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It is the only line with lts own track trom CHICACO TO DENVER, Either by way of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Joieph, Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects in Union Depots with throuqh tralns from NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON and all Eastern polnts. It it the principal line to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND 4. CITY OF MEXICO It traverse all of the slx great Statet of ILLINOIS, I0WA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO withbranch linos to all thelr Important cltiet and From CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS. It runt every day In the year from one to three elegantly equipped through traint over lts own tracks befween Chicago and Oenver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluff1, Chicago and St. Josoph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sloux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwett. ltsequipment is complete and first clatt In vtry particular, and at all important points Interlocklnf Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insurlng oomfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates. General Information, etc. regardlng the Burlington Route, cali on any Ticket Agent inihe United States or Canada, or addrttt T. J. POTTER 1T V.P. 4. Gen. Mor., ChicaOO. HENRY B. STONE, Amt. Gen. McW., Chkjaoo. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gen. Pam. AOT., Cmetaa. Estáte of Timothy K. Amsdeu. QTATK OF MICUIGAN, County of Wanhtenaw. oes. At a setslon of the ProbateCourt for theCounty of Washtennw, holden at the Probate Office, in ihe city of AniiArbor. 011 Thursday. the 24th 1ay ot December in tne yt-ar, one thounund eight hundred and eitfhty-nve. Present, Willlam D Harriman, .Indffi1 of Probate. In ihe mutterol ihe estáte of Timothy R. Amsden, deceaerl. On readlng and flling the petttlon, duly venfled, of George S. Wheeler praying that a certain Inttrutneut nowon fllelD thls court purportln( t he tlie I.ihi wlll and to.-tament of satd dereased, may l. admitted to p'obate, and ;tbat he may be appoínted i xt:cutor thereof. Thcreupon 11 la ordered. that Monday, the ïVh i'hv of .lanuary iiext, at 10 o'clock in thr forenoon, be aHMpned for ihe hearing of sald petitioo and that Ihe rtevi-see, legateee, and lielr at law ol ?.ilit !¦ ceased, and all oiner perron luterentni In sahl eëttte, are required to appear at a eeion oí unid court, then to ba bolden at the Probate office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show chupo. If any the re he, why the prayt-r oí ib pottttoner ebould not be granti'l. And it if furtber ordered. that said petltlonei lOtloe to persone intereated in aaid estáte. of the pi.'niicncy f aaid petition, and the hearins ihereof. by raueiníj a copy of thia order to be pnbmbi'd in The Anti Arbor C'ourier, newspaper printod nnil circnlated in Raid county. thrce snece. ieek previout tooaid day 01 hearing. (Atrut oopy.) WILL1AM D. HARKIMAN, Judlie of Probate. WM. . DOTT. Prnhuto Hetinter. 1279-12S2 Estáte of Margaret E. Klng. STATU OK MIOHIGAh, coumy of Waehtenaw -B. Ai a Kcsílon or the Probate Court for the Connty ol H'wtiti'naw, holden at the Prolmt1 Office, in the c:i ol A un Arbor, on Monday, the foni teenth day ot December, 111 the vear on tbonsand eieht handn It) fiv. F'reaent, Willianï D.Uarriranii, Jndg 01 probate. [n the matter Uu dtateol MarK'irf t C. Kin.df' 1 J 11111 n ,T. t'unrad, tno daiiiilufiior or ¦:ii.i 1 -:ii'o. rniur-. iw uoart nil rppreeents that he il dow preparad to ronder bla noal accutint aa siicli admlnitrtor. I lereupon ti 1? ordcred. that Wedneedr.y, the 18: l, day 11] Januury ut-xt, it 10 o'clocn in the forenoon. be assigawl tor cxamininL' and allowine puc 1 accoinii, uu'i tíiai tlit d'.vist-fc. legaieee, and h In at law oi . - uud all other perfoiiH lotereftted In Bftld --titi'. aru reqnired to ap pear ut h Mwlon rl -ii; rmnt. then to be holden ai i'r -hite dtïli'e. hl the city of Ann Arbor, in i-ai'l con ity, and chow cauce, it auy there be, ivM the m,. accoaat -in;uld not br Itowed. Am! it l tarthe oidertil. that said dininisirator u:w io itic !)'T!nt intereeted in taid etttate ol the uendi uc "! ¦ iid isooont, and the hearing thereoi, hy caiuing copy ol ihio order to be v-ub Hshoci in thcAnii rimr rorïr. a newnpapei printed ai (1 cticuUttnx in iaid connty. thrce succeiaiviwct k prevlour t uiti da ol lit-arint;. (Atrnecopy.) Wli.LlAM I). 11AKUI.MAN. Judtreot Probate. ' WM Q. DOTT, t'robate KelKter. Kstaiti of sanmrl B Reed. STA I BOK MICHIGAN, ('ounty ol Waabtensw. At ¦ pefflion ot the Pr)bite Court 'or the County ot WwbtcnaWi bolden at ihe Probate tifflee in the city of Ann Arbur, on finirdav. the lTth day o; ecember in the year od thouiand eiijht hundret) arid eik'hty-tive. PrcRent, VVilliam ü. Uarriman, ¦ludife of Probate. in the matter of the eetate of Samuel B. Reed, dicea-cd. l'avid A. Pol xeent r of the laii will and tehtMm 'nt of smd deceaced. comea luto court and repre-ents t -at he ín now prepared to render iiie liiirtl ace Mint as euch execulor. l'liereupon it I ordered, that Saturday, the 16th day of Januury nest, at ten o'clock ia the forenoon be ae?it;iied for ihe examlning and allowiuf ot said acconnt, nnd tht the deviaees, leñatee, and heirt at law oi stid de -ea-ed, and alt other peraoue Intereated In nid estáte, are required to appear it a letalon ot safd court. then to be holden at the Probate tht city of Adu Arbor, and show caue, if any tin-re be. why the prayer of the petitloner thould nut beallowed: And it ie further ordered, that naid executor glve QOttce to the persons interested ir. aid estáte, of the pendency of aid account and the heariDe thereof, by rausinj; a copy of thin order to be published in INe Ann Arbor C'onrier, a newtpaper printed and circalatintr in nai'l citunty, three euccefiive weekt previou totuid 'Idy of hearituf. A true copy. Wil. LI AM D HAKKIMAN, J ude of Prohate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate Register. 1!!78-'81. Mortgage Sale. DEFAULThüviuijbeen made in thi conditlon of a certuin mortga;e exernted by Jacob U.itfstetter a' d ertrude Hoflsti tter, bis wtfe, to Christian II fftt er, dated the flftn day of Ma, 184, aud recorded In the office of the Reeliter bl Deeds for the Counry f Waahtenaw in tbe State of Michigan, on the ixth nny of May, 1884, ia Líber ti 1 of tortgages on page 31-.Í, hy which caid default ttie power ol' sale contained in said mortiiaire ha hactime opcrative and no proceedinfrs in Law or Kquüy iiavin.' been instltuted to recover the debt ecoured by 8 üd mortusee, or any iart thereor. and the anm of oue thxunand .ml ntnety dollars being uow ilamie'i to be duo on cueh roortgape. Thtsaid mortg-igee herebv declarlnu his iniention to cotii-ider to wholo umouut oí the principal snm in ttaid murtííase inentioned to l)e due accordlug to the coYeimnt thereln Cjntalnod. Notice ia, therotorc, iie eby given, that nid mortgage will be recosed by a ale of the mortaged premlses iheiein deeertbed or souie part ihereof, vl : All that certain plece or parce] of land sitúate aud being iu the Connty of Vashtnaw aDd State of Michiiran a:id descrihed as rollowa. to wit; Bern. Lol flvc (5) in lock two (2) South of Huron Street, Raañ alx lia-t necording to the recorrled plat of ;he village (now city) of Ann Arbor. Michigan, at public venduat the Eflst door of the ( 'ourt Houpe in iiiv oi Anu ArUor on tho tweniy-eighth day ut Jur n ry rx'.j'tlin o'clock in the forenoou ot that day. CHKIVTlAH HOFFSiKTI KR, Moriagee. J, F. Lawi: Af rn y lo, WortKlfOT. 1271-1284 Dated, Ncv. 3, :8H.r. Real Estáte for Sale. SI A IK OP MICHIGAN, County of Wnsh" tenaw. B8. I ii tlie matter of the enlate of John Q. Davle, deceased Nul uk is bsreby ülven, tliat in pursu:n I'nn order tMHiitpd to the dprsinml arliainlstratorortbeeebktenraald JolmO. Ivla, i') tti. llon. Jad(e ol lor tlie Umi fat y ot WHKhteun, cm the Jtli day of Jmnmi-y, A. ii l-ii. Uiers wlll lie soul nt 'public tí the.hlgbeal bidder, at the laltreildeiice ot Kald decaaed, mi tho premi e below dencrtbed. in t i..vnhii of Vork in the County ot w uhteoaw in sai.l state on TuosUay, the 28d aay ol Kcbrury, A D. ¦i lOnolock ui üic fcneiioo of that Ii -ul.J.-ei t.i ;,!! . niiinibninccH by mirtgage '.r oti erwlse els Ing ut tlie time of the nealh of mld decemwd ihe foliuwing deMTibed Real Estáte, to-wlt : I x'itli ciist (lunrterof Rectlon flvefS) In town fhori l) Boutb rauge six (Bj easi (York) in .Michigan. COMSTOCK F. HILL, Dutcil Junuary 4lh, 1S8B. Admlnlstrator. 7wl28p Notice to Cretlltors. SI'ATIÏ OF MICniUAN.County of Waihtenaw.s. Notice is hareby piv-n. ihatby an order or the Probate Court for the Connty of Wanhtenaw inade o Ihe xtli dav ol JaniMry, A. i). 188fi, ix frimi thiil date were allowed forcreriiiorp to pivtenl thefr riaim? aalntl the eotate of Henrv Oolelater late of tne city of Plnladelpnia in tlie State ol Peunivlvnula, lint hai g mtate wlihin aatd Cuaaty, deeeaaed, and that all creditora of taid decewed are required to preeeDt thclr claim io said Probate Court, at the Probate Office, in the city of Aun Arbor, for examln ati'.n in ¦llowanc, on or the 6th dav of July next. and tbat such claims will be heard Mrora said cour;, on Tas-day, the th day of, and on Tnenrliiy, the Bth day ol Jnlv nei t, tl ten o'clock in the forenoon ol each of said l'aled, Ann Arhor. .lanuary U, A, D 1888 i . W1LLIAM T. HAKRIMAÑ, 1281-12,4 Judce oí Probate. Mili fiifl Ii presenu, gttxn nway ll III Send n5ccut uo.tge,and f'- bf m ail you wlll get fret a ) -I J i M J J Paclt age of Rood of large , . ' Talu, that wlll 6tart you lu work that wlll at once brini; vou in monoy faater SJ!Sr?thlDS 1 In America. All noot Ihe ou,0OU in iircientü with each box. Agent wanted vcrywhere, or either ex. of all ageB, for all the me, or -"pare timo only, to work tor ni at thelr wn home. Kortunoe lor all worlieri. abaolntely oured. Don't delay. U. Uiixurr CO., Portliu, Mlu


Ann Arbor Courier
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