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Dr. Duti8ter is to uldress the University Tempernnce Association Suturday cvening, in Uie chapel, at 8 o'clock. Miss AUic S. LotcII, lit. class of '82, has been appointcd Probate Register for Genesee County. Probably the first woniau ever appointed to that office in Michigan. Nathan Corbin, lit. '85, aftera long and eevere lllness at Oundee, has returned with Lis motlier to Ann Arbor, and is rapidly recovering. He wil] euter the class of '8G. A very fine picture has been taken of the twenty young lady incmberg of the lit. class of '88, cach wearing the college cap and gown. Randali & Burnham feel proud of it, as well as the ladies. The return game between the Wiudsor and the University Rugby teams was played last Saturday p. m. notwithstanding theunpropltious weather. The game resultod 89 toj in favor of the university club. Miss Nettie Daniels and Miss V. D. Jayne returned yesterday from Syracuse, X. Y., whera they attended the animal conventiou of the Gamma Phl Beta society. A new chaptcr was cliartcrcd at the University of Wisconsin. The junior laws, at tlieir meeting Saturday Moeeeded iu clcctiug ¦ president, Messrs. Denny and McKniglit both withdrawing, and Mr. Kuhne, of Indiana taking the honors. The Sigma Chi's have a representative in Kuhne. Hon. Wm. P. Wells, lecturer in the law department, was made a vice president of the free trade convention at Chicago last week. Freo trade seems to come as natural to the theoretical college professor as obstlnacy does to a mulé. The sophomore Hts have chosen the following class offleers : President, J. E. Hodge, S.ind Beach; vice-i)resident, Miss Mary E. Ashley, Aun Arbor; secretary Clayton A. Head, liichland; treasureV J. C Bauacher, Cleveland, O. Saturday the senior law class finished up its eleotion of chiss oiücers, and the following were the lucky ones : Orator, I. N. Huutberger, on the sixty-fliet ballot; historian, J. A. Crawfoid poet, Miss Burlingame; toast-niaster, W. W. Wendall; propbet, F. G. Higgine; consolator, C. M. Itice. Jean Whctmure, lit '81, was in the city Thursday. He is traveling agent for the Okonite C mpany of New York, a company which makes an insulating covering tot elecirc light, telegraph and telephone wires. The company is a strong one and üs their patenis are valnable, Jean has a fine position. A dispatch was reccived by a prominent :itizen of ourcity Moiulay from awidow lady in Lawrence, Kansas, asking about lier boyv and wanting to know f he was ilive, and desiring an immediate replv; ihe thinking that there was a great riot n progress here, and that the streets run aiood. Tuis shows the utter absurdlty ind cruelty even of such a great howl over i little thing. i ne ut. tresümen hcld their first tlection last Saturday forenoon, and the tide of politics run high. Theentireclass participated, co-eds. and all. U. S. Holden, oL Chicago, acted as chairmnn. Tliose elected were : President, C. U. Champion, of Coldwater ; vicejiresident, Miss Garriguee, of Ann Arbor; secretary, H. Remington; treasurer, S. G. Jenks; orator, Louis Boyle; after voting that 100 should constitute a quorum of the class, the tneerthg adjourned to complete the election next Saturday. Ín í recent numberof theMechanic isa letter from Europe witten by a meinber of a party of wheelmen which has the following : "At Brussels we encountered a young American, formerly a student In the universky of Michigan who had come to Europe for his health over a year before, and learned to ride tlie wheel there, and had ridden it ever since over the whole of Europe. He had crossed the Alps on the wheel four times, and was then heading for Antwerp and Engliind. llis health was completely restored by his riding, aud when we saw him he was a ruddy, stalwart youtli, the very picture of health and vigor. All we want is justlce. We want it, we deserve It, and we'll have It. We propoRe to have liberty if It takes the last cent. There seems to be an alllance between the saloons, the pólice, the common councll anti the devll. 1 am no crank. There are 60 or 60 Krog-shops, and they can do what they like, but a helpless student with a boíl on hls neck raust suffer." Tlie above according to the Chronicle extra was the speech of Mr. Crozier, a law student, at the student's mass meeting held last Friday uight. It tshoukl be eniblazoned in letters of gold, on a leathcr medal and sold for 50 cents apicce. It should be embalmcd in the heart of every libertyloving miniön of the (out)law. It should be- but why expatiate ? The grandeur of the grandilloqueuce is too much! Two inutch ! About as disgraceful a thing as ever een upou ourstrcetsoccurred at theSavings' Bank corner last Slonday evening. The crowd of loaf'ers who mnke that particular locality a dread to the public, encouraged two young lads to light, and tben stood and laughed at theni as they pounded and bruiaed each other. It wag a scène that was disjrraceful and degrading. Shauie upon such conduct. The state board of education baa appolnted Edward Duft'y, our postmaster, as a member of the board of visitors to the Detroit College; to the German-American Seminary, Detroit, Prof. Del'ont, of this city, and Prof. Lodeniann, of Ypsilantl; and Prof. David Putnam, of Ypsilanti, to Albion colloge. The board of visitors to the Normal School are: David Howell, Lansiug; G S. White, Jackson; A. R. Avery, Port Huron. An exchange says that the newspapers of to-day in an encyelopedia, a poem, a biography, a history, a romance, a time table, a gi.ide, a cook book. a horoscope, an art eritic, a political resume, a ground plan of the clvilized world, a lowprlced multum in parvo. It is a sermón, a song, a circus, au obituary, a picnic, a shipwreck, a symphony in solid brevier, a medley of life and death, a grand aggration of man's glory and shame. It Is, in short, a bird's eye view of all the magnanimity and meannes, the joys and griefs, the births and deaths, the pride ind poverty of the world, and all for two cents. It seems too bad that because of the boorishness of a few patrons of the opera house the lovers of the play in this city must be denied the privilege of hearing many of the flrst-class entertainment traveling. Booth persistently refuses to set his foot on Ann Arbor soil again, and three Üftetrclass troupes whicli h:id made engagenieuts for the opera house this season, have canceled their dutcs hero because they were not willing to eucounter the noise and insult of the tnob that uil the gallerie6and has no respect for actors, audience or thewselves. We have little hope of this intolerable nuisance being etopped until the opera house ghall have been c'osed by reason of the refusal of entertainment to come here. Would not Manager Sawyer be the galuer by closing the gallenen entirely?


Ann Arbor Courier
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