Amusements, Entertainments, Etc.

Cincinati Commercial Gazette: "The lvy Leaf" is of a scliool of plays whieh carne to the rescue of the tne at an epoch when it woofully Deeded help. Dcaling wlth a country and epocli tliat appeal to the sympathie of thinking men of all uationalities, and with a people who, whatcver their political errors, are famous for the courage and wit of their men and the more than conventional purity and devotion of their women. The lvy Loaf is a drama from real lite. A thrilling leap from an ivyclad tower, and a military execution, interrupted, Damon and Pythias style, just ag tho word "firo" trembles on the lips of the lymptthtzlng conimanding tffflcer, are among the "sensations" of the pretty story of love and rii?ht trlumphant over avarlce and villany, whicu is lold by the drama- but in novelty at least these are surpassed by the carryiug off of' a child by an eagle and the üttle one's rescue by the hero, who cllwbs to the "crag'' at the risk of bis neck, and gives successful battle to the "bird of freedom."
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News