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MOST PERFECTWAUI Prpparod with ipedal regftrd tO hitltii. Ko Aramonl i. Llmoor JRam. ?LL BAKÍN8 POWDSR CO., OHIOACO. ST. LOUIS. 3 SPECIAL Z. Mextracts MOST PERFECT MADE .1] Pruil Flavors. Vasilla, fmon ¦ I lioatety B fruit. cmciJO. price Baking Powder Co. st. Lüiig. fi'MlTl 1 lg CURES ALL HUMORS, írom a common Bloteli, or ICruptlon, tn tin' worgt M i-oliila. Sal i-r lir 11 111. "l'i'ver-i-ori1,'' Sclj or KoiikIi Skin. ia short, uil itlfled by ïnvi hlooi are conquered 1 tola powerful, purlfying, and invijíoratinpr medicine, reat Kalini; II. eer rnpklly brul uniler its ïpniiLn intli Kspeciallv has it manifosted it potency In eiirinfr 'l'elter, Hoe Kasli, iim-. Carbuiuk'H, Soro !'.}¦., M rol iilou Son and iv lliiiK-, II i - I o 1 11 1 Itlstn-r. White Swcllliigs, Goltre, or Thlek Nffk, mul i:nl:tru(t .land. Sim! ten cents in stamps for a large treatlse, ivitli eol.¦nii plates, on skin Diaeasea, or the same amoimt foratreatise mi Srrofulous Affect ions. TUK Hl. OOIt IS THE I.IFi:." Thorougrbly cleanae it bjr upintc Dr. PlorccN .l.l. n ihedical OiM'oviT)') and uood .liüoiion.n fair skin, biioyaut splril, vital -Ir. inílli. aiul souiuliich of t OHMtilutioii, wili be cstublished. CONSUMPTION, uhieh is Scrofnloiis DiseaKO of Ilir Laigi, is promptly and oertalnly arreated and oured bythis Gou-m ven remedy, il taken D tho last stiijf es of the diseasc aie reaehed. l'mni iis wonderru] power over t h is tcrriljly latal (lisease, wlion llrst otferinfr thiu nmv oeiebratcU remedy to the publlo, Dr. Pintes thoiiRht gerioualy of eiilünff it bis "t'oiiiimpt ion Curo," butalniudonod that Dame as too Unüted for a medicine whioh, trom ns wondertul eomliination of tonie. orsi cenpt honing, alterativo, or blood-deansing-, anti-bilious, ixictoral, and nutritivo proporties, is unoqualed, not only as a remedy tor consuraption of the lungrs, but lor all CHRONIC DISEASES or the Liver, Blood, and Lungs. ' If you foei dull, drowsy, debilitated, linvr sallow color of skip, or yellowinh-lirown spots on faoe or body, frequent neadacbe or diz.ines8,bad tasto In mout h, interna] hout chilla, alternating" with hot Uashes, low spirits and ploomy borebodingií, irregular appetito, nnri eoated tongue, you are Bufiering trom IndiKOdlion, It} jiepsiii, mi I Torpld I,ivr, or " JBiliouMiies." In niaiiy casofl only part of these eympioms are eiperieneed. As a remedy lor all Buch oases, Dr. Pierce' ioldcu medical Dixcovcry has no enual. for AVeak LmiR, SpiUi ns of Blood, viiortnei. of Itronili. ld 11111 li ili-. Severo COOgb, oii-iimpi ion, and kiiulred nffeetions, it is i BOveretffn remedy. Send ten cents in stampa for Dr. Pieree'e hookonConsumptiou. Nuld lj Druggist. nnmr ff nn or g bottles rnlbt 91. UU, for 0 3. 00. World's Dispensary Medical Association, Proprietoi-s, 683 Main ?t„ Hcffalo, N. Y. EVCO"S LITTLE Vewets pills. ANTI-BIMOIS and C'ATHARTIC. Sold Iy DriifiEiKtN. SS oenti a vial. t$50(FREWARD jÉÊ is ofTcrod by the proprietors J of lr. SaiT''n Catarrh Kemedy H for a oase ot eutarrh whiehthey _i eannot cure. M It yon liaveadisobnrfro from h% F f"0 nose. offonflivo or otherf wise, part in 1 loys of snu-ll. t;it", 1 ir hearinp. woakeyefi, dn 11 pain or pressuro in héad, you have Oatarrn. Thout-ands of oasis termínate in ennsumption. Dr. Safre's CATARRH RBHZDT euri'S tho worst tasen of a(arrli, " '0I1I in the Ilrud." „. ¦ „. .„i Hfmi nitie. flo epntn. or pain in the Rfacnmatic line bavfi I had ibioe d ATHLOPHOROS twoyears ago. It made thoron0 Mi:-. SMITH.61N. fouter Street, bpniigüold, O. From all over the country come similar testimoniáis AYUI nDUnOnC in curiD b"tl1 cieney oí H I M LUI nUllUO rhoumatism nut neuralgia. Ni otbvr n-nifly bas been discover."! tbat is a real cure (or eitberuf these torriblcaaes. AthlOphorOS is "t an ei[erinient, iï has been tried and its valué pro ved hy tboustmds of people all otit tba United States. No remedy bas t-Tor been put on the mnrket that has bfOOkl Mtoh universal relief to suffere from rheumatism and neuralKii. AthlOphorOS is absolutelysafe totak.) and will surely brinif relief. If you doubt ita merits ¦tod fur naraes of persons in your ovni Stalt wlio have been cured by its uw. Aulc your drUKKÍt for AthlOphorOS. ïf you cannotget itof biiu we will seud ïtoxprosa pnl on n r.-ipt of refrulnr 3 .00 per bottle. W I that you buy it from your druggist, but if behafn't it do not bepersuaded to try sometían hut order nt once from us as dirncted. ATHLOPHOROS CO., 112 WflLL ST., NEW YORK. IWUNITYfromANNOYAMCE Ljj y ¦ 9k V , Pat. Ost. SOth, ÍS23. j 'lade only of the flnrst nnI best qnnlity of O lus for wlthNtandlng hcut. Every good thing is Counterfeited, and consumere aro CAUTIONED against IMÏTATIONS ol these Chimncya made of VERY POOR GLASS. See that the exact label ia on each ohimney as above. The Pearl Top ia always clear and bright Glase. Manufaetnretl OJILT by GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. FltUbargb tend Glnns Works. FOR SALE BY DEALERS. .


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