A Sudden Change

s The coming on of Winter s alwm j vero test tetheatrengtfc hikI vitaliiy ofany man or worn.-in. 'l'lie liody that lias been ' relaxed under the heat of summer and ¦ raildnewof fall, theporesoftheskin whteh have been open md unclor;ed, are in no fittc-i to meet the ludrias colds and tiercé winds. Itis not stupri.sinr, i lit-io fore. that the deatli rate ncreases so rap1 idly sdcin as colil wpather comes on, ' w Mie sicknessbecoines even more rmnmon 1 than it ordinarily i. It is not snfficient to - fortify th; outside of th body wiih warm ! elothiiigand beavler uiulerweqr. It Isuec essary to re-enforee its vital 'pirts trom within; tn idd some fnel thai shall c:me the vltftl llame to burn hriguter. 'J'he most advancetl .-cieutista and doctor agree 'hat. albumen isa mote liïe-gvinjj element ¦ than any other known substance, and if this eau be increased in the body tliedanI íicrs ota levert elimatc can he withstood 1 and sickuess ke.pt at u di.-tance. Kor tliis purpose ttiere ia nothlng vclnch c-:lii eqnal , HoptoWc, whirii crtnfWrrï all thetilenients that Kn to tonn albumen, tht bo towanl 1 toning thr syslem and iinpartiiig bctter nervc and pbyeic] torcr. These ar facts th.it avetattested by the best --lientists, as well as by very many of our prominpnt cltizenR. Mr. Tlioi. J. Barrv, uiin-llot -at law. 1 ' 'ii-'n - i . jri e president ot the city democratir roiiimitlrr, in ;peafclngon this 1 BUbjeet, said " I nu happv to y (lint al1 (01 a fuithful trial Ibtive hceu woiiderfutly as.ited ty usinj; lloptonic. lts prnperties 1 are ccrtajnly most valiiable loroverwork va men (tmt woinerf, a'ul f iii'ituve n_. .n, tie used with great Milt hy il! peoplc and I hy all who are sutleiins from Bieknus-s causcd by ovenvork and the scverity of the winter." Tbis is only one of the mnny comtnendationsof this Tiilued prepnration, and It ciHiclüsively prove Unit many of the deaths and most ïll-health wlncU arise Ikhii negleet to take the proper means at t proper time can be avoidcd hy all wlio so desire. - Boston Üaily Globe. In addition to the above wc publisli the following testinionials trom partie in Kew York, Grand Rapids and Ann Arbor. The American Express C'., August 18, 1885, delivered to the Rev. Ilenry Ward Beeclier a case of Hoptonic. Two weeks later he reported to the Xew York World that lie had not a pain or aohe in Itis body, and did not see but what he liad ten years hard, solid work in store for him. Mrs. Havemeyer, wife of ex-mayor Havemeyer of New York city, saya one bottle of Hoptonic done her more good than a season at öaratoga. Mrs. Wm. liowe of Eaat Chathatn, N. ., wiites that : "A case of Hoptonic has niiide our home happy and chcrful the past season - tree trom pain or puffering -and if I had the power wonld banish every other stlniulant from the land except Iloptonic, and edúcate the people to the merlts of this remedy at public atpense."' Grand üapiüs references as tp themerts of Hoptoiiic; Prof. C. G. Swengsberg, president of GrandjRapids college; Henry Siiring wholesale and retail dry roods; Hev. S. Bnford (and wife) rector of Chrisfs Episcopal church; Hon, Tbos. D. Gilbert president nacional city bank, W. D. Talford, Grand Rapids savings bank, ex-gov. U. B. (Jroshy. Below referenee is made to the follow ing well known citizens of Ann Arbor, who will give their teStltnony as to the efHcacy of Hoplontc: Hon. Ohauncy Joslyn, judííeof the circuit court, says, "For some time I have beeu siek, aud a bottle of Hoptonic has done me more good than all the medicine I have taken for a lon{ time. I am a new man and ready to testity as to its merite." Hon. C. H. Richmoud, Orthnitl Gciodinst aaid wife, Mr. G. it a deacon of the Baptist church at York, ('. Mack president savins bank, Samuel I'. Jowctt, Hob't K. Ailes,DeWitt (1. Fall, Mrs. Thos. lOdwards, Miss Jennio Kelly, L, VV. BodwelL Mr. and Mrs. L. Davis, Thos. Haley and ife, Jacob A. l'olhemus, John;. Ilird, Hon. K. D. Kinne, ex-mayor of Ann Arbor. Our iran townsman Ir. 1'. H. Roce, manufactures oiic of the niain ingrediente ot Hoptonic - peptnnizcd beef. Hoptonic is a precursor of health to thp world. No ¦ent. Any pnict icing phyiciaii iiiiood standing eau have the printcd toruiula, attestcd to hy applyin; U the main office, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News