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My wife. who suffered severely from rheuniatism, received marked bemtit from the Athlophoros while taking it, :ml Unit the benetit received lias been permanent admits of no doubt Johnson Stephens, Hazcl Green, Wis. Scott's Emulsión of Pure Cod Llver OU. with II) ioiliii.'iii-. Is Excellent in Lung Troubles. Dr. Enoch Callnn'ny, LaGrange, Ga . sayp: "I have used Scott's Emulsión witli wonderful sueeess in all Luna tnuibles, ulsi) liiid it has no equal in Suinmer Dinrrucea of children." Consumption Cared. An old physician, retired from practlce, having tuid placed in nis hands by au Ea-t India missionury the formula ol a simple vegetable reniedy for the speedy and permanent cure of Consumption, Bronchitis, Uatarrli, Aslhma ind all throat and Luiijí Aflections, also a positivo and radical cure for ïferyoUB Debility and all Nervous . CompUintü, alter haviiifi testcd its wondeiful curative powers in tliousunds of caaes, has feit it his diity to mnkc itknown to his sufferinj, fellows. Actuateil by ihimotive and a desire to relieve luiman sutfering, I will send free ol' cliarjfg, to all who desire It, ttilfl recipe, in Qerman, Frcncb or Knrlish, with Inll dlreetlon for preparing and using. Sent by mailliyaddreülns with stamp, naminr tHli paper, W. A. Noyes, 149 Powers Block, Bochester, N. Y. 1í:o-i;l2. An Important Discover}'. 'l'ho most important Disoovery islhit wl.ich briiifrs the most gfood to the ri'catest number. Dr. King's New Disoovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Olds, will preserve the health and save lite, and isa priceless boon to the nfflicted. Not only does it positively cure CojUumpUon, bnt Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Hoarsencss Asthtna, and all affections of the 'l'hroat. Chest, and Lunj;s, yieldatonce to ts wonderf ui curative pöweis. If ynu doubt this, peta Trial Bottle, Pree, at' Eberbach & Sou'b drug store. A Frcnch physician luis wrltten a long letter on the advMntajjes of groafilnjr and cn-ins. One is tliat ncithcr will bc mistaken for sinfiiii. Catarrh Is n very prevalent and excocdinglv cü.-agreeable ilisease, liablc, il DOglected, to (levelop intn serious consumption. Baing a constltutionnl dispare, t ríqulres n eonttutional remedy like Qood'l Bvsaparll;i, which, HCting through the blnod, reache every part of the systoin, efiectbis a radical and permanent cure of ciitarrh n even itstnost severe forins. Prepaidl by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mam. Kifty-thrce persons in Gainesville, Fia. cali one man lal h. i . lüs othcr name is Thomas James. He is not, and never has een a polygn mist, hut bo Iims boen callcd iponto ïnourn the death of seveial wivis n the course of his experience. An End to Itoiie Scrapinif. Edward Sliepherd, of Harrisbuig, U]., savs : "Havinr r cel ved so much beutlit rom Electric Bitters, I teel it my duty to et inttering huinanity know it. iïave ïad a running sore on my leg for eight ¦ears; ray doctors told me I would have o have the bone scraped or leg ampuated. I used, instcad, Miree bottle of üectric Bitters and seven boxes Bucken'g Árnica Salve, and my leg is now mind and well." Electric Bitters are old at flfty cents a bottle, and Buclilen'ë Arnfcn Salve t 250 per box by Eberbach JfcSon. !!' ¦¦7 tb intt Cou(h cur, jSc„50c tl llcmn'i Salpbur oap belt k beaatlflM, Uo. DrmjiCrnBmoTt riT7 1-ton kgaaloni UTiHifa4Wilkf Br-2VE4k0o. I tfi Vt IWitciri tnjj B-Mo 9-iuêM a Fim f t Bita


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