County And Vicinity

Wm. Bailey, of Milan, is' putting in n fccd naill. The M. E. chureb at Sulcm is belng repa i red. E. B. Doauo anti famlly, ofDexterhuvc gone to Florida. "TheChonaguen," is the name of Saline's new band. The Milnn band social at Wm. Whaley's nelted $18.60. Wm. Gneg Is to erect a line briek hotel at Sc.uih Lyon next summer. Milanites re talkin upa lecture oourso. Have the wives failed in thcir cluty? The Dextcr depot reports the shipment of two car loads of poultry last week, Miss Hhttie B. Lucas, of Dexter, will spend the winter with relatives in Indiana. The Observer says that Postmaster Gill en of Saline has made extensive lepairs on tbc postofflee. The Milan Presbyterlan Sundny school announces au oyster supper for the eveningof Jan. lst. The lüdies of the Dextcr M. E. society will have a " Christnias Arch," noxt Thursday oveninsf. A macfjiierade isto be giren hy the Occidental Dancing Club of Milan, Dcc 2, at the opera house. Oeo. O. Merriman of Manchester, shipped a car load of fat cattlo to BntTalo for Christmaa beef, recently, The Whitmore Lakcrs are niaking hij; preparation for a CbristiuM entertainment and promiso great tliings. The M. E. chureh society at trwin's acliool house, Sharon, haaliad twenty ncw mmi)ipr added to its rolls recently The wide awakc folks of Dist. 'No. 12, Lyudon, have organizeda lyceum with Supervisor F. A. Howlett as president. Jos. Kiilel and Miss Libbie Uhl, of Bridgewater, were marrled Dpc. 10, and went to Buftalo, N. Y., to spend their honeymoon. On Dcc. 9th, 1885, by Rev. O. N Hunt, at the home of tl; brido. Mr. Edwatd Joslihand Miss Viola Everts, both of Lyndon, were oiarried. Geo. Marshall, of North Lake, hayinji lost three horses lately, his neighborgare endearoring to :t up a subscription and buy li i i ti a new one. W. F. Hatch of Chelsen, has sent up to Mecostaeounty for luinber with whicli to erect a new house. Mrs. Hatch has been seriously 11 for some time. 'ltie Congregntional Suflday school of Chelsea will give an entertainment In the town hall Thursday eveniug, and one oí the attractiong will bea balloon ascensión. The ladiesof the M. E. Chureh at Manchester, propose to bring out the cantata of Santa Claus Greetings, 'at Goodyear's hall, Dec. 24, for the benefit of the children. I. M, Wliltaker, of Lima, is preparing to come toCUelsea. He hus purebased and will Üt up to his liking the Dn Kobertson house on South street for his future home residence. - Herald. Miss Mary E. Hartwell was a gucst the Hr8t of the week, at her uncle's, M. Ileynolds. Miss H. has just returned f rom missionary work in Siam, and is lecturing throughout the state. - Saline Observer. Stockbridge Sun : The following is the w;iy ii letter received at tuis postoffleu was directed: O, curry me along :it a rapld rafe, Ti IiiKliHin county nnd Mctil(an state, In the HtockbridKe P. O. let me lay, L'ntll Miss Bluuk takes me away. The Baptist and Method'st Sunday schools will have a Clirlstmas boat at the Baptist chnrch on Christinas eve. The exerciees vvill consist of vocal and inslrumeiital music, recitations, etc. - Mflan Leader. S. O. Iladley, the heaviest hlooded sheep man in Lyndon, saya he isn't discounigcd by the low prices, asthis is the fourth time in hie experience that. thcy have gone down only to rise higher in the near future. - Leader. The nausrhty boys of Manchester piled boards, brush, etc, on the sidcwalkn i" dark places evenings, and then laughed at the misfurtuues of pcople attempting to j w:ilk over them. And now the pólice are after the boys and the laugh has changed placeb. The Milan Journal will lonk in vain for anytbiiij; in the columns of the Col'KIBB which refera to the Salvation Army in a disres()ectful inanner, on thecontrary tliat nnich übiised body of people have had tuelr rijrblü warmly cbampioned in sevcral issues. Marvin Cooley, of thi township, was drawn for a juryman, at this term of the circuit court but as he was in Indiana, tlie summons wa not served upon him and he was tined for non-appearancc, bul of coursc when tbc facts are known he will be excused. - Manchester Enterprise. The trial of Webb vs Hinchcy is in pro gress tp-day as we go to press. Hinohey hot Wtht)'H dog. - Pinckney Dispatcn. Dou't kuow a to the especial valué of the dor abovo referred to. But if Hinchey will come down this wav and shoot a few catiines he will serve his country well. Hcnry Mcllcnkump, of Sharon, whilr returning from chureh last Sunday. feil from hi cutter apparently dead. He i"mained uncon?ci('ui until about lOo'clock on Monday, when signs of life appeared, and before night lie was so f:tr rcovTt-d as to be ahle to speak. - Chelsea Uemld. A Baud of Hope has been orgauized by Ihc little folks of RHlan, assisted by the oldcr one3„and the following ottlcers elected : Pres., F red Steidle; vice-prw., Mrs. Mina Smith; sec, Mabcl Odell ; awistant sec, Cra Hanson; treas., Milton Hack; assistent treas., Allie McNeill ; inside guaxd, Dora Htuith : outside gu.ird, Bert Oalwn ; chnplain, Mrs. Pay. Much sadness at thiw place becnuse the Courier man won'tlet us have anything But a paper railroad. If paper will endure for a " bustle," wby will it not do for a "bustling" thoroughfare? - North Iake cor. Leader. Certainly, anything to push ahcad. The C'oI'Riek would rejnice with exceeditig great joy to have the euterprisingpeoblp of North f,ake rideout of town on a railroad. MancheiterJEntorprlsc : At a Regular convocation of Meridiin chapter, No. 48 It. A. M., held atMasonic ballon Wednesday evcnins; Deo. lfith, 1885. The foliowing offleers were electod for the ensning ycar: H. r.-P. F. BloKner. Iviipii.- Artrjur Cae. cfibe,- H, O, 1OT-Joy. v. %.- jv. iJSsf" K. A. C. - J. H. Klngsly. M. Srd V. -Mut U. HlosBor. M. 2nd V.-V. W. Cae. M. Int V.-W. H. PottleTreaBurer- Dr. J. A. Lyncti. öecretary- Qeorge J. Haeuiuler. Sentlnel- E. O. Cari. " Mc Cullough Dramatic Club " 'm tho name of a ncw organization foruidl by ome of otir young peoplr. Ita object ? iniprovement, and tbey will douhtless gtn UBsouie enlertuiliniPtitg during tita winti t. lui home Uilont hië ttlwayn llrawu largo houses in the pnst, and will doubt Ifss give lis gool and proner entertainment in the future. The orneéis are : II. A. Williams, president: Q-. K. Giiiriou, manager; W. il. Fields, stage manager; W. C. Ciark, secretary; G. D. Crane, treasurer. WEHSTKIt FARMBR'S CLUB, The annual meeiinjf of the club was held last S:Uurday afternoon, and was well attended, considering the bad roads. After the annual reportsof the offleers, conimittces, etc, tho fcheme of holdiDj; i farmer's instituto this winter Was considered. The cluh ltiii previously deoided to hold tuoh an Ingfitute, expecting aid froni the state board of agnculture ; but havinfr failcd in that, it will endeavor to obtain a few speakers from abroad to issist in making the institntea success. The wholc matter was placed under the supervisión of an executivecommittee, who were empowrred to appoint othcr comniitleea necesary to carry on the work. The meml)crs of ihiücominittceare Win. Ball.ohairman; W. B. Boyden, Mis. J. Backus; and H" ex-offioio nicmbers, Ihe pri ident and seoii Inry nf the club. The meeting next pTooMded to the elrctioo ot offlcern fortlie ensulng year. This rixiljfd in the re-clection of the old "tficers with the riceptlou of thn rcrordini secietary, Miss Hattie Stark, who h:is faithfully and crediiably perfortned th d litios of secretar}' past year, hui lile clined (o accept tlm oflicr for a'nol lier year much agalnst the wjahes of the olub. In coiisider:iti"ii oi tho valiiabie services ren!¦¦ '¦ I 6y lier, a untnimotu vote ot thanks was temlered. Xiss Nellic (Juoal was electcd to tho oilue (ffr tho ensulng year. The recular meetings of the club for the uext year will be held in tho daytimc. and the spei'ial meetincs In the evening. -
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News