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1886. ; Harp er 's Magazine. U.LU8TBATKD...

1886. ; Harp er 's Magazine. U.LU8TBATKD... image
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1886. ; Harp er 's Magazine. U.LU8TBATKD. The December Number will begin the Sevnty-aecuud Volume of HahpkkS Maoa7.INK Miss Woolsou'i) DOTel, 'Kast Angels," and Mr. Howeli'H -'Indlan Hummrr1', holding the foremost place in tbocurreol serial Sclluu wlll run through several nuinbers, and wlll befoliowed by aerial storlesfrom R O. HlackmoreandMrs. D. M.C'ralk. A uew editorial departinenl, dlscusslug topics suggesied by the onrrent literalure of America and Europe. wlll be oontiibuted by W. D. llowell-, begiiinlng wllb. tb Jauusry nunilier. The great llterary event oí tlie year wlll be the publlcation of a series of pupors- taking the shape of a story aud deplctlng cbaracierlNtic lealureü of American features of American society as Been at our leadlnx pleasure - writlen by Charles Dudltty Warner, and lllustrated by C. S. Helnbarl. Thk Maqazime wlll glve especial alteutiou to American suiijeels, treated oy the best American writers, aud illustrated by leadlng American artista. harper'sWriodicals. TEK YEAU: HARPER'S MAGAZINE „....$1 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY „.._ 4 00 HARKER'S BAZAR i 00 HARPER'8 YOUNO PEOPLE 2 00 HARPKR'K FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY, One Year (52 N umbers) U0 00 Poetagt Fr to ail subtcriber in tht UnUed Stata or Canada. The volume of the Magazine begin wltli be Number for June and December ofeacli year When no time U apecifiml. It will be underatood that the subscriber wishes lo begln wlth the onrrent Number. Bou nd Volumes of Harpek's MAOA7.ixK.for threeyears back, in neat cloth binding, will besent by muil, postpaid, on recelpt of $3.uo CCa lij lit.íT," A3ai-plli" ' Index to Harpïk's Magazine, AlphabetIcal, Aualytical, and Classllled, for volumen 1 to tíi, Inclusive, from June, 1S50. to June, ISao, one vol., Svo, Cloth, {4.00. Remittiinces should be made by P-wt-Offlce Mouey Order or Draft, to avoid chauce of loss. Nttvspapers are not to copy thit advertisgrwnt without the espreis order o] H a kkeb L BrothKCddrea HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. 1886. Harper's "Woelsly. 1LLUSTRATKD. . Habper's Wiekiy has now for more than twenty years, malutained lts posltlon as the lead ng illustrated weekly uewspaper In America. Wlth a constant increase of llterary and artistlc resources, itlsable to offer forthe ensulng year attracllons uuequalled by any previous volume, embractng two capital lllustrated serial slorles.oneby Mr. Thos. Hardy, among the foremoat of living wrllers of üciiou.aud Iheother by Mr.Walter Besant, one of the most rapldiy niug ot ingusli try; e'üVefláTWfnk'storlés.'mtístTy nfuStraTéaí by the best writers, and Important papers by hig-i) authorilieauii tbeuhiet' topics of the dav. üvery one wlio deslíes a trustwortliy polltical Kulde, entertatnlngand lnstructlve ramily Journal, entirely free from objecllonablc features elther in lotterprt ss or ïllustrations, ahould subscribe to Harpek's Weekly". HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PEE YEAR : HARPER'S WEEKIA „ $i Ou HARPER'S MAUAZIXE _ „... 4 00 HARPEK'S BAZAR _ _ 4 00 HARHER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 HARPER'S FRANKLIN SQUARE LIBRARY. One Year löi NumbersJ 10 00 Pottagt Frte to ail tuöaeribers in tht United Statu or Canada. The Volumes of the Wkekly begin with the flrst Number for January of eacb year. Wheu no time is mentioned. II wlll be understood that the subscriber wishes tocommence wlth the Number next after the recelpt of order. Bound Volumes of Habper's Weekly for three years back. In neal olotb binding, wlll be sent by mail, postage paid, or by expresa, free of expense (provlded the frelghl does not exceed oue dollar per volume ), for $7.00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable ior binding, will be sent by mail, postpald, uil recelpt of 1.00 each. Reraittances should he made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chan loss. yni'tpavert are not to copy this advrrtietment withouC uu ciïrrets order oj Uakí'ki; & BkothEKS. Addres HARrER & BROTHERS, Nw York. ¦ale't Boney thegreat Couch cure,;5o.,50ck tl Clenn'iSulphurSoap heals & boautines. 25c. CenuanCorn Brmovcr kllls Corn k Bunion Hiir Halr ind Whltksr Oye- Black and Brown, 60c. Ftke's Too t hache Drops euro In 1 Ulnute.ttc Dean's RheumaUc Pllls ar ur cure, 60e. THE HEW-YORKTRIBUNË. THE KEW-YOBK TRIBUNE pnten upon the new subacrlpUon year with uudimintshed iaitli in tlie reatoratlon to power ot the party which baa uhown the greut oapadty ior safe. patriotio, intelligent govemmeut. It Uiauks it agente and iriends ior their hoarty aupport during the laat year. THE NBW.YOKK TRIBUNE remains the principal natlonal exponent ot the argumenta, doctrlaea and alma of the Kopublican party. It is a strong, aggreaalve newapaper, uncompromlalngly Itepublican, and faithlully devoted to the homo intereata of all America. The paper labora earueatly lor a proUx tiv. tariff, to develop tlie reaouroea of the different States and aecore good wagea, good tood, goou oli'thlnK and comfortable hornea for the people, and itself paya tho hlgheat prioea to lts own men of any office In New York city ; lor oqoal rlghta and an honeat vote, North and South ; iur every practical meaanre in the luteroaU of morallty and tempcrance and lol upright, digiüüed, patrloüo government Republicans Heed The Tribune. Every intelligent farmer: ft-eiy old soldier; cvptt worWer aud active man oí wbatover ocruimüon ; every mod wlfB with family ; nnil eveiy enizeu wlio wanta to ldeoUfy himiKlf wilfi the party of proirreH. brilliaut aohievement and moralitv, nels Til K TUI m N I.. THKTBIBUNK wlll UoRood reiulinR atter Oodmism meeta. wtien Evllt Hhennan, Ixijtan. arnl other ln-ul. iant leaders begin to aak the AdmlulatraUou (lueationn ""At in agrtcoltural paper THE TRIBUNE la unex. oelled. A Series of War Stories. The frrander featurM ot the War for the l'nion havo all beQ recorded. Tha minor incident, the tlirilllnc anrt romantic epiaodea, are a great volnsio, uL whlcn only tew ctupfonihavB pvertKwn wnttcu. TIK NEU-VORK TRIOUNB offer A PR1ZE OF WtSO lu cjwih forthe tMt Btory of tlie late ar. wi-ltuin by a private soldier or aailor of the l'nion torces, or by an offleer nnder the rank oí colnnel or Vavy Captain, about 6,000 worda in leiiRth. relat Ing a thrullns Incident, raid, Üglit. eacape, adviniture, or exDerience. oí whlch lie lilmsclf wa a part or an eye wttneaa. A PRIZE OF 100 wlll Kina for ; the seoond bent Twenty tlve i.r more of theao atortea wlll be publlahed duiíng 1886. Kvery onu acceptrd will be pald for whether it wlns a pitee or not. The beat two wlll recclve the prlzes. PnblicaUoa uëirtna Januarv 6th. Tho competltion enda July lat, 1880. AU uiaáuacripta careluiiy read. Premiums. Wood'a nonsehoM Pracüce of Medicine, two liamlome volumea. proluely lllustrated; Webotera and ¦WoroeatCT'a Unabrldd'sl Dietionarlen; ltilpath's IIluatrated lllatory of the l'ulted wtiite; Young'a Coucordance of tho Bible: and tho Wnterlmiv Watsh. öeod lor eample copy, whlch deiKribta the lucmliuus. TERMS. The Daily, 75 cents month : t8.6O a year. The Snn. dy Trlbuue. ulone, $1.60 a year. TU Seim-W inkly. $ï 50 u year. or $2.00 in clubs. The W kly, $1.25 a yer, or il 00 In clubs. Olve your Rubucrlption ti Tilt TBIBUNE'8 looal Club Agent, il there is one. THE TRIBUNE, York. VTbm Bsby was slck, we gare ber C ASTOEIA Whon she was a ChUd, ahe crled for CASTOEIA When she becsme MUa, aha clong to CASTOKIA TTTi.n ahe had CUUdren . be gave them CASX'A


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