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The Ayers house at Milán was slightly injured by flre last Thursday. Dr. Oukley, of Ypsilanti, has gone to Florida to reuiaiu uu til sprint;. Over at Saline the villnge marshal makes an annual inspection of chimneys. W. I. Keal, of Dezter, will take the rest of his blizzuds in Kansas this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Cnnfield of Chelsea, celebnited tlieir siiver wedding, Jan. lst. A Good Templar's lodge with 48 charter members has been fonned at Willis Station. Dexter youngsters have a dcw dancing school opened l'ur tlietn at Sill's hall, by Prof. Boggs. Mony of the Webster farmers are holding their wheat in the hope of better prices next spring. The young ladies compnsing the misslon circle, of Dexter, are to give a surprise party Friday eveniug, Jan. 22d. At a reunión of the Sbaw family at Kob't Needhama iu Moorevillc, on the lst inst., some 60 people were present. Prof. Asaöray, thcgicat botanist, holding a professorshtp Iu Harvard Uuiversity, Isa brothcr of Mrs. (i A. Gobb, f S.iline. The station house at WhitUker came uear beiug burued up a fuw days sincc, but the tiuiely arrival of tho agent prevcutcd. Editor Ooo. C. Smithe, of the Ypsilantian, was callcd tu New York state last week by the dangcrous illne6s of his mother. A '¦ ÍSaioonist " and "Antl-S&loonist1' ure hiiving a war of words Iu the Milan Leader, and both of them wield the pen In a right llvely marnier. The production of the cantata of Queen Esther, at Saline recently, broujrht in $160, which was to be divided by the various cliurch choirs of that place. J. A. Alber has taken the contract to curry the mail between the depot and postofflee. The papers have arrired from Washington.- Saline Observer. G. J. Nissly of Saline, is to put an $00egg ineubator at work at once, and there is expected to be a great quantlty of spring chickens to the acre over tliere next April. Milo F. Terry, forinerly of Webster, where his father still resides, was married to Miss Agnes Hotisler, of Blooinington, 111., Jan, 5, and speut the honeymoon at his father's. On Wednesday evening, Jan. 20th, the Methodist of Dexter will give an oyster slipper at the residence of Rev. A. B.W'ood, to which a cordial iuvitaüon it extended to every one. Mrs. Dr. Bessac has returued from' a three mouth's sojourn at the Art Instituto In Chicago, where she has been studying and painting from lite: she is an accomplished scholar io art- Milan Leader. The Ypsilanti opera house, though one of the fi nest and best managed in the state, doesn't pay, and the managers, Messrs. Curtis & Bogardus, are endeavoring to form a stock company to run the house. Saline lodge I. O. O. F. No. 272 will be offleered as follows for the ensuing term : N. G., Fred Jerry; V. G., ArthurBrown: Bec, J. H. Bortle; Treas., L. L. Kilby; Itepresentativc to Grand Lodge.- W. 11. Sinitli. Wonder what tue Stockbridge Sun raan means by this item: "Some eridence of the emptlness of human offerings, and the fullness of human desires were visible to the naked eye after the dances last Saturday morning." Huron lodge, No. 30, I. O. O. F., of Dexter willbe offleered as follows, for the next lx months: X. G. - Samuel I. Jenney; V. G- Henry Booth; Ree. Sec- CK Weston Treas.- Henry M. Ide; Hep. to G. L. - Luther Palmer. Some ef the friends of Hev. Mr. Odell swooped down upon himself and family last evening, it being a wedding anniversary. The company presented the Rev. and his wife with a large bandsome easy chair. - Milan Leader. Frank Clark goes to Detroit, to-night, to have his voice tested, preparatory to ¦inging In one of the churches there. If it proves satisfactory he will go to Detroit every Saturday hereafter and return Monday. - Saline Observcr. Victory lod"[e I. O. O. F., of Mooreville, installed the following offleers reeently: N. G., O. O, Gangree; V. G., W. H.Culver ; ree. sec, G. Josenhans ; perra, sec, J. Gauntlett ; treas., Wm. McAllistcr; rep. to G. L., J. Underwood. Tliree persons have informed ug tbat they feil down from stubbing their toes against the planks uailed on holes in the sidewalks. - Enterprise. Tlie person who uails a piece of plank over a hole in the 'sidewalk ought to be- wcll, ought to be kicked, eh ? A i-olid, 'nuil ia Mr. and. Mrs. II. Gocdspecd of our cily, she balancinji the scalesat 206 pounds and he at 207. Four hundred and thirteen pounds iudicates that in the matter of weight, at least, they are makinjr very good speed. - Ypsilautiun. Orson Sober and Salon Goodell of Superior township sold thirty-two hogs to Thomas Moore, Friday last, which avernged four hundred and fourtecti pounds each. In appearance, too, they were superior, being small-boned BDa slmpely porkers.- Ypsilautian. The Michigan fine wool sheep breeders, associatlon, at its recent meeting in LaniMg, decided to hold three state sheep eneuringi next spring iiiitead of one as lieretofore. Tho places designated are Ann Arbor, Flint and Kalamazoo. J. Kvaits Smith, of Ypsilanti, is treasurerof the organization. The congregation of St. Joseph's church presented their new pastor, Kev. Fr. McMannis, on New Year's day with a horse, harness and buggy, and, we understand, a fine cutter is to bo added. The gift amounts to $300. We are glad to record the above, as it shows conttdence in and appreciation of their spiritual adviscr.- Dexter Leader. Mr. Gilbcrt Oay, who bas gerved Chelsea so long and so faithfully as clerk and deputy in our postofflee, has been engaged iis cashier and accountant of the Commercial liiuikofG. P.Glazier& Son, at Stockbridge. Hls services will commence soine time In Februaiy. Mr. Caspar E DePuy will remain manager as herutofore.- Cbelsea Herald. The red ribbon temperance society bas leased for a term of fi vc years to Messrs. Jenney & Deckert most of thelr property and are to have the use of the hall for all their public meetings, and one of the from side-rooms, which the club will fit up for a business place, and the TV. C. T. U. are to have the same privileges in the use oí the hall.- Dexter Leader. The Rev. T. W. MacLcati went to Detroit Tuesday evening to assist in the misión now bcing carried on in that city by the clergy of the Rpiscopal ch urebei n-sisted by the Rev. W. 8. Rstnsfórd of New Yoik.- Ypsilantian. The funeral on Saturday of Thomas Looney, who lost hii life last Wednesday, was very largely attendetl. The prooconsisted of 98 carriag-es. The funeral was al90 attended by a delejfation of thirteen representaties of the Brotherhootl ofLocomotive Firemen. Great sympatby ia manlfested for tlie narent and i i tonus of the deceased.- (Jhelsea Herald. The annual report of thé Southern Wnshtermw Mutual Fire Ins. Co., just issued, shows a membership for ü 208; ani'junt of risks hela. Í681.3Í0; total liabilities $14.18, total c.tsli income, $1,417.39; loases actuallv pakl be year (of which $48.24 ocenrred In previous years,) and $725 in 1886, $1,183.24; puid the secretary $70 ; pald expenses luing the year, $23S.3Ii. Wonderif the Cliclsea Echo what it saya in the foUotting: " The ilull imes are driving many people to poultry keepin. This is as it should bc. Many i man, by the judicious use of a portion of lis leisure which would otherwiae prove rksome, uaiht construct au in loultry yard on ground that would otlurwise be useless, and with a vcry small outlay, provide for himwlf aiul fainlly with a dozen good pullet.s that would icxt spring be irady tosupply tluin with egga to keep and to stil." We uavu alreudy noticed that the riok was belng litted up to be used eithcr n n ink or au opera bouae. It is now on ho way to completion. The stage is 44 feet; the sceuery will be 12 fcot high, and stage room 18 by 20. The Maling caacity of the audience-room is 600, liut.NUO :an be acoouinioduted, the room belng 40 y 78 feet. It is to bc provided witli i chairs. Tlie stage isto be furnished with new scenery, and au organ. Tho in ng of the ceiliiiff ami walls was don by W. H. Field, and is vcry tastei cuted. Tlie openintc, which will soon be


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