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117 1 1T mort: money than at anythlnK olee b tak 11 I 1 In au ageucy for the bet elllDg book ¦ Wil Beginners sucreed grandly. Nuue 1 1 11 1 lal, TermJ ftee, Uallïtt flooK Oo., Portland, Main. pr-i-ix n for workint' people. Scnd lOcenta I 11 I II pontaje, and we will rnoil you Jrn s H n I Ir royal, valuable sample box of cood ¦ I that will put you tn the wuy of rnohs ¦- iDe more money in n few day e than roa everthouehf poesibleat any business. Capital not requlred. You can live at home and work In p :re time onljr, or all the time. All ol both H'xea, of all age, grandly aucceaalul. .V) cent to 5 eaoily lamed evenln. That all wbo want work may tent the business, we wnko ihif unpurtlli'l'-tl off: To all who aie not well aatlufiedwe will send #1 to pay lor the trouble of wrttlni: ut, Full partltulara, directlona, t-tc, m-nt free. Immense iny aosohitely sur Tor all who start at once. Don t de'ay. Addruas 8tish..n & Co., Purtlaud, Malno. Fire Insurance,; Plate GHass Insui'ance, Steam Boiler INSURANCE! Lowest Bates, Honorable Adjuxtnients aud Lotises Promptly l'aid. REAL ESTÁTE RENTS Special attsntion oivkn to Collktion or Rkhts and Man aukhknt or Kkai. EsTATK INTERESTS FOK NON-BKSIDKNTS. KNTIRK SATI3FACTION TO OWWKRS GüAKANTEED. A. DeFORKST. HIK UO01 LOl Ai II " jj "fl Lampa are t_ liÉli thefllHntabo GOOD il of any Lamp. fflFNniirHní Thls Is thii ever offered to FAMILY 0!L CAN. EVERY FAMILY SHOÜLD HAVE ONE. MANUFAOTUftfD BV $lnfl4d tyianufadurins $0., ¦wa.rhe:t, oino. No Dropping Oll on the Flooror Table; No Faucet to LeaK or eet k nockedopen to waste Contnts orcauRe Exploslons. No ?orks to Lose. Clones Perfectly AlrTight No Leakage- No Kvaporation- Alwolutely Rafe. A T'nivernHl Hoiiuholfl NereMAity. lTTr a ¦NT-n see THE1Í. For Sale in Ann Arbor bj C. C. Warner, 8. J. Bauragartner. Henry Wetsch. C. Eberbach. H. Q. Hom, F. Q. Schleicher. Rlnsey 4 öeabolt. 1271-1384. Mr. R. Farm, SJO Main street, Terr Hnt, Indiana, saffend frora Nsoralgia, and foand no relief till be used ATHLOrHOBOB, then ixi oud J'a time tUe pain was all g ona. Some-ATUI rtDUnDnCwiI1 notartaaqulckUmaa A I II LU r 11 U nU 9 ly ix In this case, but it ie sure and the more aevere the rain the more quickly lt will aot. There la no dimww more oomDion and none more tntenaely paiuiul thau neuralïia. Ladies partlcularly are aubject to headaches of neuralgio oriirin. Neuralgia in any form eau be snraly oured. Athlophoroa i. abaolutely aafe m abaolutely ure. Thounandawbnuave luffered lntenaely -ith netiraUin and bron nired by tba nae of Athlophoroa prove the tnith of thu tateman t. Ia it not wortb a trial lu your oase ? Aik roor drarairt for Athlop horos. If yoo caand set it of hun we will aend it exprwia paid on reeeipt of reguliu prioe- tl. 00 per bottle. Wn prefer that you boy it from your druggiat. hot if be haen't it do not be pamiaded to try eoinathin elas. bnt order at onoe from u aa directed. ATHLOPHOROS CO.. 112 WALL ST., NEW YORK. UEPORT OF THE CONDITION - or thk- Koek Furniture Co., OF ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, OïsT J-A.tnT-A.K.Y 1, 1886. TlKdo uk Reqalred bj Lat . KESOUR0X8. Merchandlse, Lumber, flnlshed and uuflDlstied work on baad as per lnventory _ _ $".2Uo 10 Real Estáte _ 13 851 7 Machinery and Toóla.. „ 4.038 00 Book Account 14,052 41 Cash on hand „ 884 49 $57021 97 LIABILITIKS. Capital stock „..140,000 00 Hurplos Kund 12.IM1 7 BillM payableat bank 6,100 0 ?¦57,621 97 We do hereby swear that the above is a norrivt siiiii ¦iiu-nt ot the oondltlon of this cotnpany. Wil. D. II AKHIMAN, 1.. tiRVNKK. CHA8. E. HlSCOCK. Dlrectors. Sabseribed nd gworn to before me thls 22d day of Jantmry, 1888. JIudson T. Morton, Notary Public. At the last regular meeting of the Directora of thls compauy an annual dividend of slz per cent. was declared. payable to stock holders of record, on the flrst day of February. 1886, at tüe offlue of the Anu Arbor Savings Hauk. CHARLE8 E. UI8COCK, Secretary. ¦si'tB0BcrtbegreatCoufhcure,lic.,Maktl Glrna'i ulphur Roup heat a k beantlflM, Mo. ficratauíComalcimoTerklllaConuaBaaloas Mlir. Htir ¦¦ Wblsktr Drt-Blaok and BrowD.Mo. Ptkai TMtkMk Vipa nn is 1 KImmmm lami RMUt&sio riU fcr a tan 9V% M


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News