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UIYALÍStt'JlJ B POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powdcrnever varíes. A marvol of purity, Btreugth and wholpsomencss. More ccouoinlcal i hun the ordtoary kinds, a ih i can not be sold in corapetltion wlth the multitud of low test, short welght, elnni or phosphate powders. Sold only In cnns. Itoyal KukLnir Powder Co . 1O6 Wall st., N. Y. ITCHING. SKIN MSEASES IXSTAXTY BELIEVED BY CUTICURA. T3KATMENT.- A warm batb with Oüticdiia Soap anda Ringle applicatlon of Cur cura, thegreat Skin Cure. This repeated daily, with twoor three doses of Cnuriu Kesolvent, the Ni-w Blond Pariner, to keep the biood conl, the jn-spiration pure and unirrltaring, the bowels open. the Itver and kidneys active, will speedlly cure Eczema. Tetter. Ringworm, f'soriasts, Lichen, 1'uriius, Scald Ilcad, UandrutTand evcry pcc es of Itchlng, Scalvand Pimply llnmors if theScalpaiid akin, when the best 'physicians aiid remedies fat], k - :i: i v on vm ii i i.i Your moat valnsble Cuticjka Hkmihie have done my child no much good that I feel like Bayinjr tliis fortho bencüt of tbuse ho are imubled with skin dixease. My HttU' girl was truaolcd with Kc2cdii, and I Wed suveral ductore and medicincB, but did not do her any t,rood until I used the Cutioura Remboik which spi'cdily cured hor for which I owe ym raany and tnnny niehts of rest. ANTÓN BOSSMIEK, KJiuburg, Ind. TETTKR tiF THE SCAE.P. I was alimwt pcrfectly halrl, caiiod by Tetter of the top of the scalp. I sed your C'uticuba ükm EDiKsabout six weeke, and they cured my sculp perlectly. and now my huir is comiu_' hack as thlck as ever it was. J. P. CHO1OE. Whltesboro' Texas. COVEIIED WITH RLUTIIES. I want to teil you th-it your Cuticura Resolvent is raaifnifieent. Abont ihree months atro my face wttb covered with blotchea, and after using three boules of Kkshi.vent 1 w8 perfectlv curud. KliKDBKIC'K MAITKK. 23 St. Charles Street, New Orleans, La. kMIU UN V1LVE. All of yonr ül'ticuka Rehediis give very good satlsfaction. The Cuiicuha I efpetially recommi'nd fur the dlsease lor which it is nsed. I know from exiuTience lts value. Db. H. J. PRATT, Monticello, Wis. BEST FOR ETOKJMO DI8EASE8. One of oar customers ays your Cuticuba Rem EDiEearetiie best lie can flud for lichini.' of the skin. H trled all olhcrfiaud fonnd no relief until he used youre. RisinSun, Ohlo. F. J. ALDRICfl, Dru?gist. Sold everywhere. Pr.ce: Cutlenra, 50 centi. Soap, 25 cnts ; Resolvent, $1.0 . Prepared by the Potter Druo and Chemical Co., lBTOW. Moml (r "II d to cure SU In IMmmkiV Btaett4i Skin, Bli-miHliotaad Bby í 11V1 Humors, aso Ostloan . SNEEZE ! SNEEZE! f- SNEKZË until your head at - , Vv ms rcadyto fly off; until Jlf' - i "A y()lir nose and eyes disJ A V (linree exci'sive quantiee 'VJ.!j.'.fSj nt thin, irriiatiiii; watery A M fT '''i until your head achee '¦¦. ' moulh und'throat panhi'd, fífri'{&l1 r&i HI"1 blood at fever heat. ¦':VSa!JL JtS? Tnll ls an Acute Catarrh, L H-TlfryTIX and is iBtanty relieved b %rXOUí "-Ingle duBe. and perinam ;C - VJ iicntlv cured by one bottie of San i) fords' Radical Cure for Catakkh. Complete Treatment with Inhaler, $1. "The only absolute specifle we know Med. 1mcs. "The best we h -ve fonnd in a llfetime of safferinir."- Urr. Dr. Wiggln, Boston. "Aíter a long struL'U'lc with Catnrrh the Raoital Core has conquered."- Jtev. 8. W. Afonroe, LewUburg, Pa. I have ncit found a case that it did not relieve at once." - Andrew Lee, Manchester, Mats. HOWS YOUR ItHEVMATiy.? is a quostion that appeala to every tortured victim of Uheumatiím.who flnds the ordinary piasters and llnlmeota powerle s to relieve him. T mich tbe 4fk Ctthiha Anti Pain Plastkk ík Hkf an eleuant and never-fallidu; source of fW relief, banishing rheumatic, neuralgic, lk sciatic, sndden, sbarp aud nerrooi JXw pains as by magie. New, original, speuuy, mie. At drueeiHiK, ïc.; fivo for one dollar, mailed frue. Potter Dri and Medical Co'y, Uoeton. SCOTT'S EHEIUUi OF PURE GOD LÏYER OU And Hypophasphiies of Lime & Soda Almost as Palatableas Milk. The only pwpareUon of (01) UVER OIL that can bo Ukinwadily and tolerated for a long tin -pTTnrr-n-ninoNs". au-.mia, uhnmu. DKiüi.iTY, ror;i;sTN!i Tl iT afrKTH)vs,_aii afTmnxii i17rïkksj; CHII.ftKKX it i:i:.rvi-l!nus in H rrsnlt. trwcrioed nU ci:loned by tM MM l'hylclni In the couutries oL tijc world. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGQISTS. S,„t tor Oirrbr.. E. J. KNOWLTON. Ann Arbor, Mlch. A COMl'I.KTi: AKICAhNÜMKNT Í0B Physiciaa and Families. Neater asá Cheaper AND M0R COIsTVEÜsTIEHSTT THAN A STATIONARY BA.ÏH TUB, WITH NO EXPENSE OF BATH ROOM AND FIXTÜRE9.


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