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An Idea ... Hanners' Boys And Girls

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Mention has been made of tm , people of tin; farm. There m-e a aéorê of ways in which country boye mul piris niHj' becoine interested in huWïoor rec.reatfon, and throngb whicli they will leHil more contentad lives. The Ipugings tor plt-.iMiii'ti and enjoyments ol tlie great urban worM, of' whicli they know so litt Ie and desire to know so inucl), may be sMtiRÜed, i A a mensure, at lióme. A ;mit deal can be accoiiilislied by a? sociation ; totlierii more than tlieir piirents tlie isolation of coiinlry Ufe s :i sourcenf dissalsfaetion. Wliy not lind :i partial rcinedy 'ni llie club ' 'l'liere is eCarcély a rural m;liloi hood in the eastern portions of tlie United Stiitcs where a club of fiftecn to twenty youtig people, with a difinite object in view, could not be forraed in .1 very short time. It itilrht b a luwn tennis club or a diiving club; a shoolinj?, Mta(n( or athlelic club- lor the boys- or, perhiips lietter than t.licse au outiu-r club, tln:t wotlN iuclude walking, driviug. töoins, boating. thootfaig, íisliiii. aml the inany out-(ifdo(ir pa-tinics tliat yoiitig people indulgí in. Durinft the winter inontlis therc would be skatinjf met-ts and sleigliin-touis, to extend over days, and ice yachting, whlcb would jffve amusement lo botli sexes, mil be indulíe' in wlierever Hjcic are streains or iñlnnO lakcs. Kvín íhe lilcjcre and trilioiil(l havea place in tln Uljiii with the family carryall, both for thi rcla.vatlou yf muscle ntialned antl sore (rom iour of beniUng utcr itncmrftentul toil. and as a savinji oí horei'lleish on manv an eveninr uirand U lown. Let tlii'ie be associiitio'Ti and clubs, and (íerhiips chili cluimpion-'hipii "itii InexpenMvr rr ten n Büeclal lielilol sporl. .nt. llie ni(..-t Ikiéi'IícímI kind of mental and pb.vsic.d iclaxation and rectipt-ratiou wili i-uli. Aml purliwpg ít tiie 'oíd folk ere vi , ven ood they iniglit bwmc p-ocii menibers of Uiu club, and rent'w tM i yottlh.- Ontii' for December.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News