
Estáte of John G. Darla. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Conuty of Waphte nuw, u. I At t sesslon ff the Probate Conrt for the County I 01 Washteimw, bolden ut thi Probate Office, in the ; city oflAnn Arbor, on Thnnday, the thnd day j o: December, in rh" viar thcustind cight hundied mid ei;.'hiy flvo. Present, William I). , Harnm:iii, -1 ndge 1 I 'r. . In matter of tb emule ol John (. Dnvfn. deceased. Ou rendios and dilnx thepetlilon, du ' verlied, of Oom-tock V'. Hi. prnvlni; thnt he m-.y ! llcenaed ti; ,¦,) tlie nul stat rberuoi -aiil dACeased itu-d seized. Thereupon M la ordered, tiial Moinlay.tho fourth day of JiimiMjy next, :it ten o'cluck in the fore noon, be taailinBd Tot tBe heani-r'il s'idoetition, aud that Uie Ii-mtk ;it law of suid d aud all other persons Intereated m gatd estáte, are reouired tu ajppearal a Bession ofeaid eoprt, ti,-;. 10 be bolden at the Probate Offlce, in the city of Aun Arbor, in nald countyand BhoitcaUBe.tiauy there he, why theprayer otlbe peiltteoerahonld i otbe (tranted And it Ir fnrther ordered, thnt aald pethlonrr gtve miwodi intereated Inmldewate, ot the pundeiM y ï h .-ii d petltlon, and tbe hearititr thereol, by chiibíiil' a copj of tbto order to he ubliebed In the Ann Ai hor Laurier, u nwapftp6r prlnted and oirculñtim.' m au! conpty, three buccuBHive wei-ks prRvloot) to Mid d;i r r heartofl WOSJJM II. II WiKl.MAN. (A truc copy.) .Indjje cif l'r.iia-c. WM. G. DoTY, Prol)-.' U78 1279. EslafR of Henry Coleluer. STATK OF MICHIGAN, üouuty of YVasbirnaw. Ata session of the l'niliiicc ('oiirt for the OoootJ ot Waehtenaw. hoidun ut the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tiiesrlay, ihc .-ihth dny ol December, in yaai one lbouaand ilghl handred and etghty nv:. Present, Wlllliam 1). Harriman, Jndat of Probate. In the matter of the eatate of Benry ('o:c!azer, deceaard. On readlni; and fllini; the petttlon, ouly verilled, of H. li., prayin thiit admini-tratlou of Bald estáte may he frranted to '% Illiam W. Whedon, or Mime olher huitH))9e p'r;.oii. Thereupou il is orderedi ttiai Moaüay, tbe ith dayof Jantinry n-'xt, ut ti-no'clork in the roronoon, (¦ a?irned for the hearing of nid petlUon and that the helrs at law of - : !-r por r-ont interesied in 8aid eetnii' arr n-ijuirrd toappear al a iesloo ol said coiirt, tben t.' !)¦ hoUleü at the Probate Otilce. tn the i;iij ol Ann AtIht, and show cauie. tf ajiy theru lx-, vbj the pmyerof ihe pe titioner titm.ild nol be Rr&nti . j:i H is further : ordored, that aid peutioner L-ive notie1 to the peraooB Interested In Baid egute, of the pendency of said p. 'út ion, und ;he h6artns thereof, b oausinir a copy of tiiie order to be published in the Ann Arbor Cmmer. n newopaper prlnted and circulatingin naiti onnty, three aaoooaaiTe weeks previou to tatd day of Copy.) W1LLIAM D. I1ARKIMA.M, Jndije of P'nl'itiv WM. O. T)OTT, Prolwte Register. 1375-12:8. Kstate of Margaret C. Klnar. STATK OF MItJUlUAi, t.'ounty of W militan. Ba. At n RfRKlon ot the Probata Court for the Coonty ui WanhteiKiw, holden at the Prubat Offlce. In the City of Ann Arbor, on Moiulay, the ion tee&tb day of December, in the vi-ar one tbons und eiyht bundrud auiiei{hty 8re. Preaent,Wllllan D.llarrlraan. -hfli qi obute. In tbe matter ui th (.tate of Marcan-' 0 King.decea(ed. Beniomin J. Uonrad, ttu vdioinlattor of aid estáte, romes into court and representa 'hat he i now reparei to rauder nin acooant aa Hiioh adniin) I Therenpon lt la ordered, tlml i-ilm'-dr.y, the rilhday of January uext, ut 10 o'cloeK in the lorenoon, be asslgned lor examlnlng and allowiiift Bacb acooanf, and thnt tbe ai iseea. lócateos, and Btdra at iaw oí r-;iií deceased, and all other perlotia intrrrw'rd in sáld estáte, are reqntred to ap peajr at a ssarion ol Bald court. than tobe al the Probate Office, li (heelt? ol Anti Arbor, in said county, aud BhinfoaoaBj, 'i at tfci why theenlii aoeonni sliould mt !)¦¦ 1 - And it Ik fnrthei ordered, that aald admlnhvratoi give notice to the persons Intereated m -aid .-si ai e oi the penduncy ot said account, and the bearing thereol. by caoaing ;i copy of order 'o he i nh lished IrrtheAna VrbnrttfHtff.a newpapei aiui circula! ini; in Mid county. three kuc weekf toaiil day ol lu-iiriiiL-. (Atr'ie.'opy.) Wll.i.lAM D. H ARRIMA), Jndse oi Probate. WM. G. DOTT, Probate Ke-tster. Kstate of Samuel l. BMd. OTATJC Of MICHIGAN, County ol WaabtMBtw, 0 ss. At a KCRSion ot tho Probate Court for the County 01 Washleuaw, holden al the Probate olHee in the city of Ann Arbor, on Tlnirsday, the 17th U ii iiier in the yeiir 6ne thoiiaitnd 8 and eijthty-üve. l'resent, Williaiu U. Harriman, Judi:e of Probate. In tho matter ol the estnle of Samnel B. Reed, deceai-ed. David A. !' t execut r of the lasi wil] and tt4iment of said deeeaaed, oomefl Into curt and repre-enlt fiat he it now preji;ired to ruiuter hiB flnal account a sneh execator. Thewupon it is ordered, thiit Sntiinlay, the lfith day of January next, at ten o'Clock in tlu foi he asRiKnpd for the xanr.uing :md allowrag ol FHid nccoun!, and tbat tho tevlaees, legan heirs at law ol sald de eaaed, iul allotb ; persona lntereBted in N:iid esti'e, are reqtnred to app"ar atanesnion o( eald i-miri, then to be bolden at the Probate Offlce, in the city of A mi rbor, and show cause, if uny then' be. wbj tho prayer of tbl peiitioner shönlij uot beallowed: And lt !( further ordered, tbai Bddcxecntoi aoüce to tbe parspns Interedted tu sald -hiii, ol the pendeney of sald acronnt and the hearing thoreof, by cauNiui; a nin ot tliin ordei to bf publixheü ui the Ann Arbor 'O'rl, a néwspaper prlnted mul drculatin in nald conuty, threo nJoevaaiTa "er n ureviouBtosaid diiy ol hearlnsr. A irue copy. WÍl.i.lAM D HHHIMAV, Tudie ol Probate. WM. O. DOTT, Trobato itegStu. BW
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