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THE LITN?SSkTTEHPEaT8HrefLO{7T It II the only line wlth lis own track trom CHICAGO TO DENVER, Elther by way ol Omaha. Pacific June., St. Josepli, Atchlson or Kansas City. II connects In Union Depots wlth through tralnsfrom NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA. ÖOSTON and all Eastern points. It Is the principal lino to SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND k CITY OF MEXICO It traverses all of the slx qreat States of ILLWOIS, IOWA, MISSOURI. NEBRASKA. KANSAS, COLORADO with branch lines to all their important citici and '""rom CHICAGO, PEORÍA or ST LOUIS, It runt every day In the yfar trom one 1o three elegantly qulpped through trains over lts own tracks between Chicago and Denver, Chicago and Omaha, Chicago and Councll Bluffs, Chicago and St. Joseph, Chicago and Atchlson, Chicago and Kansas City, Chicago and Topeka, Chicago and Cedar Rnplds, Chicago and Sloux City, Peoría and Council Bluffs, Peoría and Kansas City, St. Louis and Omaha, St. Louis and St. Paul, Kansas City and Denver, Kansas City and St. Paul, Kansas City and Omaha, For all points In Northwest, West and Southwest, ltsequipment is complete and first class In ery particular, and at all Important points Interlocklnj Switches and Signáis are used, thus Insurlni comfort and safety. For Tickets, Rates, General Information etc. regarding the Burllnoton Route, cali on ny Ticket Agent in the United States or Canada, or addrtss T J. POTTER 1st V.P. 4. Gen. Mor., Chicago. HENRY B. STONE, A98T. Gen. Moh., CmiCAOO. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Gut. Pass. Aot., Chicmo. Attarluneir 'lice. 'IM1 B OfBOOIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY I OF WASil rBN ea, Wi liüni P. Uroves ra. öeorg Holmes, til' attachment. No los is bereby elven that on thi twentyftretday of November, D. I88a wrlt oi itlaobmenl waa duly iMoed 'it ottheCircuit Court for the Uoaoly of Waali enaw, at the sult ol Willlam 1'. (r(ivi-s, ihe bove named plainttfl". asalnst the lands.ten'-mem joods ;ii'd cbatlel, iiu-y and effects of Oeorue Holmes, the defeodant above named for the suin of Iwo hundred and four dollars i#U whlch said wrlt wiis retmuabie on the tl ft li day of .ïanuary. A. U 1K&. Dated tuis lab day of Janaary, A a íasfi. Attoniey fur l'liiint llf. Estáte of Tlmothy R. Amsdeu. (JTA1KOF M1CUIGAN, County of Washtena. Atascselon of the ProbateCourt fortheCounty o '¦.Vashtenaw, kolden at 'he Prohate Office, in tbe city of Ann Arbor. on Thurdai ihe '4üi day ol December In tne year, tnonsand eiehi hundred ind elghty-flve. Present, Whliarn D Mamman, -hidfft' 01 Probate. Ui the matter .il the estáte o! Timothy R. A muien, rt r.i-p1. On rcadlni; rrirt tinne the petltion riiily vcnrleri, ut (cor);? B. WhKt oraylng :hi n c Ttain In-truincnt miw m Die Is thi-omin tu hr the I i8i will and te-iaraei't of sald d i'd, muy !¦¦ admllicd '" P'Ohaw, and Ithal be may be uppofnred 1 1 icnt'r thereof. fhcieupon it is' orderod. that MoucUy, tht )!h dny of .ianuary nex', at 10 o'clock I ihe forenoon, bc ansii;iied Tor ihe hearing of sald pedtVop and that the devirsee, leKa:etw, and helr al la of " 1 1 í 1 diceajed, and :il nher peron Interest,..1 In pald ea'te, are required to appear ut s se ion of saui eimrt, tiuii to be holdon at Ihc 1'roWe Oftici', in the city ol Ann Arnor, and i-ho aun. II y ib' re be. whj rav-t ¦! 'li. i..' -hoilld not nc grant d. And 't i fqither ordered, iliai Mid ieüuulw lOtlcfl to ih'pMon interented in aid rtnte nl the pcudenc) l IW tltton, ind itie hearlo. thertíuf hy caunlnp a COpj of thi( order to bc pnh IWhed ui Tu .1 ' ri r, in prliited in' ¦ Ircolated in eid oantv IhToeatlcr slve wenk prvf(Miii to & tihl'. (A trn .vii.i ; ¦ ' ! lAK tIMAS, .Indïe of Prnhtif W. (Í. W)I". PnAatf Keulter. lir7iH.'--J Baal Etet tor Sale. CJTATB OF Mli il, CAS i'ouuty of V liIn t lic timllcr (il '.stuteol JoliliU.DaVi. i'htüM'ií NOÏICE is hereby njveo, tlmt In pono anee ot an onler grmil to Ui" ir cii-roKnl adlnnustrat'ir of c stile of siild John O. Iavis, uy Hon. JmljH of l'niii.ue lor ttii('outltv of S'ashtci;av on thf -til day nf Janvia'ry, A. i lHii. thc-c vrlll Iih sold at pub lic veiidue, to tbeulKliwt bidder, at the late eKldi e of sald deceiiied, rtn tin premlae below di'scriin'.i, in Iht-lownsnlp of York, in tbe Connty o( waahleaawlp ail State on Tnesdav, the ffid day ot Febrmary, A. D. 1886, at 10 o'Olock in the for'enoo ot tlmi day (subject to all eüourabrancea by mort gae ir otlierwtse exlsiitiíí at the time of Hie deatb of sald deceaaed Uie foHowtng decrlbed Kcal Estáte, to-wll : Tie Boutb cast qaafter of Bectlon flve '51 In tnwn jbnr(4) South rango slx i0) east (York) in Michigan. comstock f. mr.r, DatedJanuary 4th, 188(. AdmlnUtrator. 7wl28o Xotice tofredifors. STATE OF MICIIlUANCounty of Washtenaw.s Ñotice ie hereby jftvn. thiit by an order of th Prohate Court for tlie County of Wuhtenaw, made on the iixth duy of ,I,inunry, A. ¦). 1885. ix monthí from that ÓJte aen allowed forcrediiore to preent their coim!" auuinxt the estáte o( Hcnry Colclazer late ofthe city of Ph ladelphia in ihe State of Peuneyl'auia, hut havi g t-itate wlihin sald County, deieaed. and thit all creditore of Baid deceased are required 'o presen' their claims to said Irobate C'ourt, at the Probate Office, in tuedtyof Ann Arbor, for examin atlon an-1 allowance. n or bef.ire the 6th dav o July uext, and that iuch claimt will be heard oefore sald court, or: Ttiedny, the tith day ot April, tirid on 'l'iicylay, the 6tb day ol Joh next, at ten o'clock ltuhe forenoon oteachofaaid days. Datcd, Ann Arbor, tontiary 6, A. D. 18ëi. WII.LU.U D. ÜAKK1MAN, 1281-1284 Jud-e of Prohate. Estáte of Simeón Davls. OTATKüKMICniOVN, Ootinty of Washtena At asession of the !rohate ("onrtfor the ('onntv ol Waehtenaw. holdw at the "robare Office in lh! city of Ano Arbor,on aturday, the ninth dny oí January. In ttf ycar one 'hmüiand effcht hnndred and eigbr-vlx. Prent, Wil dam IJ. üarritnan, Judge of 'róbate. In the matter of he estáte of Seon Davis, deceased. On readii; and Illing the petltlon, culy verlfled, of Ama !. Dlv, praylnx th it a oei. talnliiKtmineut noon lila in th's conitparporih g to e the laat witi ad testament otj - 'id d ccuied, may be admitted tcprobüte, and toat fbe ma be appotnted exccutiiïthereof. Thureapon it is irdured, that Monday, the 8th day of Fcbniary net, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, be aK!-inned for he hearing of said petition and thttt the deisees, Icgatee?, ard helr at law of said decaned, and all other pemons mterested Insaid 28tate. are reqnired to appear at a Kefsioti ot saiiicoart, then to be holden at tb Probate Office. In Ie City of Ann Arbor. and show caaxe, if any thee be, why the pruyer of the pe titloiier should nc be (tranted. Ana it it further ordered, that tal petltioner irWe uotice to th persone inlerestc tn sald eitate, of the pendencj of said petition, ad the hearing thereof. b causinii a copy of this oder to he pubüshed in the Ain Arbor Cöuritr, aiewnpiper prtnTed and citrula ting in said couty, three -uccesnive werks previous to s1d day f hearing. ( A trne copy.) 71LLIAM D. HAliRIMAN. Jodge of Probate WM ft. DOT', Probate KNter. 1281-1284. Estatiof Arcliiliali! Siot!. QTATKOF MnHIQAM.Uoun'y ol ff tÉalatllTr ju At a epslon f the Probate Court for tac.Oannti of Waxhtenawholden at the Probaie i'ttl e In thé city of Ann trbor, on Mouday, ihe twcnlyllfth day of nuary, in the year one i í i ¦ t : - . n i etKht hnndredand eihty-Bix. Present, Wuliaiu D. Ilarriman.ïudge ot Hroliate. In the niattr of the eatate. oi Archibald HcotL deceaxed. Grgo M. üill the admlnistiator of nlrl estáte, romesintoennrt and represen s that he is now prepárelo render bis fliiui account aa s..cti adniinistrato T.iereui-onit Is ordered. tbat Wednescav, the tweniy-'oun dy of Kebruary nexr, ut ten o'cUtek in tliêforentn. beapsiirned "r examiidiiK and al lowii gsuchecoant. and that the hei ri at la a i f -aid deceased, a all otber personslnteroëteil in said estáte are reu ired to appeiraia senxlon of auid court, tlu'n to he blden at tnc i'r.,b ,ie utH.'c, in ilie cliy ;l Ann Arboraid show caie u any there bef wliy the said accoot should not le aliow d : And it Is lurther ordered, that said Adrninistrator gtve noticüO the persons intercsied in r-aid catate ofthe pankacj sfaald anuunt, ann tbc hearing ihereol', ')y kaslnff a copy of ihis order to (ie publislictl in tliAim Arbor Pou-tr,aiiewBpaM!r printed and ciroatintr in said count}, tluee saccesuive weeks prt ous to said day of ncarint;. (A truc copy.) WILLIAM D. HAIiKiMAv, Jutlfe ot Tr-haTe. WM. G.OTT Probate Register. 1283 12S8 Motire to Credltort. QTAl'Kt' MICHIGAN, fuuut) ot Watlitenaw, O . Notice lncreby Kiveo, h. an oidcr of the Prohate tu-t Tnr thr Connty of Washtcnaw, made on fc 23ih day of Jinoarj. A. I). 1H8K, li months lm that i ¦ ¦ - ea for creditor to presenttli: il'inisaain-t theestaieof l':m 'thy K. Amadeo, le uf aaid colt i. and that uil crcdltorsf ia'd deci' '-"d reqnired topiesent ihir tlais io siiii Probate ('onit, at the Proliat olnce in he city o' Ann Atbr for oxamiuatiou and allotnce, on or bcfore ihe lïti h day ot otf uext, undhat pnch clnims will be heaid helere uid Cou, on Monday the tith day of April and on Monty the twotityslx b day ot Ju y pext, at lOo'clooin the f'.rtnoon of ench ol aid day. DatedAnn Arbor, Januar 2!h, A. 1). lstf. WU.UAM D HAKKiMAN, I28S-8 Jadgc of Probata. ëvSy" "lïwTYrchant IN N AKBOH. tSiould. advertise in TLL COURIER.


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