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jouncil met Motidny evenlng. The lirst business transactrd was the eport of the financc committee, showing heexpendltureof thefollowingamount: RKCAPITULATIOK. Ht Wliril W 10 cl 8 41 U " 11 69 th " 21 33 ieneral street funil .. 78 i iciuTiil fund 1,039 08 Contingent iuntl 881 08 Total $1,817 IK A bilí of Prof. Greeno for $375.00, and Prof. J. B. Davis, for f248.80 were also eceived and allowed. Prof. Greene, then made a report in reference to the conipletiou of the water works by the Ann Arbor Water Co., clainiing that the said company had fulillcil their contract and more too, and recommendingthat the works bc accepted y the council. Which report was accepted and placed on file. PKTITION8 AND COMMUNICATIONS. Of the Michigan Postal Telegrapu Co., )er Jas. Gifford, nsking permission to erect telegraph polos on certain streets of the city. Receiveil and referred to street couiuiittee. Of Mr. E. J. B1Í98 and 5 others, askiug or a gasoline street lamp ou the south side of Washtenaw avenue, at the intersection of Church street. ReferreU to Gen. Fund Com. Of Isaac Crawford and 8 other?, asking or the removal of a hydrant now locatcd near Aid. Bigg's resideuce on Orleans street to the corner of Orleans and Forest avenue. Ou niotion of Aid. Lawrencc, the Aun Arbor "Water Co. were directed to place this hydrant where originally locatei by the plan. Carried. Of John J. Roblson, Wm. McCreery aud 38 other business men of Ann Arbor, asking the couucil to take some action in reference to the cureless use of fire arins, :arlor rifles, rubber sliugs, or reckleës throwing of stones, by wliich many private houses and plato glass fronta are destroyed or damaged. Ou motionofAld. Hi8cock the City Marshal was directed to offer a reward of $50 for the anest and conviction of any one for breaking lights ordamaging property as couiplalned of in ,he petition. Of Micbnel Staebler asking permlssioa to erect and maintaiu hay scales in front of his new Germania block, coruer W Washington and S. Second streets. On motion of Aid. Heinzman, petitiou was granted, the work to be done under bupervision of the aldermen of 2d ward. Of D. J. Haff and (eo. T. Moore, asking for the lixing of a cross walk on State street, corner of William street. Heferred to sidewalk committee. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTION8. Aid. Lawrence otiered the followlng: Weihiu, Tho Ann Arbor Water Comilany bas compleled lts system of water works lor the city of Ann Arbor, In accord unce wlth the contract between sald compauy and sakl city; and Whf.rkas, It appears from the report o Cbaries E. Green, wlilch has been acoepte and placed on Ule, lüe workt, have been sub Jected to the requlslte tests requlred by this cmtrart herptofore enterad lnto betweensald oompany and sald city ; therefore, Retolved, That we do hereby accept sak works, and direct tliat the rental provlded for In sald contract shall commence iroiri and alter tbls date. Wliich was carrled by the following vote, the yeas and nayi being called fo by Aid. Hiscock : Yeaa- Aids. Henderson, Heinzman, Wftlz Hiscock, Kearns, Lawrence, Martin and the Mayor. Nays- Aid. I'oland. Yeaa, 8 ; nays, 1. Aid. Lawrence offered the following: itvoiwti, xiint permisRion do grancea in Ann Arbor Water Cumpauy to erect three stand Pipes. One ftt the barn of J. A. Polhe mus, corner of Mal n and Catharine streets one at the east ed of the Hamilton Hlock on Huron street; ndoneon the corner of Hu mul State streel. The Recorder offered as an amendmen that the location of said pipes be unae the dlrection of the street committee Which was carried. Messrs. Goodhué & Blrnle through their nttorney tendcred their tbanks to comicil for the very gracious and courte ous treatment they liad received and ten dered an ïnvitation to the council as a body to attend a banquet to be givei thetn on Tuesday evening next. A lengtliy report of city engineer, J. B Davis in reference to the re-survey of th 2d ward, accompauicd by maps and plats was received and read, and on motion ac cepted and ordered fileö. Aid. Lawrence aróse to introduce a resolution, and In so doinji ma'le a few remarks. He sald it had been alleged by cetain partics tliat tlie council winked a at crime, tacitly conented to law break ing and evil dotng, and allowed crimi nals to go uiipunished in tliis city, and so on. He challengcd any reporter, fdito or otuer pcraoo to substantiate any suc' charge, and wheu such language wa used it was eitber throngh ignorance o willful malice. Vhcn the eitizen's leagu president made such ch'arges he utterec that which was false, and was an unfl man to lay down a code of moráis fo this body. He did not believe there wa a man in this council wlio would heRitat in the discharge of his duty. Aid. Law rence then ciu-d tlie law which made i the duty of the city marshal to see tha the laws in relative to the liquor traffl were enforced, and offered tlie followin resolutioii: Retolved, That the marshal and bis depu tles are hereby lnstructed to see that the state law In reference to closiDg saloons on Sun days, Hol ida vs and afier 10 o'clock In tb evening; and Ihe ordlnances In relatlon t gumbllng and houses of lll-fame are proper! enforced. Hels lurther lnstrucled to mak ctiiiiplitint al once wben kuowledge comes t hlra or his deputles of any vlolatlon of suc law or orüinances. Which were adopted unanimously o an aye and nay vote. REPOKTS OF OFFICKRS. The regular report of City Treasure Watts was then reeeived, showing th folloTvIng receipts and ejcpenditures fo the month: Amount received 41 ( Aniount dtsburtied 1,144 ( Amount ou hand 8.613 08 Balances representcd as follows: BALANCK ON HAND. Contingent Fund $5.616 .' Qeneral Fond, overdraft l,0B7 I General Street Fund _... 98 4 lul ward Fund 2011 2d "' " overdrawu 147 87 S4 " 616 4th " " _ 49 ( 6th " " 221 7 tu " " 10 30 City Cemetery Td, overdratt 21 XI Dog tax fund 100 00 Delinquent tax. overdrafl 854 34 Water Works Kuud 4,000 00 City Marshal Kall reported the fol lowing disburseraents of the poor funds Ut ward ...$ 21 83 2d " 24 98 3d 40! 4th " 78 T3 5tb " 52 1 Total $ 217 98 City Recorder Pond reported the fol lowing balances on hand: Contingent fund, on hand f 5,741 f Qeneral fund, overdraft I,ti5 4 Oeneral street iund, overdralt 78 C lsl ward fund on hand 215 98 2d " " " " 138 88 3d 199 5 4th ' 127 3 5th " " " " 371 2 tb " " " 1 City cemetery fund, ovordraft 27 1 Dok tax. nn hand 100 00 Delinquent Tax, overdraa 854 3 Water Works 4,000 00


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