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The Saline P. O. is out of postals. Hog killing time has arrived, on the farm. Social hop at Chelsea's town hall Friday night. Mrs. Irving Clark is clerking in the Saline P. O. Frank Stevens of Pittsfield, has a cancer on his tongue. Miss Eliza Wellman, of Chelsea, died Dec. 9, aged 68 years. O. Hiscock of Mooreville, has been taken to the Pontiac asylum. The Misses Jewell, Milan dress-makers, have removed to Ypsilanti. Dexter home talent are to present a drama entitled " No. 9'' soon. There will be a fair at the Saline Presbyterian church, Dec 22 and 23. The Bacon Poultry Co., of Chelsea are to fatten 900 turkeys for Christmas. Gen. Klager of Saline, and Miss Catherine Stierle of Lodi, married Dec. 10. Chelsea wants to pay 25@27 cts. for oats, and is paying 23@25 cts. for good corn. The young people of Dexter are to trip their toes at Sill's hall New Year's night. The Ladies Library Association of Dexter, are to give a series of entertainments soon. Wilbur Kempf, of Chelsea, was bitten by a hog who got mad about, being butchered. Mrs. Jane Spears, for 30 years a resident of Saline, died last Wednesday, aged 61 years. Myron Webb of Saline, is a candidate for the office of U. S. Marshal for Eastern Michigan. Rev. T. B. McGee will receive a donation at the Lima Center M. E. parsonage Dec. 17th. Barney Davis, of Nora, has three bears which he proposes to slaughter for Christmas meats. Several sheep breeders of this county are attending the state association now in session at Lansing. Minnis' orchestra will furnish music for a masquerade ball at the Milan opera house Christmas eve. L. J. Stiles has purchased the three acre farm, formerly owned by Ben Bush, northwest of the lake.- Whit. Lake Sun. Fifteen Milan Odd Fellows visited Victory Lodge at Mooreville last Saturday night, and had a jolly good time. - Milan Leader. Daniel Weinett, for nearly a half cen- 80 years old, has gone to Switzerland to visit his old home. Manchester poultry dealers have paid too much for their fowls this season, and consequently have not grown wealthy by fowl dealing. New Years ball, at Lake Ridge hall, come one come all, both short and tall, in gown and shawl, who are within call, Friday, Jan, 1st, '86. The apple evaporators have got done and stopped. About 125 bu per day were pared for six weeks at the Gilbert & Wood evaporator. - Chelsea Echo. The ministers of the M. E. church of this district are holding a consecration service, or meeting for the promotion of holiness, at Manchester this week, closing to-morrow. James Hitchcock, who killed Stephenson in this township, after having served 33 years in Jackson prison, has been pardoned by the Governor.- Stockbridge Sun. Mr. Brooks, of Ypsilanti, formerly of Chelsea, while coupling cars last Saturday night at Delhi, had his arm broken in two places between the wrist and elbow. - Dexter Leader. S. W. C. Adams of Salem, has invented a wagon-reach which practical wagon-makers think a capital good thing. Now he wants to start a factory somewhere. Who bids? At Ction social illiilei the annpiiTS of the M hm Cornet band will be held at Mr. Wm. Whaley's this evening. The boys propose to sell the girls to the highest bidders.- Milan Leader. The Manchester cornet band will give a masmterade ball Thurday evening Dec, 31, al Goodyear.'s hall. And (he Gerujun Workiilg'mdb'R Sor e y glvj onc tlit: sime cvciiin.K :it Iheir nwn hall. What has become of tuc Suutlioru Michirán Sheep Hrecdcr'n Associatioti wliich hail its lu-adquaiturs iu this villaje. lias ihc irice ot' wool Khrunk it tr nothingdw t - Manchester TCnterprise. At the debate iit tlje Bcliool houw latt even hia tht questiqn, ietahtif Th:iuvery temperance man should vote tlie prohibili.m ti.kcl, was decided in the ncgHtive. - Chelsea HeHüd. Th( fledstóii wift a. mont ut one. The young pcojile eoniiwted with ttic ConeregnlioiiHl, Methodist :tnd ;lptit rlimrhi'K are iiDout to cniniiience relu'srsale t the cantata callcd .leptha's Iauliter. picpuratoiy to ui interct'iijí coji;rt tiy and by.- CUelsea Upi-aUl. A tatal dlsease is 8aid to be prevaiMng nnoiiK the hojrs thruiiühoiit tho coimiv. It tirsl attiicks thein in the throat, Hiid almost inetantly leuyeH theiu lifelees. No sel ons resulta are aritlctpHU'd - Saliue Obseí ver. Fatal dÍHeaéi re often prodnciive Qt'afrlpiis reajUt. Friday laHt a new nfrent was iiistalled in oOi.'c at '1'. Si A. . depot, Hgrnl Lee havin' leiidcied bis reaigiiatioii. Atter two day's service the newngí nt i includecl the vvork was too gre.-it, and lie too ruoijfned. A(:ent Loe ha- been reappointodaud Is on duty agaiii.D'iudee ReH)i U;r. Georjre Frame, wholiae leeii iu (Jüelsea several montlis iu lliu. eajiacfty of an iniUiaiipe a)feiit and wlt'e abuscí , was arle.-t ed Ht An Albor Tnesday, añil broaght to this place by Offlcera Foster and Stl! the inrtigatlon of his vvlfe, wlio refuSe to live with hira, for Hying iinlawfully with anolher womun. - Chelsía Herald. It is rxpected tliat the village offleers will generally sec peoule.n eíample of huvv snow and ice sliotild be kepl off from sidewulks. The village attoruey Ín particnlar, can t'vu pep' bettef idea of what tlieir dnty is in tliat íesuegt, Ijy an example.than by anyexplanatioii incourt, ThUshuulti be a case of "Uo;w I cfo, rather than as 1 tcll yon." - ('helsea KcUo. The tranip in quertion ot drunk ant madr a nuisunce of blmsclf Iu this villag'e w.ís anecteil on a charyu oí druok and disorderly, picad ;uilty to the charge and wa9 Bentenci-d as before mentloiieiT. We don't see JUBt' wlie're thé prosocútlnsf attoi ney's authority would como in 00 tbe case, or what hls Consent would oouslet o or amount to.- Saline Obscrver. That's what sonic of our justices don't see cltber but that consent li to be obuiued. Jus the Rauic. Tliis i'rinii t Adrián Time, may interdi some of farmer : "PurcSbasers ol tSohcinian o;its wcrerallrd npon lilis weck ' iv :i gbatlCMHU l'toni Oliio wlio rlaiiuvti to i iold miles HKtlntri thcm for vinioiiK amoiints. ('ertain ones paid lln-ii otiliH tioMs wjth ni'irh rehtcWricei wtilie oIhi rfefuücd t sciilc, ciiiimins; (he notes wéré linde witluMii valuablr ( on?id(;r:ilii)ii. TUc lindel uil! .iintcslwi in tin: comts." l( yon an tfpu.blcd uilli worm?, Ihf Stookhridjie !un tclls yon huw to cilre them soicntitlirtlly : 'II 8 .-.nii tliHl ! alkali pure mul ihDple, v hioli s oduuihui sod, will kill and ((¦oinpow worin ui cbildrcn and adulte. It i recommeiidejd to lip iHki'ti at every meal time üntTi tlic object is acoompli-lied. We re:id tilia n a scientific work, And (lio ñaué artick :irfscrit(c.-i the sume tn-itinciii tr ih'worui." Henry l'l;i-i.s i., .-iiiiiiiii _:trns in ! he Dc-ter pustjfö oe, of the erttl iliiuy1e had Scén in hls pxu!t'üi v'é trave'S"Hank did you ever , the woinieitul showt slieds over the 1'aiiüiiiM niilro.ul r" ifked one of nis miditon. "Qiies 1 hivt', and they are the d:mide.-t Mrttctdre vou ever eee. Why, they ure all triade of beáms and not A fitank or board iNint t, and whcn tliey gol it dona lUejl had enough htull !(tt to run the eiiiiu t vci sinoe. "'Wil] Iluuk wfaal kind ol 'int Ijlt Ib thcy rige and u-Iumt dö tlny j;. i it?" was iiskod, "Oh Ibc beains thfy Ss are i-allcd Bun Beauieand thcy have a -Undii)r contract wltb (ínñ Imlgbty tn turniuh stock.