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"I derived much benefit f rom the Athlo phoros you sent me for iny rbenmátlUB It relieveú me of pain after taking tbe secontl (lose." Win. Van Orden, of Eigle River, Micli., gives 19 bis veiy satisfaetory experience with the great rheumatistn nn neuralgia cure. A Manitoban farmer was sharpening a stake with an axe, when a fl.-ish of light niriff, accompanied by single clap of thunder, Carne from tlie only cloud visible m sniall one immediately overhead. The bolt struck the head of the axe, iplittlrij it into two pitees and breaking tlie handle The farmer wis knocked to the groum insensible, but speedily recovered, ant upon searching about fonnd the frag menta of bis axe forced deeply into the gronnd. . A Grcat Discoverv. Mr. Wm. Thomas of Newton, Ia., iHyi " My wifc has been seriously afflicted witl a riiiiiíh for twenty-five years, and this spring more severely than ever befwr She liad used many remedies without re lief, and being urged to try Dr. Klng"s New Discoverv, did so, with inost gratifying resulta. The first bottle relieved her very much, and the second bottle has ab solutely cured her. She has not liad so good health for thirty years." Trial bottles Free at Ebei bach & Son's drug store. Large size $1.00. A pulley tblrty-four feet in diameter and weighing thirty-three tons lias beei niatle in Englaiul. It has grooves foi ii'. i-opcs, whicli, together, vi JtrtHSIHlt ],- 280 horse power, and the rim' will have a vt-locity ot mure thau a in minute The First Keen Tninge. As Ihe season advances. the )ains ani aches by which rhpumutisin m-tkes itsclt known, are after every expos me. It is not claimed that Hoorlí tinnepMiilla isa spccific for rheuinatisni - e loubt if there is, or can be, such a remedy But the thousands bencflted by Hood's S.irs:iparilla. warrant us in inging othera who bu (Ter from rheumatUm to tiike it before Ihe first keen twlng. Wc nre a indiing people in America. In no olher country on the face of t Inglobe can a man clímb on to a high stool in a railroad restaurant and devour ninetyth ree cents worth of provender in six and a quarter minutes. Neïer Giye Up. If yon are suffering with low and depressed spirits, loss of appetlte, general debility, dlsordered blool, weak constltution, headache.or any disease of a billious nature, by all meana procure a bottle of Electric Bitters. You will be surprised to see the rapld Improyement that will follow; you will be inspired with new life ; activity and strength will return : pain and mlsery will cease, and henceforth ym will rejoice In tbe praise of Electric "Bitters Sold at fifty cents a bottle by Eberbach & Son. A Tawas gentleman sent 25 cents in rcply to ao adyertisement which promised luiii information how to make $50 a week at home on a capital of $j. He received a prlnted slip beariug these words : -'Fish for fools as I do." Bucklen's Árnica Salve. The Best Salve in tbe world for Guts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum.Fever 3ores,Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Jorns, and all Skin Eruptlons, and posi;ively cures Piles, or no pay requlred. It s guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, r money refunded. l'rice 25 cents per jox. For 3ale by Eberbaoh & Son.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News