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NextFriduy, Dec. 4tli, isqiiarteily peRs'ion day. Mrs. Edson found her watcli thiough an ad in the Courieh. Oommsnion service is leing held t st Andrew's cliurch each Suuday during Adveut, at 9 o'clock a. m. Rev. L. W. Childs, of tliis city, wlll fiU the pulpit of the Presbyteriau cluucli at South Lyon, tlic coming year. Rev. A. F. Bournsoceupied the pulpit of the M. E. Churcli lat ;Sutulay morniug. There was uo service in the evening. Our readers are asked to peruse the article on the first page, entitled "A Suggestion to Republicau Prohibitlonisls," taken from the N. Y. Tribune. John B. Dow, undcr tUe coramand of Hm streel cjiniuiticc, ia cleaning up gutters and stiectí, preparatory for the winter's snow and rain, freeze and thaw. Mr. Frank Smith, who lias been in the euiploy of Wlnana A: Stafford for the past two yeurs has opencd & tallor shop in Doe. Blmond'i oUI stand on Huron street. Mrs. M. B. Foeter has been granted a new trial in her snit ag&inst the Detroit Post and Tribune Co., tbejudge holdlug that the bringlng in of s eenta damagei was a burtetqne A brilllant meteor was observed Saturday night, at about 12 o'clock, deseen ding from the zenith to the soutlieast. lu its fall it passed betaind .ome clouds, and presented a really beautiful scène to tlie eye. Secretaiy Buur informa us tliat the monthly meeting of the Waahtenaw Poïnological society wtll be held on tlie ".tli of December, at 2 o'clock p. ui , in tlie basement of tlie oourt honse. Election of officers and exhlblt of tlie fruit of the icninn TUe streets were never m sncli a oondltion and all on account of belng cut op for water-works niains. Of eonne, the oompany gave bonds to put them in as Rood a condition as they were when they commenced work, and tho councll should hold them to their agreetnent. - Demociat. On Tliat)k8giving evening, Nov. 2Ctb, '85, a very quiet wedding look plaoe :t the residence of Mrs. Juseph Beal, of Northville, Micli. Mary A. Bt-al was united In marriajre to liodi-rick B. Norton, bytlie Rev. J. M. Van Kvery. They left on the evening train for their future home in A.rkansu City, Kansas. The following are the winnen of prizes at the shootiug match riven on Thanktgiving day by the Scliutzenbund, of this city, at the park: J. Fred. Bros3, Re Armbruster, John Meyer, Fred Graf, II. Armbruster, John Sweet, H. Bierman, Kred Gakle, C. Heinzmann, A. Hollstciter and others. At Co. A's shoot Fred Hozel, üeo. Apfel, II. Merrithew and s F. Granger won the prizes. A special meeting of the council was held last Slonday forenoon and the following committee appointed to represent the city of Ann Arbor at the funeral of Vice-Presideut Heudricks, at Iud'mnupoüs : Mayor Kapp, Recorder Pond, Aids. Hiscock, Henderson and Martin. Recorder Pond concludinir to follow President Cleveland'sexample, and remain at home, Aid. Kearns was substituted in his place. Before you can stop to think, scarcely, the Iloliday season will be upon you In full blast. If it flndi you with an empty purse, so mucli tho worse for you, for our mercliants are preparing right ro3'ally for those daya of grenerál jubilee, and the temptation to buy soinctliing nice for j'our wife, danghter, or aweetheart will be too great to withstand. But you can console yourself with the thouglit - that peihaps the two tonner may buy snmethiug nice for you - and have it charged. An alarm of lire at 1 o'elock a. mkFrlday morning, called out the greater portion of the lire department. Tlie llames had got a nice start on the house of Jerome Freeman on X. State street, but were put out without taking any water from the engine, bytlie bucket brigade. The water did considerable damage, Mr. Freeman plaoing his loss at about $100, witU iii8urance at $400. Orij_'in of lire unknown, as the family were away from home, having gone down to Ypsilanti for Thaksgiing. Thanksgiving was quite generally observed in our city. Nearly all of the stores were closed for u greater portion of the day, and the Thanklgiring services, both at the Presbyteriau and Episcopal churches, were well attended. The day was saddened somewhat by the news of the ileath of the vice-president of the United States. Flags were displayed t half-mast from the varioui 11 ig-.-tatl"s la the city.aml Ilie poatofflceand eourt house approprlately draped with moarningemblenis. Expreuioni of lorrow and rugret were heard upon all sides. The Ypsilant: Commercial has the following item: "President Angell's lecture on Pekin at the Normal Tuesday evening was largtly attended. lic made his audience see the city with liis eye, Itl rulers, people, customs. ltsgods and temples. Itsgreat wall." Pekin as it evident'y used to be several hnndred years ago inl now diity and disagreeable. lts (freal wall, temple, public building, aqnedncti andsewers going to decay and ruin. The onward maren of olvili.niion, tin: mission&rles, learned uien and colleges are Introduclng slowly but suiely another Pekin and another China. President Angel! is ucces u9 a lecturer." Chas. M. Hing has moyed hia gim shop back on to Liberty st. once more. The poor of Adrián cost the city 15,000 peranuum. Aun Arbor's poor OOStS her about $2,U0 por aunuui. The Minnis orchostra, of this city, turnish the rausic for a grand inasquerade on Christnias eve., at Dundee. The tax rolla for this city are in the hands of City Treaaurer Watts forcollection, pay your taxes and save the extra per cent. On ThanksgivingDay, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mrs. Franklru Heinlngway, In Northfield, Mr. Joshua Laraway and Miss Jennie Heniingway were uiiiled in marriage. Out of respect to the memory of the late vice president, the postoftice, the various banks and tnany of the business houscs of the city were elosed yesterdny, from 12 m. to 5 o'clock p. m, The new pumps (Knowles compound) of the watet works company werestarted Monda}', and yesterday water was pumped to the reservoir and into the inuins. On Saturday a test will be ni:ule. Monduy forenoon thegentleuianly burglar entered the house of Mrs. llelnier, corner of N. Ingalls and Nortli streets, while the people of the house were in the back part of the dwelliiij;, and after lookiug over the rooms took a child's bank away witli hiui tliat contained $75. The Xorthlield towuship treasurer will be at the county treasurer's office in Ann Albor each Saturday during Dec. to accommodate any one prefering to pav taxes here. Aun Arbor town treasurer will be there eacli Friduy and Saturday, and Scio each Thursday duriug the present montli. Oliver M. Martin has got into his now store Na 12 Washington st., next door eart of Rinsey & Seabolt'a, and is much bctter sUuated than in the basement on Mui ii st. Our old frlend Rhodes doesn't look so grave as he did, notwithstanding the soleiuu nature of lus work. It is a pleasant move. It Is with regret that we announce that in Haturday last Uhas. Woodruff, editor of the Ypsilanti Sentinel, feil at tlie skating riuk n that city, and broke an arm. Tliis is a serious accident for a man of liis years, and papen sliould forgo their Uttle drives at him for fornicr cxprcssions respectlng riuks. Miss Clinton, daughter of Joseph Clinton, went to the Toledo & An Aibor depot Momluy evening, and there being no light in that vicinity, she walked off the high platform and broke on of lier linibs. The cry for more light coming up from inany of our citizens appears to be a serious one., Simón I'rice a resident of Spring st. while in a tree upon his place tritnining it up, feil to the grouod and immedlately expiri'd. The fall was pecaaioned by a l:iralylic stroke and the fall did not do tha i'.ital work. He was upwarde of 74 years of age, was boru in Engla&d and bad had beea a resident of Ann Arbor juM 50 years. [t is probable that there will be toa thieWngand burglaiy in Ann Arbor, lor a time at least, as sevcral airests were made lust niglit and this morning, with more to foUow. Among the arrested is fruí Foley and Billy Kitson, againat Wll.)HI Ih olliccrn .-],,ii,. I.. Imm nluur ¦ im-s. it is to be hoped that the ang lias been liit, and tbat they wfll all bc made to feax the law. Jiuluc Joslyn holds oonrt in place of Judge Pealer at Constaurine, St Joe Co., until Thursday morning of this week, consequently the ürst two days of the regalar Bession will be merely formal. There are -18 cases on the docket for this term of eourt, (i criminal, U civil jury catea, S ivil cases to be trled by court, 4 foreclosure cases, pro confeso " divorce oases. Balance other chancery cases. Mr. 8. Xewkirk and wifé, who live about one and one-half inile south of Dexter, while drivi'ig home from that villa-re tíunday, met with a serious accident. The hona they were dilving became frlghtened at a baby cab being w beeled along the street, and tdrolng suddenly about tipped the carriage over throwlng the occupants out with considerable forcé. Mis. Newkirk's collar bone was broken and perhaps a rib or two fraotnred while Mr. NeAkirk was bndly brulsed.! .1. V. Bchaible, whose serious illness we recently ooticed, and the death of his wife was chronicled two weeks since, ditd Saturday noou last, at the age of irs, of consumption. The death of Mr. Bchaible, tearei throc littlc ones fatherlets and motherless, the youngest a babe of three week, the oldest but six years of age. Deceased was a membei' ot' the A. O. l". W., wliich society will give these littlc orphans $2.000. It is understood that the children's grandmotlier will care lor thetn at present. Juslice Wcbl), of Saline, sent James Lewis, iilraiup. to lila county Jatl for 10 days last werk. Woiulur wtietlior üie arrest anil proseeutlon wus under the fltiitutc. or charter and lf anyoue authorized UT- COUBIEB. J ustice Wcbb says if you come over here and ffo through the same performance that said tramp did, you can soon gain the desircd inl'ormution. - Salinc Obscrver. We have no desire to obtaiu information that way, nor does the Observer's reply answer the question. Heré in Ann Arbor no justice is allowed to prooeed with a prosecution for vagrancy or anythlng vise, without tbc consent of the prosecDtlng attorney. It was sort of query how Justice Webb daré convict a tramp I