
TJI I ; "UOOl MOUGHW fffmmmtm Ipi are ÍBj ing the Can,- r-nn , ' 2_ S(B tho Ulllngtube adjusting l o ¦pSti__ suit h e i g h t h HlE!Nnilfhi'l ThU is the Bt ItJSE most practical FAMILY CAN ever offered to FAMILY OIL CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOULD HAVE ONE. MANUFACTUREO BV HJt,in$lM iflanu$art urina $&, No Dropping Oil on the Flooror Table; No faucet to Lcak or gct knockedopen to waste Contenta or cause Êxplosions. No orks to Loge. Closes Pcrfectly AlrTight. 'o Lcakage-No Kvaporatlon- Absolutely Safe. A universal Iioiiirlinld X'cesiity. For Sale in Ann Arbor by C. C. Warner, S. & 3. Baumgartner. Ilenry Welsch. C. Eberbach. H. G. Hom, F. G. Schleicher. KiliNcy ArVuboll. 1Í71-1284. A WONDERFUL COMBINATION OF- IPKPTOMZEI) BEEF, HOPS [ TNT) MALT, Bclng the ii,v uou FREPARATIOiV l'or Impnrting PURE -IALBUMENK To the Body. It is an Absolute Cure for Nervousnes, Cebility, and Insomuia, and wurds ofl those Terriblo Evila which are the Firl Stages of INSANITY. For Debllllated ti.-ii, For I nfrcM. 1 Woiiirn, For Delicate ('hlltlrrii, For all who n . . .1 Kirengtli "HOPTONIC ISA BLESSINO." For Sal by all Druircists. Prepared onl bythe HOPTONIC CO., Grawd Rapidb, Mrca.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News