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f HM. I IMH IIUWIO BY TM U. S. OOVT TO CAREY THE F8T MAIL. IS 99 It U the only Une with lts own track trom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Eithor by way of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joscph, Alchlson or Kantas City. It connectt In Union Depots wilh through tralns from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastern polnlt. II Is the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND A. CITY OF MEXICO It travertes all of the slx great States of ILLINOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI, NEBRASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO with branch Unes to all thelr Important cltlc.s and townt From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, it runs ever day In the year from one to three elcgantly equipped through train over itt own tracks belween Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joscph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rapids, Chicago and Sloux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all polntt In Northwest, West and Southwest. Hsequipment It complete and tirst class In every 5 articular, and at all Important points Interlocklng witches and Signalt are used. thus insurlng comfort and satety. For Tickett, Ratel. General Inlormatlon. etc. regardlng the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent In the United States ir Canada, or addrets T. J. POTTER Ut V.P. &. Qtx. Mor., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, Amt. Gen. MOK., Cmioaqo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Oïn. Pms. Aot., Cmicaoo. Commlssloners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Wiubtcnaw,i. Tho anderslgned haïtnfr been nppointed by the Probate Court for eald CoanLy, Commiesioneri to receiye, examine and adjant all claim? and demarid ui II pereonp uain-t thu r-tau' of Jacob II. Htcks, late of -aid countv, deceaned. bereby give riotice ih;itii montliH Trom date are allowed, by order of aaid ProbHïo Court, for creditore to preeent their claims agatnat the eat&te of tiaid deceaped, and that they wlïï meet at the Probate Office In the city of Ann Arbor, in sald connty. on Tu ¦- day, the ÏHth day of January, and on Monday, the 2flth day of April next, at ten o'cloclc A. M of each ofxaid days, to receive, examine and adjnatsaid claims. Dated, Octolxr. 28, 1885. I1KNKY U PLAT1', ) BB.NJ. BROWN, VCommiaüioners. J. EVAKT SMITU. Real Estáte for Sale. OTATEOFMICHIGAN.Conntyof In the Matter of the EsUte of Margaret C. Kin?, rleccaced. Notice Is hereby givcn. that In pnrunance of an order grantedto the nndersigned administrator of tlie of eatd deceaied. bj ihe Hon. Judgc of Probate Tor the Connty of Washtenaw, on the S8ih day ofOctober, A.D. lfeS.tbere will bosoldat poblic vendne, to the highett bidder, at the Eiwt front door of tbe Court Uouse, in the City of Ann Arbor, in the Oogst) of Wanhtenaw. in faid State, on Satnrday, the 12th day of Decembr, A. D. 1888, at ten o'clock In the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbrancee by mortape or otherwise exlatine at the time of the deatti of naid deceased) the following described reil estáte, to-wit : Lot two (2), three (3), foor (4), ve (5), hIx (S), and peven (7), ín bïock one 11), t'artridee's ddftion to the city of Ann Arbor, Waeblenaw (Jooniy Ia Michigan. BENJAMIN J. COSRAD, Ailmiiiistmior. Dated Oct. 23, 1885. Real Estáte for Sale. STATE OK MICHIGAN, County of Wailitenaw.SB. In the miitler or the estáte of AblgtU L. Maynard, au Incompetent person. NOTICE ík hereby glven, that In puinnanee of an order Kranted to undersljjiieii K"rillnii, of Al)igall l: Maynanl. by the Hon. Judge of Probate for tlie i'ounty of WaKlitnnaw, on the 3üth day of Oclober. A. D. 1888, there will be sold at public vendue, to the hlgheat bidder, at the east front door of the Courl House In the City of Anu Arbor, in the County of Washteuuw In aald state, on Tuesday, the 22d day of December. A. D. 1885, at 10 o'clock In tlie forenoon 01 thut day (Hubject to all hy mortgige or otherwise exlating ut the time of the auto, all the rlht. tltle and Interest ei Hald incompetent persou, the roltowlng desc-nbed Real Estáte, to-wlt: Lol number flve in H'ock number flve sonth range two east, in the city of Ann Arhor, Waahtenaw Uounty In Michigan ; iilso h strip of land four rods wlde, north and south lying dlrectly east of and adjolning "aiil lot, number live, aud extendlng east to tlie west llue of range three i-.ri. In the city of Aun Arbor aferesald. Also lots numher flve and slx in block number flve eouth and range nuruber one east lu the city of Ann Arbor aforesald. Also lot nurnber one In blotk number slx In Korest Hill Cemetery. AIro all the right tille and Interest of sald iucoupetenl (the sarae belng an undivlded l-7th, one-seveuihi, in the soulh half of lots slx and eleven and all of lots seven. elglit, nlne and ten In block three south range three cast. In the city of Aun Arbor, Wasnteiiaw County in Michigan. FRANCIS E. LANSINO, Uuardian. Dated Oct. SO, 1885. Mortgae Sale. DEFAÜLThavlngbeen made in theconditioim of a certaln mortgage exeented by Jacob lloffatetter and Gertrude Hoffit' tter, hls wlfe, to Chrietian Hcffitctier, dated the flftn day of May, lm, and recorded In the office of tbe Register of Deed for the Connty uf Waahtvoaw in the State of Michigan, on tbe ixth day of May, 18M. in Liber 64 of Mortgages on page 312, by which eald ileraalt the power of sale contained in eald morttaye has become operatlve and no proceedingn in or Kqaity having been inntttuied to recover the debt (eenred by aald mortgage, or any part thereof. and the gum of one thonaand and nfnety dollar being now claimed to be aoe on uch mortgage. The iHid mortgagce hereby declarins; hls iniention to coni-lder to whole amoant of the principal ramln saia mortgage mentioned to be due according to thecorenant tb e re In cjntained. Notice Is, therefore, hereby giren, that cuid morrgage will be tcrecloeed by a palie of the mortgaged premlses therein deecribed or gom e part thereof, tí : All that certain plece or percel of land sitúate and heing in the Connty of WasbtKnaw and State of Mtrhigan and described as follows, to wit : Bern,' Lo! flve (5) In block two (2) South of Huron Street, Range eix Eat according to the recorded plat of the, vtllage (now city) of Ann Arbor. Michigan, at finblic vendue ut the Kast door of the C'onrt Huuhc n the City of Ann Arhor on the twenty-eighth day of Jannary next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day. CllKISTiAN HOFFSl'KTTEK, Mortgagee. J. F. LAWBtNCK, Attormy lor Mortgagee. 1271-1281 Dated, Nov! S, 1885. "OANDEE" For sale to the trade by K. & J. ( I MIX.S & CO., Detroit. ,000 mm, ain hun wömeh, 'ir JOHN IJ. HOI OH '. . k_Ju,tpi tled r..JB4S a n'3 i ildar.d Heart." John B. Qouoh -fjpSÏ e'.] thprn. Jt ftvtfl. In pTSau :¦ Tin, iis N'tt thoutfhls. hii f' , K mm! ' : r. 1 1 ; - nnt-c Iot9?, Ion BV K2 iiihm tMilpi-rBp. r Ij puhllshed rustPiKlomeeF - f hii VtfJ?(iïS p;tiKiind thoipi;- of h.s huinot ' ftxWL aiCiLn;'" nr i tibU-. Ainaffmtix"'lHH ' ' 'dr Vrl-itr.' jBSL'flHRHK tn.nJTiK ni'-arly ,w uigea aiui Zt'i S - V t'-t uP llIMT l.9-Uninntriit6rprJiiiWfe'üK'Sr'i ML TT M 11 I iiip, intclllffi'ntcttnlPMaMl Ta-ser tOMiprlr thls Ix-vk in th =aWt7 toa of tUuus-uids vrko ar muttn for it hoconiDetitlun, and il 1 iwoiit -tejlmtr ril ethers 10 to I. Miniu-tH, I dltors. Critica, f te. , ne,t theti nu luaüflotl fn-Jurm.-fuvnt anU wie it Godp('l. Aetms, MfM yuur (iit to makt in -nty aml ;.t tïn1 .-ai:. e time or, '.Ut, 9 ihorvMfhlv JtritUtÊ boók. Kx. tusivo tenttorr and Tcrj kLpoclal Tsrtua vlveu. 8nd lor Ikik) iliutriúJ lrnjWi yiAfUtlMM CuJwujúiüyw. Aéúntté A. . VkTTU


Ann Arbor Courier
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