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The ladies of the university are talking of publisbing the Amulet again this year. The eider mili aero the river has been theMecca of the student' pilgrimaje thlg The freshaian social at Hnngsterfer's hall Saturday night was an enioyable affulr. The Detroit U.of M. alumni, belonging to the D. K. E.'s held an annual banquet luesday evening. Lewia C. Hunt, law, '85, is on a cattle ranch in the Bad Lands of Central Northern Dakota, iiear Medora. A reception will be given Canon Farrar this evening, at the residence of Prof. Morris, by the Hobart Guild. The Detroit Tribune proposes to establlsh an ageney in each department of the universlty. That's enterprise for you. A Medical Science Club has been organlzed In the senior medical class for social, literary and scientltlc adyancement. John Sheelian U now a f uil -fledged juniorlaw. John has a good giftof language and bids fair some day to shine on the forum. The junior medies have ndopted the silk plug as a class hat, because " a plug hat would convey to its wearer a professional air, much to be desired." Chas. L. Carter, lit. '88, has gone to Knroiif aa nrlvuf ui.ratrj. tn ,!-,-, who goes on government business connected with the tate department. There are upwards of 250 Catholic students attending the university, and they have organized a lecture board and propose to have lectures from some of their faith. The Detroit Tribune is the champion of the students in their kick for justice, and as an "ad" has dlstributed seyeral hundred cojiies in the professional departments. The junior hop committee promises us the ' ' swellest " affair ever given at the U. of M., and are at present tryitig to getthe Masonic hall in the 8t. James block for the dance. - Chronlcle. Prof. Jones spent portions of the fall at KarUbad, Bohemia, Venice and in Switzerlaud, and is now in Rome for the winter. He will return next September to begin his work in the university again. A social was glven to the freshman class on Monday evening, at the residence of Miss Sara Whedon, on N. State st., in the interest of the Studente' Chrlstian Association, at which abouteighty were preseat. The cases brought against Messrs. Bennett, Swartwood and Manly for violation of the city ordinances, bef ore Justice Frueauff, have been discontinued by the advlce of City Attorney Kinne, a compromise having been eSected and certain pledges glven. Bennett, who was tineii $60, had the fine remitted, but paid all coits incurred by the city, some $20. In this actlon the city officials have sbown a liberal spirit, and we believe it is appreciated by the boy, and sincerely bope that this is the end of all trouble and ill feeling. A TIUBÜTB TO A WOBTHT MAN. Wednesday, Uic 18tli nat., waa the 7lth blrthday of Dr. Asa Gray, the celebrated botanist, whose long connection vritb Harvard Universlty lias aloiost caused to be forgotten that be, as long ago as 1838, was appolnted Profeasor iu tbe Uuiversity of Michigan. Dr. Oray was in fact tbe tirst Professor appointed here. Hii principal active service In the University was the part he took In purchasing books in Europe for the library. Before the organization of regular classes at Ann Arbor, he accepted an offer froin Harvard and has ever since made hls home at Cambridge. Knowiug tbat friends of Dr. Gray were unlting in a testimonial to him, the University Sonate adopted a congratulatory address, prepared by Dr. WInchell, a copy ot' which was sent to him by the secretary of the Seuate. Below we give the address in full and a copy of the reply recently recelved trom Dr. Gray: ADDBKSS OF THE SEN ATE TO DR. ORAY. " To Profcttor Aëa Qroy, M. D., LL. D.: The Seuate of Tbe Univeraily of Michigan, mlDdfut of tbe approach of tbe neven ty-flfth iiiiiiiTBrnary of your ulrth, take great pleasure In sendlng you tbelr greetlnga on tne occaalon. We congratúlate you tbat Ufe and health and uaefulnosa bave been prolongwi tlll three-quartera of a century bave paiwed over your baad. We entertain tbe bope tbat many year of actlvlty yet remaln. " Wltb our congratulatlona we beg to gire expreaslon to a Uvely sentiment of Kratltude for ervIceB rendered to your cliosen olence tlurlug a long and devoted Ufe. You round the sclence of botany barred by a bedge of technlcalltle agalust tbe approach ol the coramou student. You bave made lt the delluht aod the lmplratlon of tbe youth of tbe land. You bave subjected the aolenoe of botany In 1U hlgber departmenta to lucid and maslerly expoaitlon. Many of tbe cornfirt-tiensive and critica! reviews of the Amercan Flora bave proceded from your pen. Tne botanlcal page of tbe American Journal of Science reveal labor sufflcleut In volume and valué tonlland honor a llfetime. And tbete labora are yours. We hall you aa tlie Nestor of American Botany. Few of U8 tbero are wbodo not feel gratefully proud to teatlfy our personal obllgutlona to you for ald and lnapfratlou In our earller sludlea; and none of ua fail to appreoiate tbe servlcea and honor wülch you have rendered to educatlon and cultured acholarahlp. We reoall the eathollc spirit and breadth of view wlth which you have treated queatlona of the interpretatlon and philosopby of acience. We tbaulc you for your acute but Juat and conaervatlve critlclama and estímate of tbe doctrine of Kvolutlon throngb Natural Heleotlon. at a time when tbe doctrine waa new and riilug lnto overabadowlng lmportance which fllled many honeat mlnda wlth apprehenalon. We thank you agaln for stopping to the defenae of fundamental rellgloua truth Uuough tu powor of th very pbllosopby whlch so many thought ent into the world to destroy religión. But for all that you bare done, we do not relean you from terrice We expeot you to serre yet many reara the cause of educatlon and sacred truth ; and we expect to concede you the hlghest honor o all for the labore wliloh, we trust, are destlned to adorn the last quarter of your oentury. " Wlth us, the pleasure of these congratulatlons Is quite peculiar, si nee we can bail you as an honored ex-professor In our Ünl versity. Your inemory readlly reveru to the crude lnfancy of thla lnstltutlon, wheu your name was chosen to stand ürst In lts Hst of professors. You recall your actual parttclpatlon In the laborsof our earlyorganlzatlons: and we trust that, whlle your recognlzec glfts of mlnd and haart found early employmBTit In a broader field tban wasofTered In Michigan, you have neverceased to entertain an Interest In the Unlrerslty whlch you alded to Inaugúrate, and havesome personal satlsfactlon In seelng the tender shoot of 1888 grown to the dimenslons of the sturdy oak ol 1885. " Accept, Respected Slr, our kind remembrance and our cordial greetlngs." DR. OKAï'.t RSPLÏ. Cambridge, M APS., November 20, 1885. Prof. W. H. Pettee, Secretan 0 tht Smalt othe unlvmtti of Michigan: Diar 8ir :- I cannot well say how deeply I wan tonched and gratlfled by the congratulatory address foriu the Sonate nf your Unlrerslty whlch I found on my table on the momIng of ray 75th blrthday, accompanled by your official and frlendly note. I was partleularly luipressed wlth the breadth of lts survey of the labore of my llfe and wlth the dlscrlmlnatlng reterence to some of them whlch would escape ordinary notlce. I beg you to convey to the Senate my grateful acknowledgement of the very kind notlce tlius taken of me and my endeavors. I recogniae moreover the fitness of lts lntlmatlon tbat I should make the most o the few years that may perhapsremaln. lam happy lo be able to declare tbat my appetlte for work is vet unabated ; also that labor is stil 1 attended wlth joy rather than wlth torrow whlch the Psalmist contemplates. I am miich pleased that, although a deserter from the ranks before the war began I am generously recognlzed as an ex-professor ol the Unlverslty of Michigan. I suppoae that the only direct service I ever rendered lt was that of Ketting together, hen In Europe In litis 9, the books whlch were the miihII foundation of lts llbrary. I well the gratitled feellng wlth whlch, long afterwards, I inctdentally heard that the first President of the unlverslty, on vlewing thls slender collectlon, expressed the opinión that the books had been well selected for the purpose. I hare nevor ceaaed to be partlcularlr interesled In the Unlrerslty in whlch I expected to pass my Ufe. I regret that clrcuinstances have hitherto almost wholly prevented me from .verlfylng the lmpressfon whlch I hare reoelred of the amplitude of lts appllances for the hlgher educatlon and of the worthy and efficiënt use that Is made of them. I am Indeed glad that 1 hare lired to see the acorn whlch was planted In my youth develop Into "the long survirlng oak," vlgorous and benefiolent In iu youth, and rich In the proinlse of future reara. May lis leaf nevcr wlther nor lts frultage never fll ! Please to convey to the Senate my heartlest thanks for such "kind remembrance and cordial greetlngs " and belleve me to be Very Truly Your, ASA GRVT. " Klnne says let us have peace. City Attoruey Klnne made overtures to the young men lately arrested to compromiso the matters growing out of the late student troubles. Afier much discussion lt was agreed that the city should drop the cases against Manir and Swirtwood wilhout any cost on the students. In the oase ot Mr. Bennett lt Is agreed that all proceedings against hlm shall be stopped, Mr. Bennett payingonly those expenses actually lncurred by the city, up to date In the prosecutlon- this lncludes Jury and wltness rees, etc. This compromiso does not preclude any proceedtngs againut the pólice forcé lor thelr misdemeanon." " lt is surprislng to note how great an Interest In thls Uoiversity lsdlsplayed by the state and local press as soon as anything of a dlsorderly nature tak es place in the city. Wlth very ïntle regard as to the facts in the oase they present to thelr readers slanderous attacks upon thestudentsand expatlate upon the miserable character of the young men attendlng here. They can scarcely llnd any eplthet too slanderous to apply to us, there Is hardly anything so vlle that lt Is not found In us : this vast body of students Is lminedlately transfonned Into "aa organiiedmob" without respect for law or order. The news lsoarried from state to state untll throughout the unlon we are known as a body of rïoters aud dlsturbers of the peace." "The Junior laws have heartx as large as their class- they lead by a score or more all other classes In thelr donatlons to a worthy cause- a cause whlch comes home toall, for who knows but he may be the next to be arrested and dragged beroie hls liouor lm the offenee of tr;lng lu gel mail at the Ano Arbor postotflee.'1 Tbe abovc quotatlons are all taken from the last issue oL Tlie Chronicle. ïhey are not written in exactly the spirit om' would anticípate a Students' Curistian Association would incúlcate, eapocially if it teaches the doctrine, " if thine (supp08ed) enemy sraite thee upon one ).. w tu ¦¦ y lan the QthüT." It ia quite evident that the writer of the sucond quotation had not read the columns of all the local press, if he had done so he could not have made the sweeping assertions therein contained.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News