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At the animal ínectins of the WaalitBnaw Pomological society the folliiujr officers were elected: President- J. Austin Scntt. Vlee-presldents- J. D. ISaUlwin, J. .1 l':irshall.S. W. Dorr. Recordlng Becretary- Jacob Qtnzhorn. Correspondtng Secrelary - Kmil Hiuu Treasurer- Kvrt H. Scott. Erpcutlve Commlttee- Wm. McCreérj I. K. Humoer. John Allmaud. H. C. Markliiiiii. Office of Hotftiiy- Prof. V. M.Spald'.ne. Oflloe of Hygiëne- Prof. A. H. Prencotl. Ofllce of hntomology aud Ornlthology- Prof. J. B. Steere. Prof. V. M. BpWlng sent a rory interestinK paper o the potato rot nml ils prevention. The correspondinjr socretmy vu reqaested to inform Prof. SpáuldiDg Chat on acconnt of the baèlaeM of tlie aonaai meeting the pajter will he rcad and disciiBsed al Uic next meetlpe of tha eoclcty and to request the professor to fevor the society by hia presenee. Kv:irt II. Scott, the treasurer, tead liN roport, which ehowod that the society indebted to htm. Many of the memoen had neglectcd to pay their animal fee, which is only one dollar, both tof CtM county and state society, whicli entitlea the holder of such mciubership to tin ;uinual report of tbc Btate ETortlcuItural Society, which alone is worth more thnn any such fee. For the work this gooistj'le dolng tof this county, it sho ulil enjoy a liberal patronage by ita cïtlzeiip. President Scott expressed a delire to retire, but at the reqnest of many ïneinbers wlio knew the value of lus counsel and leadership, he reconsideied bis deslre and accepted the presidency for another year, with the provisión that he mtgbt Inat liberty at any time duiini; the year l hand in bis resignation. Hiseaniest wisli, that the society miirlu Improve durinf the year soclally, intellectually and religiouslv foimd an echo in many a heait.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News