
" The liest on earth " can troly be uid of Gripgs' Qlyictinc Salve - i speedy cara forcuts, hiiii-c.-. s' ilds, bnroa, sores, piles, letter and all skin eroptlon. Try tliig wonder heaier. 36 Wnto. Gimrantecd. 'Worde f II to expresa my gratltude,' says.Mr. Sclhv ('arlor, f Naihville, Tentl. " for the bcnciit'lcrivc(l lïom Ayer'sSarsaparillu. Harinir been itflicted all my life witb scTol'iiI i, mv systcm seomed ?atarated wlth it. It same out In blotclics, ulcera, and miiterv ore8, all mr my hody," Mr. Carter gtates tKui h : tin'ly curcii by Ayer'i SanepnrÜIa, and t-irce discdiitinuiiiLc is use, elíht months ago, h:is had no return of the scrofulous lymptom.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News