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It it the only line wilh lts wn track tr...

It it the only line wilh lts wn track tr... image
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It it the only line wilh lts wn track tro CHICAGO TO DENVER, Elther by way of Omaha, Pacific June, St. Josta. Atchlson or Kansas City. It connects In Union Depots with throUgh rlna ltn NEW YORK. PHILDEtfl4i WITW1 and all Eastern points. It 1$ the principal rins te SAN TR&NCISCO.PORTLAND V, Wffüi" It traverses all of the slx great StsU of LLINOra. ; IOWA. MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS. COLORADO wlth branch Unos to all thoir important ettlaa and tOFroSn CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST. LOUIS, It MM every day In the year trom one to thres aUfantly equipped through tralns over Itt own tracks keha Chicago and Donver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluft, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchlon, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Raplds, Chicago and Sloux City, Peoría and Councll Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwett, Wttl tnd Seuthwaa. lts equlpment Is complete and flrst etasi In ery particular, and at all important points Irjtyrtoe!" Switches and Signáis are used, that Iníotilig cosa""Tic'klSÏ:- Bat... '"'r-"2%ÏS.eJ regardlng the Burllnqton Route . clt (fyTJckat Agent inihe Unltad Sata or Ca.att. or IöMh T J. POTTER UT V.P. 4 8L. Moa., CHAao. HENRY 8. 8TONE, AUT. Q. ¦, OKHIIll PERCEVAL LOWÊLL, Otw. PM. aT., Owoáao. Estáte of Timothy R. Amsdwi. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, Connty of Waehteuaw. At a eKlon of the ProbateCourt for theOoonty of W'ïahtenaw, halden at the Probate Office. In the city of Aun Arbor. on Tbur"day, the 54th daj of December In ne year, one thoaMnd elht nnndred anrl elehty-flve. Present, WiilUm D Harrtman, .Indee ot l'robate. In the matter oi the entate of Timothy R. Amadeo, d-ces-ed. On reading and flUng the peUtton, dnly vrrifled, of Cleorge 8. Whewfer praying ihat a ciTtsin tn-trument uowou fílelo tMs court porportloe to bc tbe Uai will sud testament of mI4 deai-d,may h. dmltl'd to p ¦obste, and Cttn he anay be appointed troeutur thereof. riierenpon it is ordered. that Monday, the Jó h fin of Junuary uex at 10 o'clwjkte Ueforenoon bo Muigned for ihn hearing of i1d setitlon and that the rievl-iee, )egter, asd helm at lw of sald d-ceeed, and all other personn interetd in satd emate, are reqnired to appoar at a _ Blon of ald conrt, then to be hoMeo at the FrobHte Offlct-, in the city of Ann Arhor anrt how caune. If ny the r bc, wfcj tha nrajra' of the pi'tltloner Bhonld iiot nt trant v! And It Ie rorther ordered. that aald ptlnriir irive notie" to thepertone otertod In 44etie. "f the jioudency of aid petltion, nd the Bearlnt iheroof hy caosing of tworder to ba pnb lUhed in The Ann Arhor Coyrier,t uewpper prlrted xnd clrcnlated in waid cotinty. thre mcorr. ni' we'-kx injun lOBald Uayo' hnrlng. (itni' r,p-, W1LL1AM I). IIARKl.MAN, Jndgc of ProSatiWW. G. Di T. Probtí Hesrtítar. I7HM2S2 Kstate i Samuel B. Red. iTATfiOr"MK'HiaAN, Coanty oi Wahtenaw, At Heasiori of the Trobutf Conrt for the County oi Wai-htcnaw, holden at ihe Probate Offlc In Uw cliy of Atiii Arb'ir, on rinirVrtiv. thB 1B 4-ol . e. mb.r in tnr t ttiuowid elM hutidr.-d .d ei_'ütjr-fivr. Preeent, wlllUru D. Harnman, lad ot Proba"1. lutao malU-rof lh out ' ¦"$?' ¦ n! rl.,., ...1. li.ivii! A PoI OXi-CIlt rof thnUitWill and t- ; 'in .' "I Bittl dr'Ca'ed. couuiil iit Court and rt-pre ¦ut l t he ia now orfpareö to render hix nee .uil' ar íUCli i xrcalor. hereiipou it Ik ivdu-ei!, iliat Hstnrday, the lotb dy ,.f January m-t, t t-u o'clock in th.: foreuoon b.' iwetgued lor tho aiirt llowlng ol Bïld acciiun:, and tht daviP. leicatee, and brlrK t I'V ii aaidde enifd. and allothiT puronf initr'i-UMl In ](! cf'nte. re requlred to ppuar ut a effion ol jala nart. tbeii to holden at ttir ' iffiw.fn tliv rfrj of nn Arbor, lm hu onu, II aa hc t!ie vrayer af the petitlone ,mild nol beulloed: Ai ¦ ltlfUrttierordri-4thai naldit.mtor gire nitiifto hi piT-uní liitcrtelir, Mid i'i-uu-.ofthc p.-nJ -nrv ol -sid croont iud the hcarmif ttuTeof, by aauBlDH ¦ onliT to he publlhed in the Au Arpor ''"uurier, a rwnpaper printei and cnv.' ¦ ¦miniv, tliree 9ucce"l weelia toaiid 0y ol 'itrari nü. A tro e copy. WÍI.LI v.M D HUiRIMA.S, Jad _f of Probate. WH.O. DOÏY, l'nibute R-sriier. laTK'Hl. Keal Estáte for Sale. STATE UF MICHiUAN, County of Wnahtenaw. ss. In ttie maner of tUt; eslate of John Q. Dvls, deciM-'l NOT10E la liercby glveD, that in puraoance of un order urunteil to the nr denUMd admluist nitor of the estáte of ald John 9. Davis, by the Hnn. Jude of Probate Tor the Uounty of W'uHhlenaw, on th 4th day of January, A. D 18S6, there wlll be sold at pub Mc veiulue, to the hlghest bidder, at tliè late resldence ol saltl deceaned, on the pifmUe below deAcrlbed, in the towrjKhlp of Vor)i, in the County of Wiushtenaw In tald Htte, on 1 Tuesday. tlie Zkl day of Kebroary, A. d. 1886, ut 10 o'cloct In the foreuoon of tbat day (subject to all encumbrufices by OTortgage or otberwlBe exlttUng at tbe time of the Mealh of sald deceaed the followlng deacrlbed Real Kstate, to-wlt : Tie.Siiutli enHt quaner of Sectlon flve (5) In towD fnur(4) South rRnge slx (6) esuit (Tork) [In Michigan. COMSTOCK F. HtLL, Dated January 4th, Iksj. Admlnllrator. I 7wl;o 1 Kotiee to CreHfor8. 1 CJTATEOFMICHIGAN.ConntyofWanhtenaw.w. ¦ O Ñotice Ib herehy givin. tbatby an ordtr of th ' Probate Court for tbe Connty of Wiíhtínaw, made on the sixth day of Jraioary, A. L. 188, mix muDtba from ihui lUtf1 Were allowed for Crdltor to present thelr claímn aEslñt tne tlte or Henry Colclazcr late of the city of Philadelphia In the State Of Peunsylvanla, hnt haTlorl Ute 3 wlthln eaid Connty, deccoaed, and all creditd ore of aid deceased aro requlred to pimal b their clalmn to aaid Probate Conrt, at the l"rot bate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, fqr eiamin ation an' allowance. on or before the 6th dar of nt, and that nnch claims will be heard oefore aaid court, oa Tnemdny, the éth dar of . April, and on Tuesday, the 6th dy of ly next, at ten o'clock In the foreooou of eacb of aaid I daye. I Dated, Ann Arhor, Jannary 6, A. D. 1W. WILLIAM D. UARRIMAN, 1281-12)4 Jndge of Probate. Estáte f Simeón Oarls. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of WaBhtanaw. BI. Ata eeaeton of the Probate Court for the Coanty ' ot Waahtenaw. holden at the "róbate Office. In the city ot Ann Arbor, on Katnrday, tbc ntnth du of January In the year one thourand ilgbt hundred and eiglity-pii. Preaent, WHÜéa 1). Harrinian, Judge of Probate. V In the matter of the ettate of Simeón Daxte, I deccaxed. Uu redluj and flliug the petlilon, dnlj Terlfled, of An a B. DIt. praylnL tnat a crI tiln luKtrument now on fila iu tilia court pmrpo rtln o e the lapt will ami testament of ynid d(-caied, mny be admltted to probate, and that Bhs uuj ba appoinU'd e X' cu'rii iareuf. Thnreupon It i orderrt, that Monday, tHe Stk I day of Fvbriuuy next, at 10 o'clock tn the forenoon. ii assigned for the hearing of raid ptfMtloa and tbat the dcvlxerp, legnteer, and nelr at law of aaid deceased, and al) othar pitraont IntercBtt'd In aaid estáte, are reoulred to appar at a aefsion ol said court, then to be holden at thf I Probate offleu. In the City of Ann Arbor. aod how cante, If any there be, why the prayerof these ¦ litio erahould not begranted. Aua it Is furtier 1 rdered, tbat paid petltloner gle notlce to Uu pereóna intereated In al d catate, of the pendeacy . ol said petitlon, and the hearing thereof, b cceftQ Ia copy of thiB ordr to be published In the Ann Arbor (Jourur, a newrp iper prinied and circulating in tiaid county, three Bucceaalve weeka prevloun toKaid day if tiearing. (A trneoopy.) WILLIAM D. HiJtBlfiAiJ, JndgeófProbBt. WM . O. DOT Y, Probate R.eiler. 1281 1Ï84. llsl I I). mailyou wllfifet Vm a U Li U U U U i clc aire of gonAt of lanw T J TalUi, that will att yiou In work thai will at once brlni; vou in rnon'-y faBtei hno anything else In America. All abont the 200,000 in presenta wíib each box. Agenta wauted verywhere", of elther sex, of all age. Rit all the , me, or -pare time only, to work lor as at thelr 2 wn home. Portones tor all workers aholniely ¦ snred. Don't delay. U. HiLUrr A Co., Port nd, Malne RUPTURB LEGANS IMPERIAL TKO88. Bplral Spring, graded frojn 1 to Í pounds In pn-ssure. WOKS AY AíiD M8HT, by an lnfant u week old, or ao adullSOyear. Lililíes 'PrnsdPS a pprfeallon. Euclpte stamp lor tt-Miruuululs n dlli's. i te. EUAN IMl'EHIAI, TRUSS CO.,Ann Akbub, Jttou Tm. , ' . . , I „Büo 1.S nfl OW ¦SBUn Y I Tiwüuupow al 1k than gMËnU L f il-atheurumoftUtKiw 'mDDI CU 'n lbB Mw tn tip. SUBSCRIBE for lie CÜÜRIER


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