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These days are the shortest of the year. Lyman D. James pays a tax of $509 inste ad of f284 as slated last week. Judge Wm. Newton, of FHnt, is in the city, holding court for Jiulge Joslyn. It is expected tliat Bishop Glllespië will occupy the pulpit of St. AnUrew'i church next Sunday. Two new telephoncs, Cozzens & Huil, No. 115. and Cornwell's new pulp mili, No. 67. Helio! there! Ann Arbor lodge A. O. U. W. No. 27, celebrated ita eiglith annfversary last cvcning by a pleasaut social time. "Bill'' Johnson, a colored man who has been well known by residents here for many years, died Saturday la=t, and was buried Monday. Next Sunday there will be services, music, etc, apiir.)priate to the Christmas time at the Unitarian chiirch. N services in the evening. The roal to happiness these days, most any of our merokanU will teil yon, lies in having a full puna aml a llb'eral Christmas disposltiou. There are 375 dozen handkerohiefs In thesouth show wiiidow ot I). V. Schairer's store. Think of the ti-ar-i and- and- so forth, that will be drttd by Uiem. Addison Fletcher, one of Ypsilanti's prominent citizens, died Saturday last quite suddenly, aged 75 years. He had been a resident of Ypsilanti 21 yeare, and of Michigan 49 years. Geo. W. Colgrove, for the pftst Ooien yeure a resident of PfMport, 111.. aud forraerly in business in tliia city, lui moved back here, and is living in the old Root place, on Spring i. The banquet given by Mi-s-üh. (ioodliue & Birnie (the Ann Arlmr Water Co ) to the common council at the Cook hoiwe last evening, R said to have been B vcry fine affair by thse who attended, V. A. Millard, of Ann Arbor town. died Friday night last, afler au illnc-s of about six weeks, lic tiail Injured nif of his hands, and in the procèss of heallng cangrene set la nul proved fatal. An amusing an.-wcr was ;iveii in Justice Clark's court the othr r day by a a witness. A lady who was 40 years old, f a day, was asked by the attornty how old she was. She answercd- "I nm. 27, ttandard time. The boys wbo make a practice of coasting on the Bidewalka are a bigger nuisance by far than those with velocipedes ever thought of being. These boys are Uwlcss, Impudent and saucy, and ought to have their sport cut off. A pair of blanket, valued at 12, stolen from Geo. Denner's place, in Northfield Saturday nighf, were recovered and the alleged thief, a colored man named Bibbinsj arrested. Beiflg permitted to go free on his own recognizance, he falled to appear and answer to the charges. The new pulp mili of Cornwell Bros., just west of the city, is uow nearly completed, the entire outfit, buildings, dam, machinery, etc, costing $21,000 and upwards. It will start up next montb, it is expected, and ten hands will be ployed. This makes seven tnese Bros. have erected 01 the Huron river. Thursday night last the T., A. A. & N. M. R. R. Co. met with a serious loss by the burning of their station, engine house and shops, and the partlal destruction of two engines nniL a passenger coach, etc, located at Manhrttnn Junction, a couple of miles or go tliis side of Toledo. The company place their los at about $10,000 with no insurance. This evening at the residence of the bride'g parents, on W. Second street, Mr. Fred Schultz and Miss Bophla Dietas will be united in the holy bond of matrimony. Tlie young eftuple stuit off on the journey of lite with bnllimit prosBpects and inany friends to vih them God speed. May they Uva to a good old age, and be ueful memhera of society. The Ann Arbor Odd Fellows,- Waehtenaw lodge N ). 9, and Otseningo, No. 295- have sent out invitations for an entertainment to be given at Hauiisti-rfer" hall Thursday eveniiijr, üec. 17. After the entertainment there will be refreahmenU and dancing. As the I. O. O. F. boys are noted for tueoetf in all their undertakings, an unusually brilllant time is anticipated. Last Thureday morning the batch of young crimináis wlio liad plead guilty were brought up in court and tenteneed by Judge Joslyn. Fred Foley, the leader of the gang of sneak thieves who have been working the city for the past several months, recelved a Réntanos of eeven years at lonia, his youth preveiitfng lus belng Bent to.Iackson. Thefoll MBtence he could have received was 15 years, and the feeling in this community would have upheld the Judge in imposiiig the extreme penalty of the law. An iccomplice, Wm. Kitson, received three yer8 at lonia. These two sentences have probably broken up the sneak thieving operation and petty larceny wbicli been so prevalent in this city mul which fur so long a time ballled the officers of the law in ferreting out. Fred. ('oquillard ;nicl Frank Keiler, two Ypsilanti youtlis wlio itole a lot of tur in iliat city and bl'OUght tliem np here and sold tliem. werc .-ciitenced, Coquillard to six months at lonia, and Keiler to !0 duys in Jatl. Orlando Boyer, charged with theft received one year at lonia. They were all taken tn their destination the same day by Slicritl WftUk. Wm. F. Lodholz bought five full size city lots in the 5th ward Saturday, for $20J, on speculation. Rev. J. F. Davidson, one of the oldest Methodist prendiera In the state, died In Fenton Mond:iy moining. Tlie brokerage firin of Kvurts, Williams & Co., has changed hands, and is now known us J. II. Cook & Co. Fred Staebler returned from Buiïalo Sunday, where he had been successful in diposing of several car load of fat sheel. About 50 con pi es attended the K. T. social and dance at the niasonic temple last evening, and the occasion was hljjhly enjoyable. From appearance3 tliis a. in., the water works banquet to the council yesterdny p. m. was served with something besides water. In the suit of Wm. Buike asfainst the city of Ann Arbor, a verdict, substantially, of no cause of nction. was rendered today In tlie circuit court. Mr. O. R. L. Crozier is to address the temperance meeting at the old Baptist ehurch Sunday p. m. at 3 o'cloek, subject : "Fanaticlsm in Life and Song." The next county fair will be held on the week succeeding the State fair, commc;ncing on Tuesday. That move fn tlie lart of the society is a commendable one. By reason of the loss of ralnable papers, taken froin the llecordcr's office and never retiirned, it has cost the city $248.80 to obtain a re-survey of the 2d ward. Geo. Clarken arraigned before Justice Biennan last Sionday for keepiiiK bit saloon open after legül liours, plead not guilty, and hud the case adjourned for two weeks. Last Friday Wm. Frank was arrested for keeping his saloon open after hours, p'eid fruilty, was fined f25 and costs, $::.-.."), iiich he paiil. The Jall sentence was remitted.j It mifrht be well for those who make a practice ot hitching their horses to shade trees, to remember that the law says that any prr.son usincr a simde tree fora hitching' post may be tined $10 therefor. According to astronomers the famous Star of Bethlehem is liable to flash its light upon the world at any moment. It will appenrin the costellation of Cassiopea in the northern heavens. Keep Tour eye out for it. Kailroad Cointnissionor MePherson has arned the everlasting gratitude of this pction of Michigan, and the United t:ites in general, hy recommcnding In iis innual report that the Michigan Cenral R. 11 erect a new depot in Ihis place. The annual dinner given by the New ïngland oolety cours this year at the Í. E. church, on Tuesday Dec. 22, at yt i. ui. The supper will be under the diection of the ladies of the M. E. obureb, .iast. n-spoiiíes, etc., by good speakers. And now the exuberant joy of lhverage boy wells up in liis bosom and omes lemming out of his inouth. No nore school lor two weeks, jou know. rfae) holiday vacation tor the public chools ootnmenoet Saturday and coatinlet OBtU January 5th. Boys. wln-ii you KM inolined to be ¦ecklcss in the use of bIIdJ ihoU, etc., rencinber that there is a reward of $00 or the armst and convictlon of anyone brbreaking wlndow llghu, or in niy tlier way (Ietroy1n)i property "Tte etter you look a leedlt! oud." R. 1) (iles, brothcr at ;'. ). sivl I. 1). Giles, of this city, and lie Llmself a former Ann Arbor realüeut, baa nyentcd a car coipler very imple in lesign hut oneof the mMt elï.rtixe vet irndiiced. It was tricd willi iiiccefM the jtlicr day on the I).. Gh II. M. rond. There are several pb.ces about the city (bat cun only be made passable lor foot passenger by the walks being cleniicd by the city itself - Hanc.ver iquare lor nrtance, and feveral vacant lot--. It is the opinión of many that the city should Ikivc show plowi olear all tlie w.ilks. A faniily nained Tlmnias, in an adjoinIng loun, have a new bom boy babe that they propose namin after the late vice pre-sideut, hut they don't likc the idea of repeating the name Thomas. Easily obviated. Juit reverse the late vice president'8 name, thus: Hendrickt Andrew l'lnmi:i, and Uien the boy will always carry liis II. A. T. with him. The penoo who Couldn't be íuited last night in the way of enterlainmeuts wa hard to snit. The K. '1'. socinl and düDCC at Maaonic temple ; anniversarvot lodge No. 27, A. U. O. W. at their hall ; pronouncinf? contest at University hall ; banquet to common councll at Cook's hotel; Pat Iïooney at the opera house; entertammeilt a"t the rink. etc. etc. The re-survey of the 2d ward places the residents and propeity owners there in an enviable position as far as survey is concerned. It ofteu luippens that lot owners want a survey made and thcir lines e.-tablished. This can be done now for from $1.50 to f3.00 per lot, wliile in Otbei anís not so fortúnate, the price will be from two or three to t-.n times that amount per lot. The first reception and entertainment given ander the auspices of the Cocker League at tiie BI. K. Cboreh torture room Monday evening was u dccided success, and WU witnesseü by a very largecongrejration. Tbe Inging of Mi-s Wincliell was prniiounced to M of lier vi-ry berti Mrs. Hall's playintr excellent, lid Prof. Troeblood' readings were higlily enjoyable. The league raeeired nu ailditioii of 145 nanies atter the exercics were over. Prominent cliurchmen of the EplMOpal falth have been addressed in a circular by Bishop Harria recently, ouiliiiiii the plan which has been couceived forotUblishing in this city an Jpiscoiial or Quild Huil, the same to have an endowment of three leotures hiiis at $10,000 cach. The puin of $15,000 for a building lias ilrendy been subsciibed. The plan is one tlial has been niaturinf; for eome little liint. and is richly deserving of succx ¦--. The next meeting of the Amphictyonic Circle will be held at the residence of Mi- BUI, No. 27 Liberty st., Slonday evening Dec. 21st. The evening's services will consist of: Iloll cali; Qnotiitions concerning Christmas; a Talk on Current Kvcnts: Music; a paper apon the "Ilistory id Uesciiption ot Om Vatiean," by Miss Watts; Cüautauquu text book No 1U, pp. 13 - 23; an essay upon tlie'-Lik Bod Times of Nero," by Mr. Kern Reading of a Selection by.Mis Payne after wblcb the batlneM moeting .'t Uk club will be held. Vm. Baumgartner, a hard wolWn Oerman, of tbiu city, was struck by tin pUot of a T., A. A. & N. M. train Thurs day eveuiDg last and ([iiite st-riously in jured, havin? one leg broken in tW places and otherwise bruised. He bal been taking a little too mnch beer thl (hiy, and was known to have been in i saloon in this city at a little aftcr II o'clock thut eveiiino-. Ilow lie could pos sibly liave reaehed the place wheie h I was struck by the cars in M short a time in the enndition he was in, isa oaytter; i that is puzzling sonie. A small snin o f money that he bad on hls person s alsi missing.