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'wltWWVW?aoIT It il the only line with lts own track Irom CHICACO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha, Pacific June., St. Joseph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connectt In Union Depots with throuqh tralns trom NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eaitern polnis. It Is the principal line to SAS FRANCISCO, PORTLAND 4. CITY OF MEXICO It traversos all of the slx great States of ILLINOIS. IOWA, MISSOURI. NE8RASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO with branch lines to all thelr important citics and towns From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, It runs every day in the year from one to three elegantly equipped through tralns over lts own tracks bctween Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Council Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchison, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rp.plds, Chicago and Sioux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest. Ittequipment It complete and flrst class In every ¦articular, and at all important points Interlocking Switches and Signáis are used, thus insuring comfort and satety. For Tickets, Rates, General Information, etc, regarding tht Burllngton Route, cali on any Ticket Agent In the United States or Canada, or address T. J. POTTER 1bt V.P. &. Gen. Mos., Cmicoo. HENRV B. 9TONE, AsST. QtN. Mon., Cmicaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pa63. Aot., Chicaoo. ('oniiiiNsioiicrs' Notier. STATKOF VUCHIGAN.CoiintyofWafhirrinu. 1, Th undcraigned having been appointcd In the Probat1 Conrt for said County, Commi.-Kiui receive, examine and adjust all claim and dcmatid i il all perron uu'aiii-t the estaie ui JkcoI) H. 11 lekfl, Inte of -aid countv, deceaaed. bereby give notlce that ix monttic Irom dato art sllowed, by order of ¦i1 l'robaie Court, for credltorf to p resem tlu:r claim againat the eítate ot ;iiil d.M-e;:-il, :ui(l tliat tuey wi il inet't ot the Probate GflUv In tb-city ot Aun Arbor, in aid couniy, on Tuua day, tlic Sih dny of .huuiary, and n M the 'JDth day of April next, al ten o'olock A. X. ot cach of naiddays, to receive, examine andad juut nald claims. Díicd. octob.T. 2U, 1885. ILKNRY I) FLATT, 1 BKNJ. BKUWN, VComuiiBi'ioiicr. J. EVAUT SM1T1I. ) Real Estáte tor Sale. OTATEOFMICHIGAN.Coantyof In the Matter of the Kutatc of Margaret C. KlDf,', deceaeed. Noiice. is hereby given, that In purnuanco of an order praated to tnc underslgned administrator of the estáte of ald deceaeeci. by the Hun. Jnd_". ot Probate for the Connty of V3ht'nttv, on thf 2Hih day ofOctober, A.D. lSRj.there will Be gold al , vendae, to the hitflieet bidder, at the Eaet front door of the Court House, in the City of Ann Arbor, in tho Count of Waehteiiaw. in said Htati-, on Saturday, tne 12th day of Decembr, A. D. 185. at ten o'clock in the l'orenoon of that day (subject to all eocumbrance by mortaee or othcrwiae exIstlnK at the time of the death of eaid deceased) the following deecrlbed real catate, to-wlt: Lom two (2). three (3), four (4), flve (5), six (), and èevou (7), in block oue (1), eartridte'saddltion to th city of Aun Arbor, Washieniw County In Michigan. BKN.IAMIN J. COSR.D. Adtoiutatrator. Dated Oct. M,18K. Real Estáte tur Sale. STATE OF MICHIGAN, Coonty of Waslitenaw. H. In the mutler or the entate of AlilxH LMaynard, au Incompetent persoD. NOXICK is hereby given, Ihat In pnrsnanceof uu order Kranted to ucderalgned Kiuirdlun, of Abigull L. Alaynanl. by the Hon. Judge of Probate for the County of Waahtnaw, on the aoth day of Uctoüer. A. L888, there wlll be sold at public vendus, to In e hitiheHt bidder, at the eust fruni. doorol the Court House In the city of Ann Arbor, in the County of Washleniiw iu suiil Btat6), n Tuisduy, tlio ïJd day of December, a. 1. 18ST, at 10 o'clock In thu foienoon 01 Ihat (Jay (Hubject to hII encumbrances by mortgafffl or, nOirwlue x1wI)uh uL tljw tirnti ui tlit' Eale),all the rlght, title and Interest ol sald liuonipetent person, the followliiK describí i! Ki-iil lístate, lo-wit: Lot, number flve in Block nuinber five Bouth range two east, In thi' city of Ann Arbor, Wasblenaw County In Michigan ; h1m a Rlrip of land four nxls wlde, north and south lying directly east of and tuljolning said lot, number flve, and extending canuto the west line of range three eaat, in the city of Ann Arbor aforesald. Also lots uuinter flve hik! six in bloek number flve south and range number one cast in the city of Ann Arbor aforesald. AIho lot number one in block iiiimbt-r mIx in Forest lllll Ceinetcrv. Alao all the rlght tltle and Interest of said Incompetent (tne same belng an undivldeii J-TI tl, one-üevenlh), In the muili half ol lotH hIx and eleven and all of lot seven, eight, nlne and ten iu block three south rauge tliree east. In the city of Ann Arbor, Wasnteuaw Couuty In Michigan. FRANCIS E. LANSIXC. Uuarclian. Dated Oct. 30, 1885. Mortgage Sale. DEFADLThavingbeen made in theconditiona of a certalo mortgage executed by Jacob Hoffatetter and Gertrude Hoffetetter, hls wife, to Cbrlitiau Hoffitetier, dated the llfin day of Ma-, l!-4,and recorded in the office ol the Rcülsteröl Deeds for the Connty of Waehfnaw in the Siatc of Michigan, on tbe alxth day ol May. 1884. in Liber 64 of Mortgages on pae 314, by which caid default the power of Bale contaiued in gaid murtuae has hecome operatlve and no proctedingu in luw or Equity havinti been instlmied to rtcover the debt veonred by said mortL-age, or any part thereof. and tho enm of one thoosaDd and nlnety dollar beii'g now claimed to be dae on such mortgage. Tbe faid mortg.Hgee hereby deciariuc lus inteniion to consider to whole amount of the principal Hum In aid mortgage mentioned to be due according to the coTeuani therein outained. Notice Is, therelore, hereby glven, that said mortgage wlll be icrecloïed by a sale of the mortgaged premlees therein described or some part thereof, vi' : All that certain plece or parcel of land sitúate and being in the County of Washtsnaw and Otate of M :. h - gan and described as follows, to wit : Lot flve (6) In block two (2) South of Hitron Street. Kange six Eau according to the recorded plat of the village (now city) of Ann Arbor, Mlchlean at public vendne at the East door of tbe Conrt Houxe in the City of Ann Arbor on the twenty-eighth day of JuDuary next, at ten o'clock In the lonnouu ol that day. CHRISTIAN HOFFSTETTEH. Mortgasee. J. F. Lawbknce, Attorney lor Mortgagee. 1271-1281 Dated, Nov. 3, 1885. "CANDEE" ARCTICÍ - with - DOUBLÉ THICK BALL. TwoYearsÉ Tbc "Cakukk" üitebebCo, gise a bel ter Robber tlian cm be nb immer, wilu theit ei it ment of the t!()l i:f,K THtCK BkLh. rubbTr;t-htuni;crthetrai,-:, ; :.II2. Ask to see the "CAMKH Donhle T1m-!c Ball Knbbera in Boots, Árctica, jv.i tas, &c. A Common Sertse For sale to the trade by K. & J. CUH9IINGS & CO., Detroit. Wfmied ,000 AQENTS, MEN AliD WOMEN, "orJOIlND.UUH:H'S Dnrbook- juatni "LmNSTRüTHS rerftt trrnjiuy of K'"i til. nss; n Min ui Lliï 'IOTITRES 1..U1.U.1 in . nlr Johx 13. Gou Git rfSJfc ' rtlft tMfin. It kIvc1, n pf rEk ¦i-iin-nt fnrru, hu büt Uioutfhts.hli wL most ütirrlntr e.nHíhíes. t! ¦¦¦ AH ti'iu.l r -lovfr beiov jg. Tg, publlhl Tin1 tt-M.lrriHt of hl HUKfl l-arhÖM-indthcpIrp nf ln:mnt ' "Wy I rent K6fti l 'vv "clunw, ivnvlHH tMtitnK i'arly üíi pnes itnil Tí', ¦ Kn,r ivlug?. . m% UC UÍAMT 1 Oniorf enferprirtW. JL 4f " t " A il I i ¦ . HB vo-w; . f s buok to IN ¦ ten of thnils.Mül ïilio in w.iltlnji for It, Kocorjii'Mtttion, wij ltl nw ov ?ehufg all othrnlOtol. Mlrünlurs. dltucv, CnÜc, , iflvc it thi-lï unqtt&Ufltxl endurdomunt nnd wKli it Godipcea. AfxnU, m u ftw ttmt to itwütf '. nd t the Dame rvrulct, (W-o?! jh-m-ia4 écok Exclusive territorr '-i"' veri ftpMifti TTTa kItwl. 6nd for l-r UlutrKt&drirguiAn


Ann Arbor Courier
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