Book Reviews

PAItí.OR VAKIETIES-Plays, Pantomimes, Charades. Part II. By Ernma E. Brewxter and Lizzte l(. Scribner. Boston : Lee & Shepnrd, publiRhprs Por sali ly Andrews it Wltliarhy, Aon Arbor. l'iioe cWcunts. Tlio title of tltis book clearly indicates its iinture and character. For private theatricals for schools, i: is au nvahmblr little work, and must meet with a reudy sale. TEN BOÏS WHO LlVliD ON TUK BOAD KKOM l.ONO AOOTl) N'OW.-Bv .1 ne Andrews, ifiiUior of '-Sevi-n l.iLt'e sisters," Ueorítlili!iil Playa of tbe UnlUd StuieB.' etc. Boslon, A Mheiard. Prlce ILOO. For Kale by Andrews A Wltherby, Ann Arbor. The ten little boys whose hUtory is brietly and untei tHtntngly narmted in these pusres are: Kabier, the Aryan boy, who canie down to the plains of Indus Darius the Persian boy, whoknaw aloiit Zoroaster. Cleon, the Greek boy, who was at the Olympic itames. Horattns, the Roman boy, whose ncestors kept the bridge so well. Wulf, the Snion boy, who helped to uiake England. Oilbert, the page, who one day became a knii,'ht. Roger, the English, who longed to sail the SpanisU main. Ezekirl Fuller, the Puritan boy. Jonathau Edwards, the Yankee boy. Frank Wilson, the boy of 1885. It Is perhaps needless to add that tbe boy who can lie intrested ia any woi k eau be interested Ui thls ánU reeelve f rom lts pages much that is of Interest.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News