
. i. umi SALE.OF HCLIDAY HANDKERCHIEFS COMMENCES ON THURSOAY MORNINC DECEMBER lOth. We give the followtng as positvely the LOWEST FIGURES YET NAMED. 125 Dozen Ladies' and Childreu's Fancy Border Handkerctiiefs made to retaü for 8 cents. Our Price will be 3 for 10 cents. 25 Dozen Kadiea' and Children's Fancy Border, Linea Handkerchiefs at 5 cent each, would be cheap at 10 cents. 26 Dozen Ladies' Fancy Border and Plain White Hematitched Handkerchiefs, all Unen, 10 cents each, worth 15 cents. 50 Dozen Ladies' Hand-Embroidered, Fine Linen Handkerchiefs, at 20 cents , each, worth 30 cent. áO Dozen Ladies' Sheen Unen Embroidered Handkerchiefs at 25 cents each, worth 40 cents. Elegant Fine Sheer French Linen Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefa at 50 cents, 75 cents, $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50. GENTS' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. Plain and Fancy Border, Linen, at 10 cents, 12JÍ cents, and 15 cents, worth one-third more. '20 Dozen Gents' Plain White and Fancy Border, Linen Handkerchiefs Hem Stitched att 2 cents eac wor.h 40h cents. Very Fine Geuts' H. S. Linen Handkerchief, White and Fancy Border, at ij.'i cent, 40 cents and 50 cents each. Brocadc Silk HandUerchief, 80 Designs at 50 cents ench, 75 cents. Ladies' and Gents' Elegant Silk Handkercuicfs at 75 cents, 85 cents, and $1.00. MÜFFLERS ! MUFFLERS ! Whitc and Fancy, Silk, at 75 cents, $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. White and Fancy Cashraere Mulllers at 25 cents, 35 cents, 50 cents, 75 cents and $1.00. Ladies we can save you uioney buying Miilllers for your Gentlemen friends. Tliey makc a good Sensible present. SHOPPING BAGS. 5 Dozen large size Dugo at 50 and 7 cents eack. 10 Dozcn full, laree size Leather-lined, outaide pocket, best Nickel Trimmingg in Seal and Alligator made to retail at $1.50. Choice at $1.00 each. 5 Dozen verv Fine extra large size Bags at $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. Note the abure Prices and culi eurly for choice. Shrewd Ladies From City and Country are attending our Great Sale of GrosGrain Colored and Black Silks at 75 cents a yard, worth $1.00. Silk Velrets In all colora to match at 95 cents a yard. Mail orders faithfully executed. Under any circumstances it pays to trade with D. F. SCHAIRER. SUBSCRIBE FOR The Aun Arbor Courier.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News