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Yon can't aflore! lo hiuuh. deur 1:1 i-ls. ('tiiHsí yon 1 tee h re white 11 pearls l'n ! s your raoul h ís pli.k ntil vcrt, And yonr two lips n roaebude meet; A nii you can not supplv UiIh want , Hul tlirougli use ol SOZODONTI Latigh'er Leud.s a Ntw ('liarm Tu beauty, wheii t disclosea a prettj" get of toeth. Wbiteneas, wlien nature lms aupplied this element ol lovellness, may be retained thronjrh lito, by usiug the traifrunt gOZODOlfT. Liltle Annie wus fouud one Sunday mornlngbusily crqcbetiitg. ''Aun le, desr, it is Sundav," naid her mannra 1. "'l)ul yon forM?" "Olí, do , maminn," abe replied; " I knew il wis Stuiday, but I ain plujrhig thut I am ;i littlc Jew." A11 Eiiterprlsing1, Bailable House. Eberbacli & Son r:ui ahvavs lie relied apon, nt inly to carry in stock the best of everyíliinj;, but to secure the Afjency for suoli iirticles :is have well-known merita umi are popular wiih t lio people, thereby surtainiiig the repvtatioo f liciug always enU'rirsiifr, nnd ever reliable. Havlug sccured the Auenc3' for the cel eb rat cd Dr. Kjng's New Discovery for Consumptlon, will scll t 011 a positive "fuiirantee. It wil] puiely cure auy and every afféctlon of Throat, Lungs, and Chest. and to show our ooiifidence, we invite you to cali and get a Trial Bottle Free. Dr. Stors tells tho itory ol ;i man who reniarked toa i)enuious coinpanion that the klntfdcMB of Sat ¦ n was to lie destroyed, nn 1 wked him if h. wasn't glad of it. " ïes," he replied, ¦' I suppow ió; but it Btems a pity to havo anyllnng vraatcd." After Blphtherla. Diphtlieria Is a terrible dtaease, reoulring the fín-''ol medical skill 10 effect a completa eure. Eren when lts power i.broken, it clings to the patiënt with great persiistoiicy, md ottcn leaves the S3'stein poUoned and prustrated. Juat here Hood's Saraapuifla does a vast amoust of goodi eiptllin mi)iu ities trom the blood, Kivinj; it richness nnd vitality, while it ronovates and stmijithens tho systeru. Bomeone ntdteased Voltalre great while with perpetual letters, to wbich Voltaire had ven 110 answer,jAt last In' ¦ wrotc to him : "lam dead. I cannot in future have the honor to write to you." An Answer anlcil. Can any one bring us a case of Kldney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitten will not ppecdily cure y We sav they can not, as thousanda of cases ilit-aily permanent ly cured and who are daily recora mendlflg Electric Bittert, wllJ prove Brlgfeft DlWaae, Diabetes, Weak Back.or iny nrinary complaint (uickly curod. i'hey purity the blood, regúlate the bowils, and actdirectly 00 the dlteased parts. ïïvery bottle jiuaranteed. For sale at 50c. a bottle by Eberhach it 8oo. Romember, tiiose who envy otliers :eii¦iiiliy ham s secrel respect for them or luir b'yriiil;:e(l piosperity : anl tlint tt s thoucbt, hihI not bustle and nolse, that Inés bu-t workof lite. Tlie libtnlng mil nut Ihe tliniiilrr rcnds Uie oak. Iliicklou's Vrtiica Salve. Tlie IJest Salve in the worhl lor Cuts, ïiiiiscs. Soles, Ulcera, S:il I í ] 1 1 ¦ 1 1 1 1 1 , Fover Siirt-e.'rcitcr, Chauped Hundí, Ohllblalns, Jórns, and :¦ 1 1 Skin Eniilons, aml posivi'ly purés Piles, or no puv Cequlftd. It 8 guaruntml lo ive ]icrfect siitisfaetiori, r money rfifanded I'riee 25 cents per box. For Sale by Eberbacli & Son. ¦Wlen Bby ni sick, Tre gre h C ASTOHIA When ihe ni a Child, he orled for C ASTOKIA V hon shé btcama Mlsi, ih olong tg CA8T0EIJL TTbu h twd ChüOraa , abe gare tluo CXiT' X


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News