
BACH & ABEL'S COLUMN. ÉSTA ttcntíon ! Aitention ! As the tendency seems to be to cut and sla&h we must of course lead the procession. The first on the list will be Gloaks. Our entire Stock of Short wraps, consisting of Brocaded Velvets, and Plushes with feathered and Fur trimmings now $22.50 reduced from $28, $30, and $35 Our Entire Stock of Newmarkets, Brown and Black, . trimmed with Astrachan [and Beaver, now $20, reduced ' from $25, $28 and $30. ; All Newmarkets, trimmed, or Tailorvmade, now $15, reduced from $20 and $22. All Newmarkets, trimmed, or STailor-made, now $12.50, reduced fr om $15 and $18 All Newmarkets, trimmed, or plain, $9, reduced from $12 and $13. 15 Nigger-Head Newmarkets, now $5, reduced from $10. All Silk Circulars, $7.75, reduced from $10. All of our Silk Circulars $12, reduced from $15 and $16. All of our Silk Circulars $15, reduced from $20. All of our Misses Cloaks at prices that will astonish you. We have in stock 5 Silk Dolmans sold at $25. We have marked tliem to close at $12.50. We have two Silk and Wool j Mattelesse Russian Circulars sold at $55. We have marked theni $25 to close. ftueer time to sell Cloaks for about half. But that is exactly what we do io-day and a II 7iext',weeh. BACH & ABEL A.W. Amc s haa i -xpros offiee qmirters coDsIdfmbly orowded Lhete clnys. The nnmber of rxtcfcftges passtag throogh tlie office is isionishinjr. A. V. Robiton dessies to inform the public that he will be on ham) in j;ood simpe next aeason lor street. ipriokllng, I hiivin; had two stand pipes erecteri for bis ! especial use, one at Fireiii-iu's hall and one at the Ilifrh School building. Plewe keep tliis in ïnind. You make no tnistake iti bnyfng a Doniestic or DhvIs Sewing Machine, 'l'luv are time tried and have no equal. Sold only by J. F. Schuh, SI S. Main strret.T m Fmwous Í!INE KID BUTTOX- COM. SENSE OB OPERA LASTS, FLEXIBLE SOLIOS, NH.'ELY TRIMMED ANü STAYEO. THE BEST SHOK KVEK OFFEKED IX TUIS CITY AT LESS THAN í'OUR DOLÍ. AKS. WA, SIZES AND WIDTHS. EVEKY l'AIB WAHUANTE1). K00DSPEEE'S„crS RINSEY & SEABOLTS iiiOIÍliiiii AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hond, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., For WholeRale and Retall Trade. We hall aleo keep a eupply of S IFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! I. 'lili Flour, Kye Flour, Buck m heal Flour, Corn ITIeul, Feed, Etc., At Wholepaltí and Rutall. A general stork of GROCERIES and PR07ISIÜNS Cunstaittlj on hand, which will mold on as ruatoDuble terme af at any otber houee la the city. Ouh uaid for BUÏTER, KGÍÍ8, and CüUNTKY PRODurK generHlly. Uoode dtílivered to ny lart f the city wlthnut extra ctaaiy'. KINSKI & SEABOLT. I
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News