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The weather, like history,repeats itself Sheriff Walsh is to movo iuto the new jail tliis weck. A $1,599 resklence is being built on N Fourtli st., by J. G. Paul. The next social of the K. T.'s occurs on Friday evening. The new Postal Telegrapli Co. has pul in a telephone, No. 4. Kevs. Kanisey and Ryder will excliange ptilpits next Sunday morning. The Cockr Luague has placed a fine piano in the Methodist cliurcli. The new pulp mili expeots to start up Friday and to turn out the lirst pulp next Monday. Co. A. announces a grand masquerade for the evening of Feb. 22d, probably ut the rink. A company. of young folks from this city expect to go to Dexter Friday evening to hop. Hutzel & Co. are making a cliange of their business office from the rear to front of their store. The popular Mendelssohn Club in University Hall, Saturday eyening. Do not fait to hear thein. Wallace W. Derby has received an inerease of pension trom $6 to $10 per month. Good for Wallace. The peach erop is sald to be nipped in the bud agaiu by the cold weather, t-ome varieties being badly injured. The public school library which is kept at the High school building ia soon to liave a new invoice of books. Chas. E. Wagner, who sold liis grocery business out to C. C Warner, on Ann st., is now iu trade at Dansville, 111. The meetings at the old Baptist ehiirch vrill continue this week as usual, Monday Wednesday and Friday evenings. The Lah-dah-tah club went to Walter I.athrop's on the south Ypsilauti road last evening and had a good time. As Will Carleton is soon to lecture here the poein upon our lirst page ín reference to The Mortgage win ne of more than usual interest. A lady speaking of the late Mrs. Luy Howe, and her maiiy good qualities and deeds, sid she " was one who always had a smile in her heart." Enoch Dieterle, of this place, K announced as Intendtng to upen a hardware store at Munith, in Inghara County, the tirst of next month. E. L. Cobb plead guilty before Justice Breiman Saturday, and pai..$20 00 flne and $4 costs. Not guilty this time but won't do so any more. Wm. G. Doty has been appointed on the committee of Foreign Correspondence by G. H. P., Daniel Striker, of tfé grand chapter of R. A. M. The Germán workingmen's unión of this city is in a flourjshingcondition.hav122 members and $2,999.41 in the treasury. Oeo. Miller is the president. County Treasurer Belser delivered the deed of the old county juli property to John J. Robison last Mondt.y, he having purchased the same for $1,500 cash. Grand lodge F. & A M. for this state convened at Yeung Men's hall, Detroitt yesterday. Dr. G. A. Hendrick's represents Golden Rule, :nd Edwaid Morton represents Fraternity. The latest thing in silk? is the Mikado Slik, built on the plun of seersuckercloth, but beautifully shaded umi varigated. Eugene Mutschel says that it will rage, and Eugene is authoriiy. The annual meeting of the Michigan State Veterinary Medical Association will be held in the parlors of the Cook House, on Tuesday Feb. 2. J. A. Dell, of this city is secretary of the society. The date of the State fair having been fiied for September 13 to 18, the county fair date, aceording to the resolutlon adopted at the annual mening, will be the week previous, commenolng Sept. 6. Amongthose to be present at the meeting of shorthorn breeders which occurs to-morrow at Jackaon, is W. E. Boyden, of Delhi Mills, wlio will read an essay upon "Breeding and feeding Short Horns for the show ring." R W. Ellis, has returned to Les Angeles, Cil., from the state of New York, and agaln engaged in the drug business there. Mr. Ellis formerly owued the drug store of H. J. Brown's, and is a Son-in-law of A. DeForest, of this city. On the flrst page of this paper will be found the decisión of Judge Newton in the case of Beal vs. Polhenius. Also an interestlng article about the only man ever hung by law in Michigan, trom the pen of Eider Davis. Both are excellent reading. The entertainment given by the Cocker League at the M. E. church, Monday evening, was one of the flnest given in the city this season, and was witnessd by a house crowded to oveiflowing. No person present but went away glad that they had come. The committee of councilmen and citi zens appointed to look over the project of brldglng the Central raiiroad truck at the Detroit street crossing met Thursdny evening and decided to have Prof. Davis Rubmit an eetimate of the expense of bridge and grading. City Treasurer Watts reports the sum of $12,000.00 yet unpaid on the tax rolls. The 29th belng the last day 'f grace, it will be necessary to resort to sotne measures to coilect it. It might be well for those who have not puid thelr taxes to interview Ben for a few minutes. The gas company received over $154 per year for lighting the court houe tower clock before the Edison Elect'ic Light Co., took the contract for $72, and then the gas went out so often tlmt it was not lightfd niucli more than half the time. Now the Gas Co. agrees to light t all the time for $73 per year. Will the counci go back into the old rut ai:ain ? The lecture at the M. E. chureh last Saturday evening was well attended. Mr Uitcticock gave a most nalructlve talk on some of the wonderful tliings that can be een in the ancient city of Rome. The illustrations were very fine indeed, an the dihsolving views were nothing less than beauliful In their effects The net proceeds will enable the Öunday school to pay for at least 150 books. Just as we go to press a story reaches us that a chlld of a Germán family living in the 3d ward, on lt s treet near W Catharine street, was severely burned last nlght, being thrown upon a hot stove by a drunken brute the child's father hac asked home with him. The tellow agreec to pay all the doctor's and other expenses to keep it qulet, and then skipped out. It Is sald to be a serious uffalr. i- ¦-¦ - - - ¦- - The flrni of A. F. Martin & Co. wil be changed tothe Ann Arbor Lumber Co. Peb. Ist, with A. F. Martin sup't as now Adolph ChrUtmau, the flour packcr si tho City milis of Swathcl, Kyer & Peter ¦00, lias a record of of 120 barrels in twr hours. Thilil iiwny ahcad of all hcan i'rom bu lar. Dist Dep. Grand Chancellor II. S Curtis of Battle Creek, nstalled the offl cera of Ann Arbor lodge, K. P. last cveninjr, Grand Chanccllor Bennott bdns unable to uitend. "Ann Arbor has 90 inmates at tbc county house," says the ('bolsea Echo. Not muili, my frieud, therc are 90 inmates at the county house, true, but Ann Arbor'8 share is quite diiuinutivc. There is to be a meeting of ladies connected with the Beethoven society ol tuis city on Monday evening, in Gemíanla hall, for the purpose of makinjr arrangements to hold i bazaar some time in March. There are at least five candidatos already in the field for the nominatiou of county clerk on the democratie next fall -and ihe cnmpaljn ten uionths away. riome way there doesn't appear to bemauy republican candidates. Judge Joslyn to-day flled a decree in the case of Caroline M. Gott vs. The City of Ann Arbor, granting the prayer of tlie plaintlflf. This gives what has been known as Gott street back to the Gott estate from whence it came. Au item haviiig gained publicity thut Fred. J. Schlede had sold out his bindery, he tells us that it is not so. He was nterested in a baby jumper, and sold out bis Intemt In tha't, uut his bindery he clinrs to as one of his best friends. At the recent session of the grand cliapter, R. A. M. at Detroit last week, 3. F. Watts of this city was protuoted from the office of grand scribe to that of jraud king. Ben will reeeive congratuations upon his good fortune, but deep commi.stration upou the picture of lüuiself published in tlie Free Press. The Detroit dailies of Thursday conained dispatches relating the serious inury of Mrs. Prof. A. A. Bennett, in that place, who was gored by a yicious steer unning at large in the streets. while a adycoinpanion was sligntly injured also. ilrs. liennett who was formerly Mrs. )hapin, and lived upon S. University avenue, In this city, and has niany acquaiutances and friends here, was visiting u Pontiac. lier husband Is a professor n the íowa Agricultural Collejíe Hiid a gradúate of the L'niversity, lit '77. The course of addresses recently proided (or under the auspices of tlie Cocker League of the Methodist Episcopal church was happily inaugurated ou !ast Sunday viïning, before the large audience which lied every part of the large audience oom to listen to an address by President Payne, of the Ohio Wesleyan (Jnhrenlty. iotwitlistanding the extravagant ezpeotatious which had been enUrtaiimd conerning the ability of the speaker, the lear and concise thought, the forcible manner of lts expression rendercil rhc occasion one of very pteaunt memory. 'he subject handled was entitled "Jesus ;lirift, the Miraele of the Nineteenth ntury." He showed with masterly kill that Jesus was acknowleded in all ands as i controlling power in its lioiiirht, literator a ld moral reform, nd inasmuch as bil place was conceded y all, whether Ohristian or infidel, It resented a problem that must he anwered. The infereuce drawn by the peaker was perííctly irresistible, as he laimed a supern; tural character for the world's great EedMmer. The coming in ''ebruary of Dr. íliilgway, President of ivanston Bíblica! Instituto, under t he uspices of the Leiiiíue will be awaited with considerable It) teres t.


Ann Arbor Courier
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