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A writer In the Bulletin Generale de 'lmipeutique says that refrigerntiou of ie lobe of the ear wlll stop biccough, whatever ts cause may lie. Very sliglit etrigcrution, snch 19 a drop of cold water, s siiiil to be sufflcient. THÏÏËOTilT! THE LARUEST, THE ABLEST, THE BEST Relipus ani Literary Weefcly. The most Influential rcliglous organ n tho Xtatos.- The Spectator, Lomlon, Entinad. The INDEPENDENT ie onc of the bot pers in the world. lts eoort points are many and triklng. Tbey hare only to be atatcd to be ptreciated : and foroof of our claims appeal may e taken to any of the flfty-two issues of the year. Any numburof TnE Indepindbnt will sho.v ihm a couteuts are marked by II II. 111 VARI KT Y I INTRRïSiT.-Tbe Rrcut thinkers, the ;rcat story -writurs he groat poets, men of the ht,'hft repntation iu It departments of humau knowlediie, wuke up ita ut 01 cnntributorw. Keligiou, philobophy, BCieutc, iteratnre, art, travel?, discoveries, slories, and all onceivable topics are embraced in rhe conienu, tid everybody old or younjr, loarned and uulearnd, without renard to wex, employraent, or condition will flnd sumethlng of special interest Invcry issue. )OMPRF.HKMI KXESS It isa reelous, a literary, an educitlonal, a story, an art, a clentltlc, an agricultura!, a tlnancial and a polit cnl paper combtned, 111(1-:% (tri!. CAÜDDB, KAUNESTKHS,-I'BI iNDBPSNDK.ST Is tled tO DO deUOIDnation ; It it the orinan of no clique or party iu tate or Church. It ia free, therefore, to dlscuss dl qnestiops, and to speak its mipd caodldly. It j not aworved by fear or favor. It 16 a vlorous eronder of the hvangeltcal faltti. It prea hes praclcal ritíhteouáat'ss, and earumtly supports alt mora' reforms. All lts columns- the advertislng 8 well as tae re iding- ara frue frora evi-rylhiuff of oubtful or objectiouuble character. Nü matter what a piTson'a religión, politics or proTesslon may be, if he de-lre to keeD up with the times and cnuw what the brlghtost mlndi are thinking of, lie ablest pen are wrltlag about. and what the world at lare U dolng - he sïiould read Tuk IndkPENDENT. TER TO SUHSCRIHERM: 'hreemonths $ 75 One year $ :! 00 foitr monthd 1(10 Two yearH S 00 Slxmonths 1 ry) Klvu years 10 00 Can any ono mak a bettcr invcHtment of $'-'.00 o $4.00 taan one which wlll p:iy 52 DIVÍDENOS DURING THE VfiAS. 52 EVERY INTBr.UGENT PAMII.Y NEEDS A OOOI) NEWSI'.U'EK. Il is a neCfBslty for parets and chlldren. A (tood way to make the acquaintance of The NDEPENDsNiia to send S0 cents fora "lYial trip" of a month. SPECIMEX COPIES FREE. No papers are sent to subacribers after the time pald tor has explred. The Independent' ¦) Clobblng List wlll be -nt ree to any person asking lor It. Any one wlthinL o subscribe for one or mure pipers or maaziues, n connecllon wlth Tbe Indepksde.nt, can save monef by orderlngj'rom our Club Litt. Addreas THE INDEPENDENT, P. O. Box S787. New York. 1886. Harper's Bazar. ILLU8TRATKD. Harper's Bazab is the only paper ia the world that combines the choicest llterature and the flnest art lllustrations with the latest fashlons and methods of household adornment. lts weekly illustratlons and descrlptlons of the newest Paris and New York styles, wlth lts useful pattern-sheet supplement and cut pntterns, byenabllng Iadies to be thcir own drossmaken, save many times the co6t of 8ubscription. lts papers on cooklng, the management of servan ta, and housekeeplng in its varlous details are eminently practical. Much attentlon Is glven to the intercstlng topic of social etiquette, and lts Illustratlons of art uerdle-work are acknowledged to be unequalled. lts literary merit is of the hlgbest excellence, and the unlque character of i ts humorons plctures has won for It the mime oí tbc American Punch. HARPER'S IPERIODICALS. PEE YEAE: HARPER'S BAZAR f- OU HARPERS MAGAZINE _ 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLK ' 00 HARPER'S KRANKhIN SQUARE LIBRARY, One year (52 Numbers) 10 00 l'xfagc Free to all subscriben in ;h Vnilcd Stutés or Canada. The volumes ol the üazak begin with tbe flrst numberfor January for eftch year. Wheu no time is mentioned, It will be understood that tbe ubucriher wlshos to wltli tüe number next iilK-rthc rewipt of order. Hound volunit's of H.wtrKii's BAZAR, for three years back, tn neat clotii hlndui, wlll be sent by mail, postage puid. or by expresa, free of expense (provided the frelght does not exceed one dollar per volume(, for 17.00 per volume. Cluth Cases for each volume, saltable lor blndinc wlll be sent by mail, postpald, on reoelpt of $1.00 each. Remlttance sbould be made by Post-Office Mouey Order or Draft. to avold cliinue of loss. jXewsjxtperf nre nol lo copi this advrtisrjw n ' wllhout ttie tjrjn-es order of IIaki'KK UitoTU KK-S. Addre-i IIARPKR & HHOTHKI:. iNew York. 1SM. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLT. The posltion of Hari-er's TOUHQ Pi:oii.i as tho leading perlodlcal for young readers is well established. Tbe pubÜHbers spare no palns to provide tbe bestaud most atlrmtlvf readlng umi lllustrations. The serial aui' short lories have strong dramatic interest whi Ie they are wholly free f rom what is per nlclous or vulgarly sensatlonal ; the papers on natural hlstory and scienci', travel, and the facts of llfe, are by writers whose DUIM uive the best aasurance of accuracy mul VMD6 lllustrated papen on athletlc sports, gainrs and pastlmea gtve full Information oti the subjects. There is nothlug cbeup abont i but lts prlco. An epitome of everything that i attrtctive ant desirable in juvenile llterHture. - Hoston Courier. A weekly fc;ist of good thins to ttie boys an ifirls in evcry frmily which it visils. - Brooktyn Union. It is wonderful in its wcalth of pictures, Informa tion and interest,- Christian Advocate, N. Y. TERMS : Postagre Prepald, $2 PerTear Vol. VII, connnences Aovember 3, J:i - Single numbers, S cents eacb. Rerulttances ahould be made by Post-Offlco Money Order or Drafl, toavoid chance of loss Newspapers are not to copytKxs advertisemen untSout the ejcprtts order of H K kpkr & Ukoth eks. Address HARPF.R & BROTHERS, New York.


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