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Railroad War

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The pOpl of Howell are having .1 considerable fuii these days because of the railroad war between the T., A. A. fc N. M. road and the Detroit, Lansing & Northern. The foriner road in getting into Howell had to cross the other's track about a mile and a half east of the town. It had the right of way but the old road had determined not to let them cross and no satisfactory arrangernenta could be made. Au injunctlon was gotten out to prohibit any interference and late Saturday night Jas. M. Ashley, Jr., superintendent of the Toledo roud, catne oa the ground with a laige force of inen and proceeded to cut under the D. L. & N. track. By Sunday night the work was complete and a track laid through the cut. But Monday morning a force of men from the old road caiue on the ground and filled the cut with stones, dirt and boards. Now Ashley did not propose to stand this, so he rallied a force of men, made a charge on the enemy, captured the place, cleared out the rubbish and stationed an engine and several cars in the tunnel. In the meantime Superintendent Mulligan of the D. L. & N. had gotten out a warrant for Ashley and sent the U. S. marshul to arrest him. But the men of the1 iatter lallied around hlui and would hare made it lively fur the offleers had he not ordered them to stop. As the track of the Detroit road liad been torn up east of Sonth Lyon the train beaiing Ashley and the marshal did not fret to Detroit until Tuesday moruing. The charge was for delaying the mails and the extreme line is $100. He was ready to give any amount of bonds but itjwas lixed at 250, the trial placed for next Monday and lie was released on his own recogniz mee. ïhereupon he at once started for the scène of actlon, and on liis arrival thcre he found liis men to the number of about two hundred still holding the fort. They were guarding the place with guns and bayonets ready for actlon. As Howell will be considerably beneflted by the new road the people are all deeply interested in the contestand favor the Ashlcys. It is now a auestion of how lone th? place will be guarded and then when left whether it will not be filled up by the other road. In the end the question of the kind of a bridge to support the Detroit track will have to be decided by the Governor, the Secretary of State and the Ka il road Cominissioner. Scnsaüon after sensation keeps the newspaper raen in Detroit busy wearing out lead pencils and destroying white paper. On New Year's Day the line was changed from murder to lire, and tliat city was visited with one of the greatest fiies in its h8tory. Tlie immense building of D. M. Ferry & Uo. occupying an eutire half block, fronting on Brush st., together with White's theatre and several store' occupying the west half of the block, fronting on Kandolph st., were burned to tbc ground, and adjoining property only saved by alinost superhuman tfforts of one of the best fire departinents in the United States. The loss is placed at fully one and one-half million dollars, with some $600,000 insurance. Ono li ie tu u 1 1 lost his life, and another was serlously injured by falling walls. It was an exciting and terrible way to cominence the new year, and we sincercly hope that it is not indicative of tbc balance of the year for the "City of the Straits." The Ypsilauti Sentinel rtruarks: "The Xews says: 'Dickiuson is solid with tlie President.' It 8 of far greater Importance that the President should be solid with the party. Tliere is where the seam threatens to rip." Well, reallj', vlewlng it froni the other ilde of the pohkigJiioo, it does seam go. The State Kepufltican, the new dally established at Lanains; in place of the old Lansing Republtcan, comes to us tooking neat and handsome mechan ically, and Inning u ring in its editorial Iliat unmistskably denotes the riglit soit of material in its oom positief. The old Republican, over whose destinks J. W. Klng presided is chief editor tor K innny years, was a uiost excellent Journal, The mu proprleton of the oflice Messrs. Thorp & Oodfrey, have taken a step forward in enterprise and made the paper a daily ñatead ol' a tri-weekly. Tliat the step will be a wise onc no one can doubt, for tliis age is one that and aids all things that progresa. It is a benefit to the republican party as well, for it cainiot fail to giyo it o strong, influentlal oigan at the capital. AUy success attend the State Republican. President Cleveland hos shown great shrewdness in transferring the flght upon tin: Michigan men vrliom he has nominated for positions from his own shoulders to those of the geuate. The president would not recall any of the name-, but sent to the scuatc the papers contaijiing charges uiade aainst them. Senators will probably be urged to defeat conürmation, but if republican senators take any part in the fight they are very foolish.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News