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MOST PERFECTIASÜ Propared with special regard to hoaltb. No AmnimilH, Unió or TPlum. PR1CE BAKI'Ji POWDER C0.. CHICACO. ST. LOUIS. pf ]f SPECIAL ilEXTRACTS MOST PERFECT MADE Purest and stromeest N'aturaJ Fruit FUrors. V anilla, Lemnn, Oranp Alninnd. Iío.-h-, etc., tiavor as tlelicatí'y and ..¦iturnllyH ihefniiL OHUM. price Baking Powder Co. ST. LOC1S. Invalids 'Hote 1 1 Surgica! Instituto BUFFALO, KT. -5TOreaniznl wiili a fnll SlafT of elghtecn Experienced and Sklllful Phyíiclans and Suncrons tor the treatment of all h ron Ir Diaeatca. OUR FIELD OF SUCCESS. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, Throat and l.unii Disoane, L,iver and Kitlnry Diseases, Bladder Dincascs, DlnntCK of W o ni ni, Blond Dlfteases and Nervou Affectioiix, cured here or at homo, with or without, set'íng: the patiënt. Come and see U8, or wnd Icn cents ín slumps for our "Invalid' Guido Book," wnich jrivos iill partimilars. a___s, Xcr ons Itrliility, InipoI flniniTF I'1'111') IVocturnal Lonsrii, I UtLIuATt I ¦'""' " norbid C'onditioiiH I n I rnused hy 1 m Ui in 1 t'olnicp 0p? I lies and lVrni iou Soli[UIJLBJLO. arJ. j.ractiCCB are giirodily "¦ and pcrraanently cured hy our Specialiste. Book, post-paid, 10 ets. in stamp. ______ Kuptnrc, or Ureaoh, radiI n I 'li.v curríl without tho knife, I KUPTURE I without trussrs. without, pain. I hui min.. an(, withont rta,,,,. cnre ¦ uarauteod. Book sent íor ten cents in stninpa. l'Il.r. TlinOKS and STKICTURES treated under gnaranteo lo cure. Book sent for ten cents in stainpg. Address Wobld's Dispensaiiv Medical Association, 603 Main Street, Buffalo, N. V. _c_ The treatmont of many Hinrinro iir thousands of cases of thosc UISEbSES OF diseasus peculiar to WnilFV WOMEKT nuwen. at the invaIid8' Hote, an(1 "- """ Surjfical Instituto, has afforded largro oxprrience in adaptin remedies for their cure, and DR. PIERCE'S Favorite Prescriptíon Is tho result of this vast experience. It ia a powcrful ReKtorative Tonlc and Nervino, imparts vitfor and strengtn to the systcm, and cures, as ir by magic, corrhea, or "hitos," excessive (louine, painfnl meiistruatiou, iinnataral suppresaious, prolapsus or falliiiK of the nterUH, weak back, anteversiou, rctrovcrslon, bcariiiudown Ncnsat ions. clironic roiisrcstion. i n flam mal on nnd ulceratloii of lili' woiub, i ii riani m.itloii. paln and liiulcrinss in otaria, interna! beat, and "fruíale wcakncss." It líromptly relieves and cures Nausea and Wcakuess of Stomaeh, luditi'Kion, Rloati ni;, NervouH Froxtratlou, aud SleeplcsHiicss, in cither sez. DDinC t I nn or c rottlfs rnllit 4 I .UUf for $s.ob. Send ten cents in stamps for Dr. Pieree'a larure Treatise on Diseases of Women, Ilustra ted. World's Dispensar? Medical Association, 663 Main Street, BUFFAIiO, H.T. gX SICK-HEADACHE, ní IIIIIouh Headache, B "v, Dlzziness, C'oustlpa- L3fsfclh. tlon, Ind iKCMti on, .V JTmt aild ilion AttaekN, rjflV KjNte promptly cured by Dr. 7a IS Pierce'H PUatant tJti. WT Furgatlve Pellets, "i r" cents a vial, by Druguists. MMUNlTYfromANNOYANCE Sfff m '¦ dB 2aJ ' ( , Pat. 03L.3Qtíi,l883 I Hado onTy of tho flnoxt umi bost qnallty f tilas for wlthslandiiiK heuL. Everjr good thing1 ia Oounterfeited, and consumors are CATJTIONED againet IMITATIONS of these OhimneyB made of VERY POOR GL ASS. Soe that the exact label is on each chimney aa above. The Pearl Top is alwaya clear and bright Glass. Uannfactared OJÍLT by GEO. A. M ACBETH & CO. IMttsbnrfrli I.oml llaM Works. POR SALE BY DEALERa rrM-r 7 Elïilif t 1-2 I - ) s I T' síítíiK'iiti ut Iv n liiau KJt'LílJL.I A l-JtllCii -int 1. iet tg ,hil cuítiuljíc, íUi'i i Mt'DJ ' D I [1I " "" Ewilish in tyic, efjL fiJB irit ugtnt trnt out .' 'LRE 'VI 'S 'E D tW rruortt on otiltr at n;-j J?rf ÊÊÊóatl for Uoo werk!. It.i.o f t 'ilFtS'ION mm chunco for agent v i ft money. Snd $1.00 'or out¦nBBHBjB fit. Turks ti:i:v mrrrai. f WÊKH Th Uenry Bill fnb. Cn., vru;ioh, CtmtL 1247-1:111


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