalneU by so little exertion? No ! most cmphatically, no ' and when Mr. Ashley comes agalu. let us give him a rousing meeting, appoint a committee of responsible men to sollcit aid, and go at the work wllh a will. If our villasju becomes a place of any sle we must have manufactorles and, to obtain them, some Induceraents must beoffered and what better indneement eau be offered thau ki"' railroad fncilities. The road, aë uowsurveyed, wlll run from the Union depot, about parallel with tho !., L & N. track half a uillö west to James Duncaii'sfarni, nt-nas thnt. tn "R ï. A I m I !:ici ïinil frrtlll