It is to be hoped that republican member...

It is to be hoped that republican members of the U. S. Senate will not be so foolish as to oppose President Oleveland's norolnations. Republicana cannot aflbrd to mix in the opposite party's quarrels. Austria rejecteü Keiley as minister because he married a Jewess. This governmcnt eau possibly scrape along without any minister to Austria at all. We think Austria is some portion of an equiue. - Adrián Record. Tnerear:-1 While the whole state would rcjoice to see Detroit favored with a grand governmeiit building, it might be nell for that city to reuieniber the story of the boy who ran his hand into the sugar bowl. It is possiblo ihe nirty attempt to grasp too mach. Fonr years ugo during the last year of republican admtnlstration lu Ohlo tbe state penlientlary puid expenses and U3 I 00 more I lus year. at tbe end of three years of Democratie rule, the same prlson cost $153,874 over and above its recelpts.- Detroit Tribune. The deinocrats probably carried out tfaelr platform and not only "turned the rascáis out" but kept them out, which wUl account for the great deficiency. The long list of murders which Detroit is siving to the world is growing with sickening rapidity. The people of that city mu3t teel that life is of little consequence to the blood-thirsty crew that infest the place, and that their deeds are very slyly no guilty person is everfound out anless beglTM himself up. The Berrlen Spriugs Eni doesn't come far frotn the tnith la thU: "A lot of little tuppenny colleges have secuied the services of regular anny oflicers and advertise a military course in connection with their other instruction. That military course has never been popular with the undergiaduates, and now a large part of the alleged students at the Wisconsln Lniversity have openly rebelled and been suspended rather than drill in cold weather. If such chaps are to lead out artuies in future wars it is to be hoped that the lightin may be done in a warm climatc or that the umpire may 'cali the game' in winter." The Suprerue court of Ohio, ouglit to be impeached. Iu uiembers who concurred in uphokling one of the niostg'aring frauda ever perpetrated in the United State?, that of counting 200 fraudulent votes in ouu preeinct of tlie 4th ward of Cinciniiati, ought to be put in- we!l- put where they never can make such another decisión. If the judges of our liighest courts cannot elévate thetoselves above shoukler-hitUng ward politicians when questiotis of such vital impórtame come before thein, then said judges'ought to be prosecuted and convlcted ot the crime they seek to raataio. Tliere is little hope for the future of this people if such outrageá can be perpetrated and sustained by the higheet courts of a commonwealth. It is a di.-grace not only to Ohio, but to the wlioli; natiou as well. James Harria, arrestcd at Saglnaw Tnursilay as a vagraot, Ís a toactung tesllmony to the oare our crimináis recleve, aa he bad been out of prison ten hours and declared he woulil commlt au ollcnse to get back.- Evenlug News. Wliy shouldti't lic commit a crime so as to be supported la idlnesa at public expense ? Outside tbc prison walls be must work or starve. Iusicie those walls be is well-fed, well-housed and bas nothin to do but to play cards or the like. When the civilization of Michigan becomes far cnougli advanced to establish a stone yard at every county jai], so that these lazy loafers can be made to earn tlielr bread and lodging it will be a happy day for the honest and industrious laboring man who pays the taxes. It will also be the solving of the vexed question of bow to make our miserably poor roads good ones. The time is coming, and not fardistant, when the people will wake up to the importance of this moveinent. Detroit couldn't rest easy until sbe outdid the Crouch mdrder horror, and at lust slie lias done It.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News