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Eslate of Simeón Oavis. STATE OF MICHIGAN. County of Washtenaw, B. At a eeasion ofthe Probate Court for the ("ouuty 01 Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on baturday, Ihe nlnth day of ' January. in the ycar one thousand elght hnndred and eighty-slx. Present, Wllllam D. Harriman, Judgc of Probate. In the matter of the eetate of Simeón DavU, deceaned. On readlng and ñllng the petttlon, iluly verided, of Anua B. Dnlv, nrayiot.' thit a ccrtain Instrument now on file in twa conrt pnrportltg 10 e the last will and tentamei.t ofj - ;t ï ¦ 1 di oe#d, may be admltted to probate, and tíiat ebe may he appointedexi-cntrix thurcof. Thereupon it 1b orderxd, that Monday, tho 8lh dtiy of Vk bniary next, at 10 o'cluck in the forenoon, b.: axHiKiifd for the hearing of sHid petltion and that the deviseee, legatuef, ai d hHrs at law of aaid deceaxed, and all other penoM Intureeted InAid estáte, aro reouirud to appoar at a eeppion ot eaid court, then to be holden at the Probate OtHco, In the City of Ann Arbor. ai;d show caafte, lf any tbere bu, why ihe priyer of ilir M titinMer hould not be grar.ted. Anu u is further ordered, that said petttloner ?ive notict to the persons interested in satd estáte, of thi' pendency of said petition, and the ucarlnc causim; ¦ copy of thi order to be publiahcd in the Ann Arbor Vourur, a nowaper printed and circu lating in said county, tbree sacceeaíve werkK previOU8 to said day of hiariuir. (A true copy.) W1LLIAM D. HARKIMAN, WM. G. DOTY, Probate Résister86 "'iïSmSm.' SUBSCRIBE FOR The Ann Arbor Courier.


Ann Arbor Courier
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