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I RÜEIIM & WRIGHT, JEWELEÏIS AND OPTICIANS,: IMPORTERS OF DIAMOND8, WATCIIKS. CLOCKS, HKONZKS, MAKIil.K STATUARY, UT POTTERY, OPERA QLAS8ES, FANS, BRIO-A-BBAO, ETC. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF ELGIN AXD WALTHAM WATCHES STERLING .SII.YERWARE, MKUIi ,'AN CLOCKS, TRIPLE FI.ATKD 8ILVERWARE, KINK CUT QLAB8, ETC., ETC., fMISREI.LAS. 110 WOODVVAHD AVE.. DETROIT OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, DETROIT, - - MICHIGAN. SOLÉ STATE AGENIH FOR PATFA'I Vil ILUTE A CO'S CELEBRATED WATCIIKS. Q Robust Healthr ís not always enjoycil I.y llioso who geera to possfss t. TÍic talnt of eorrupted blood inay be Becretly undorminiuft the cunstitiiiinií. 1 ti time, the pobon willeortalnlyslidw lt effect, and withiül the mor Tiruloncc tho jonger t lias been allowed to bermeatethe Kyetem. Eaeh pimple, ty, boíl, skin disorder and sonso of unnaturul Jassitude, or languor, is ono oí Nature's warnings of the consequences oí neglect. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is the only remedy that can be relied upon. In all cases, to eradieate thc taintof heredltary and the special corruptiona of the blood. It is the only alterativa that is BUfflciently powerful to tlioroughly cleanse the syuteiii of Scrofulous and Mercurial impurities and tbe pollutlon ot Contaglous Diseases. It abio neutralizes the poisons left by Diphtheria nd Scarleí Fever, and enables rapld recuperation from the enfeeblement and debility caused by these diseases. Myriads of Cure ¦ Acbieved by Aykr's Sarsaparilla, la the past fortv year, are iitteted,andther Ís no blood disenso, ;it :ill poHsiblo of cure, that will not field to it. Whatever the ailments of thls class, and wherever found, írom tho scurvy of the Arctic circle to the 'veldt-sores" of South África, this remedy has affordcd health to the sufferers by whom it was employed. Druggists everywhere can cite numerous cases, with-? in their personal knowledge, of remarkable cures wrought by it, wbere all other treatment had been uuuvailing. People will do well to Trust Nothing Else than Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Numeroui onide mixtures aie offered to the public as "blood puriflers," wbich only allure tho patiënt with the pretenso of many cheap doses, and with which lt is folly to experiment while disoase is uteadily becoming more deep-seated and difficult of cure. Soine of these mixtures do much lasting hurm. Bear in mind that the only medicine that can radically purify the itiatetl blood is Ayer's Sarsaparilla, TREPARED BY Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Huí, Sold by all DruggisU : Price (1 ; Six boules for $5. "All tfi wondtrful and minculaui cures." Th unnvílled jod peetle medicine!." And sote the íoUowiag ; - OR. THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL h mdo the folluwinj cura, proof of which tbe pioprit ton can íurnuh on applicatioo. Toot hache in 5 Minutes Carache " a " Backache " 2 Ilour Lamenen " a Da js Cough 10 Minute Hoarseness " x Hour Colds " 24 Hoort vSortThroat.." 12 " Deafness " i Daj.t PalnofBurn.. " 5 Minutes Falnof Scald" 5 " Croup it will uh ín j minute, ud potitmly Cura auy case wben used at the uu! set. Remembsr that Dr. Thomas' Eclectric OH b only o cents per bottle, and one bottl wilt( farther thaii half a dojen at an ordinary mediciu. C. H. NIILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Aun Arbor. The oldest agency in tlie city. Establlshed over a quarter ora century at?o. Ilepreseatlng the followlng first-class corapanlBS, with over $00,000,000 iipitiil and Assctf. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO..OÍ Hurlford. COMMERCIAL UNION, ol London. LIVKHl'OOL. IX)NDON and GLOME. WASHINGTON KIRK and MARINE, of Boston. Rales Low as tlie Lowcst, Losges Liberally A di usted and iiromptly l'aid. _J C. H. MILLEN. THE ANN ARBOR rhh wm Ari' now realy to recelve appllcatlons frora pnrtlesd.-Rirlnií lo use water. For thln Mea son tho Compon; will Makp the Oonnertlon with t ¦- Maiiift and Iuj Pipe lo Hidewalk LintAppllcutloiia flhonld itf ai tbe oftte of J. -W. HlvCXXiTOlSr, COR. HUROÍtf AND FOURTH STS


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