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Strange Hallucination Of An Indiana Man

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At Hartford City, Indiana, over a year go John Owcn Snkler, a farmer living even miles sotitheast of tuis pl:ice was rfzed willi a inania tor pedestrianiMii. t-i 11 ir impressed with the strange halluciatiou that tlirce layerg had suddenly apearcd upou the bottoms of his fcet, and ie only removal was to walk them off. Ie at and took BB the lino of niarch, rtyeliag in a circle in the rcar of his welling, about tweuty-tive fert in diainter. Around this Uoten pátb he ha mveled now fr over one year, .uutil within the last few days. No friend or relative could induce him to stop, and it was necessary to travel vith food and give him drink as he travled on hls tireless journey. He was perDnded to follow the low bilt if the plow truck any object he wouUl let go the latidles and travel on from rightto left in oircle about the lield. Iti dropping corn e always dropped it in a circle. The miiily ïi i story reveáis no nsauity on itlier side, and medical men are at a )ss to divine the origin of the strange alliu ination, nor can they dsvlse a remedial agent that will give relief or reuove tut) strange inalady that so allliri 1ÍUI. He has heen trampin now over one ear and a half, and the last twelve lonths tlmost day and nicht for at least xteen hours of every twenty-four. II lways sits in a cbair while sleeping, and lever removes his clothlflg. Ho leaves ff his pilgi image about V in the mornlnir, nd immrdiately tall asluep in the nhair provided for hira. At 5 he again Btartl ipon his tireless round, he travels at tlie ate of live miles an hour, or eighty in wenty-four, and in the last 13 months ïas walked 25,000 miles, or once around he world. This is no exagfjeration, but very tatement is fouiuled upon facts as hey exist. He seenis peifectly sane on all subject except the iuianinary one itllieting him. Last summer he was pronounced insane and sent to an asylum. He walked tn he train, and continued his pil;rimage while on the way. At the asylum no means deyised couïd conipel him todesist, and on he went. If compelled by force 0 stop, hls feei are lil'ted altematèly and hO8 kept in motion. The authorities re;:irded hiins as harmless, and he was sent lome. For a few days past he has been orced to keep inside his dwelllng in a topm provided for him, and on he gOM i ind, consulering hiniself a prlsoner, it ïas aggravated him, and he has accelerated his pace until hefairly Hies about his apartmeut. He has taken to prophecy nnd i-emaika'.)le stories are told of his predietions. t is claimed that he fortold the death of Gen. Grant, and that he observed alter the fall election that poor Hendriek's would not bealive one yenrfrom the time of his inauguraron. Álauy other events tliat have occuri-ed he lias foretold with marked precisión aud accuracy. And nw he predicts that within the next decade the greatest war since the formation )f the govei'iiment will be iu progresa, t will coinuicnce in foreigu landa, aud America will be eoni clled t.i oiijragö in 1 before it is ended. He prodicU the eud oí time within the next twentvyeais; 8ays the sun is COüllBZ and setting ready 'or combustión, etc. He is elcar aiul lucid n all subjects except the imagiuary niuble on lii feet. In response to the iiuiry how long he expected to continue ns pllgrlroage before relief is obtained, lis re)ly is that 50,000 milis of travel will be neces8aryto remove the imaiinary norbid growth, and that he must inake liaste to compasB that dislance; and then muy he goes with a bound that fairly stirtles his inquisitor. It certainly Is a must peculiarly remarkablc oase and without a parallel In the history of maUdies tbat atllict mankind, imaginary or other wise. ____ Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity, but if you wish to know what a man really is, give hini power. Tuis is the supremc test. It is the glory of Lincoln that having al most absolute pow.r, lu iitver abuseil it, except on the skle of niercy. Wealtli could not purebase, power could not awe this divino, this loving man. He knew no fear except the (Var of doing wrong. Hating slavery, pityingtlie master- seeking to couquer, not peraont, but prejudices - he was the euibodiiiu-nt OÏ the self-deni;tl, the courage, the liope, and the nobillty of the nalion. H spoke not to inflame, not to upbraid, but to convince : he raised his hands, not to strike, but in bcuediction. He longed to pardon He loved to eee the pearls of jy on the eheoka of a wife whosu hubaud he had rescued fiom dsatb. Lincoln was the prandest tiyure of the fiercest civil war. He is the gentlest memory of our world.- K. Q. IngerThe greatestconsolation to one fcrowtng old, is the improved surrounding which i-onif with iiec, experienoe and wisdom. We are remlndüd of this font. by the apIearance of the new Socd Anuiial of D. M. Ferry & Co., the oelebnrted scclstnen of Detroit. Micb. (They enjoy the envinble repoUtion of belng ihe widest and best tcnOWD lirm, in iny business in the United States.) Millionsofpeople.gardeningboth for proflt and pleasure, have fnund ever noreasing satisfaetlon anddelisht in usint Ilieir sceds. Brery oue dcsiriiifi UBdl o thu Mgbt type and best quallty, shouh secure their Annual. It is sent tree ou iipplication.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News