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iuuge iaiupDeu is ene oniy repuDliean left on the bcnch of Michigan's supremo court. Hls terra expires in 1888. The mystery surrounding the Knoch munters seem as diflicult of being solved as ever. Like the Croncli tragedies every avenue leading to light is closed. The SaWation Aimy bavc advanccd on Howell sinners. There ia a grand opportunity for them to climb the Rolden st.ürs, (E. & O.)- South I.yon Excelsior. If the poüce of Detroit would eviuce as much vigor in huuting down murderers aiíd criminal?, as they did in suppressing a newspaper they deemed inipertlnent and objcctionable, there inight possibly be lem crime in that beautiful city. Abijah Joy, the Detroit policeman, who became famous through M. Quad's sketches of "An Hour at the Central Station," has climbed the golden stalrs, and is probably now a door keeper in "the house not built by hands." We hope so. at least, for he was deservinif. The Detroit Evening News characterizes Manager J. M. Ashley's conduct in his tihi with the Detroit, Lansing & Northern B, K. as "high handed business." It may have been, but how abouc the couduct of the other side? Tliat was rather low business, wasn't it? It is sald that Owosso is so cager to get manufacture to lócate there thul they are catchiug everyttilug but the small pox.- Michlguu Farmer. We know of a handsoine littlecity, not a thousand miles away, that ouglit to be inoculated with a little of that sort of virus, viz : eageruess for manufactures. Hut it is doubtful if it ever will be. The encainpinent of state troops at Islund Lake proinises to be a great allair next summer. Preparations are now going on and contracts beiug let. With new unilorms and seven additional comcompanies the militia will doubtless astonish the nativesofold Livingston with the gorgeousness of their trspplogl and and the skill displayed in their drill exercises. A new feature in the camp will be daily devotional exercises. - Howell l!epublican. Ten feet of snow reported in the upper part of the state. It is understood Unit Cliief Engineer Hawks, of the M. C. R. R. is to visit Aun Albor goon, to look over the prospecta of a nevv depot building, etc. The case of the boys arrested for assault upon young Clinton in Polhemus' livery 6table recently, was settled in Justice Frueauñ"8 office yesterday. Prof. ,T. B. Davis estimates that a good bridge or roadway over tho rallroad crossing on Detroit street, would cost about $12,000, one-half of which would be the expense of gradiug and filling in. With the compliinents of ö. 15. Mc Cracken, compiler, we have received the Michigan Aluiunac for 1880. This annuul publication has become un indispensable reference book for the counting house or business office, and the present number does not lack in valuable information which everyone desires to familiarice liiniself with. Published by the Tribune, Detroit, Mich. President Porter of Yale, is the editor recently appolnted of the new edltlon of WebBter's dlctlonary. He has declded to admlt the Nlang phrases "buil duzlng," "boycott," and "dude," as newly colued words, but be hesltales bout the word "mugwump." He Khould give the latter word a consplcuons place In nis work, because every honest clttzen has canse to remeraber lt with much atlpfucllon. - Ann Arbor Democrat. If our friend of the Democrat had put the pretix dis before the last word in that paragraph be would have hit t pretty square. J. C. Watts, who jcarries on an immense jewelry business ut East Saginaw, in conversation with ye loeul tt other dny asserled that he baH diubled his9!ii this season, and. had accompllshed that difflcult feat by a liberal and judicious use of printer' ink. " I teil you," says Mr. Watts, "'there is wealth to a business man In newspaper advertising, if it is done judiciously, and the advertiser does just what he advertises he will do; at lenst that is my experience." And Mr. Watts seems to have got hold of the right end of the rope. The Albio'.i Republican, after quotlng tho item about the pansies that Will Hayley picked says this: "That's very well for Mr. Hayley of Ann Arbor, the seat of Michlgan's great university. But little Fannie King, of Albion, the seat of Albion College, clon't propoge to be outdone by any masculine Ann Arborenn in the matter of a winter holiday garden. She has presented us with four pansies and a couple of dalsies, all picked out of door?, as bright and full petalled as if It were September Instead of the last week of the year." St. Andrew's Society lias purchased the place corner of Huron and State sts., known as the Sperry property, for $3,700. Tliis the society donates to the Hobait Guiltl, on which will be erected next sumraer Hobart Guild cost $20,000 which amount Bishop Harris takes upou himself to raise. The building when completed will be one of the finest and most artistic in the city, will contain lecture room?, reading rooms, library, ladies' reception and 'Working rooms, kitchen, etc, very much after the manner of a regular club house. St. Andrew's society 1b to be coiigratuUted upon the new life and vigor beiug infused hito it, and the city upon thls new


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