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We will give to the boy or girl, man or woman, who will send in the longest list of nouns fonneil out of the letters cora, posing the name of this paper "The Anu Arbor Courier," a frce eopy of the paper one year, and to the one sending the second lougest list we will send the paper for nine montlis. The lists to be alphabetlcally arranged, and hauded in on or before March lötli, 188G. M. E cUurch social this oveuiug, at the church. The stock of Fall & Hendrick's is being sold off at auction. Mrs. Rainsay is passing a few days with triend8 in Detroit. John Keek & Co. have an article on free trade aml protaotleu iu tbelr space this week. The Knijjlits Templar have recelved their new badges and they are beautiful to gaase upon. A sleigh load of young folks went out to NatliHii Sutton's in Northfleld, last nlght and had a jolly time. Aid. Henderson will have charge of the re-nuinberin{r of the business places and dwellings in the lst ward. The M. E. Sunday school otficers and choir spent a very pleasant evening at Prof. Stowell's last Wednesday. Sir Knights Woodinun, Iloar, Carpenter and several others from Nortlmlle, visited the K. T. Commandery last even ing. Emory B. Wendcll, of Detroit, has purchased the Van de . Poel Electric light plant in this city, and proposes to boom the business. W. J. Byrnes, of Minneapolis, Minn., gradúate of the medical departuient in '82, and Miss Josie Armstrong, of this city, are to be marriad to-day, we undurstand. Yesterday was the day for the bear to come out and see his sliadow, which he might have doue in this locallty; but if he stayed out very long he froze his nose. About 70 couple attended the K. T. social at the Temple last Friday evening. The next social will be held next Tuesday. After Lrnit it is dtsigned to give a grand full dress ball. The board of counly superiutendenU of the poor met yesterday and reeli-cted the old offleers as follows : D. B. Greene, of Ypsilanti, president, and L. Davis, of Ann Arbor, secretary. The letter of Prof. Van Slyke, on our second page, from the fai-off Hawaiian Islands, will be found very interesting indeed, and we sincerely hope to be able to give our readers more of them. Township trensurers of the followinp townships of the county had settled with County Treasurer Belser up to this noon: Superior, Brldjcewater, Northfleld, Freedom, Dexter, Lyndon and Lima. J. T. Jacobs has bouaht the Codington farm on the south Ypsilanti road, and says he is golng to open an ice cream saloon down there as soon as the street rail road to Ypsilanti is a settled fact. Th lirst towship treasurer to 6ettle with the county treasurer this year is Daniel D. Nanry, of Superior, who also enjoyed the distinction of uelng the flrst one last year. He made his settlement Thursday. The supreme court has decided that the board of supervisors must pay the bill of Dr. Taylor, of Manchester. This information has cost the county probably $100, and establltihed the fact that the county is responsible for doctor's bilis. A Zither recital was given last Thursday evening at the residence of Mr. C. Mack by Prof. Geo. B. Sihler, of Detroit. His own excellent renditions were assisted by the Aniphions, the Gire Club, Miss CWrk, Mh Whedon and Miss Winchell. It was a very pleasant affair. Invitations are out for the marriage of Mr. Chas. Smith, of Detroit, and Miss Anna Pralt, daughter of John Pratt, E?q , of Lima. at the home of the bride' panntó, on Wednesday eveiing, Feb. 10 About two hundred oards of Invitation have been issued, and the affnir will be one of the grandest of the season. Prof. E. Baur, Secretary, announces the next monthly Pomological meeting on tbe 6th of Fehruary at 2 o'clock p. m., in the basement ol the court house. Topics: Potato rot. paper by Prof. Spaldlnsr; grape rot, the English aparrow, appointment of a coinimttee on noxions insects; distribution of excursión tickats by Mr. E. H. LScott, to dele:ite8 to the State Horticultural meeting at Arirun, commencing on the 9th iust. Kxhibit of fruit and preserves. A. M. Doty tells us that (he man who was instrumental in ectiring the abolishment of capital punishment in Michigan was Richard Glazier, a memoer of the Quaker Society known as Friends, and who at that time lived upon his farm (now owned by Edward Treadwell) about ]% miles east of this city on the river road. Mr. Glazier traveled all over the state securing signaturas to petitions for its abolisliment, and was go nnich in earnest In hig humane work that he was remarkably succeBsful, and his labor secitred favorable action by the Legislature' Mr. Glazier was a man whose nicmory ehould be kept green in the oommunlty. He was a father of Rob't Glaxler of the 6th ward. The county home had 07 Inmutes Tues day. Very maiiy complalnts of "bad colds. Someway people neer havegood ones, Tbe air this morning was as sharp a Jay Gould- and that is all that any one could wish. 'A social will be given at Hangsterfer's hall this evening by the ladiea of 8t. Au drew's church. Knight of Labor meet Fridajr nigh at seven la Otseniugo lodge room. Businees of importanco. Frank Hangsterfer does not have an icj look on his face even if be has gathered 3,500 tons of frozen water Into his sheds Rev. J. T. Bixby's subject for next Sunday evening at the Unitarian church will be "Fast Driving," a sermon to young people. The re-organization of the fire department as proposed by the chief engineer and fire commlttee (see council proceedings) looks like a desirable project. Marie E., wife of John C. Wilson, of the Cth ward, died Feb. lst, aged 38 years, of consumption. Funeral to-day at 9:30, the remains being taken to Ridgeway. Jethro Mabee has presented to the pioneer society an old-fashioned splint kuife basket- a genuino relie of the times of a hall' (r three-quarters of a century back. This year (1886) Washington's birthday comes on Monday; St. Valentine's day on 8unday; 8t. Patrick's day on Wednesday; April fooi day on Thursday; memorial day on Sunday; Fourth of July, Sunday, and Christmas on Satrday. The grand lodge of the Knights of Honor will meet in Masonic Temple, In tliis city, commencing next Tuesday, and continuing for three days. There will bc fiom 125 to 150 delegates in attendance. This body only ineets once in three years. B. F. Watts and J. Q. A. Sessions are the local representatives. Thomas Keating has moved his cigar store and factory to the store in the opera house block, formerly occupied by Qrinnell Bros., where he will carry on the sale and manufacture ofeigars. Mr. Keating has by patiënt industry worked up a handsome business for himself, and we are pleased to note his prosperity. On Tuesday of last week Mr. Z. H. Bialr, medie '86, and Mis Emma Lumden, of this city, were united in marrlage. Mlw Lumsden was connected with our public schools as teacher of drawing last year, and has many friends who will wish her a happy life. The couple have taken rooms for the present on Washington st. Prof. M. E. Cooley desires to expresa his thanks and the thanks of the local commlttee to the citizens who so generously tbrew open their doors to entertain the merabers of the Michigan Engineer, at their state meeting held last week. There was a slight dlaappointraent in respect to the numbers In attendance, but the enthusiasm which prevailed quite made up for that lack. That sign in the window of a Hurón street store has turned a sommersault. It should read now : "Restaurant played out, car.dy business booming." The store is now occupied by Mrs. S. C. Pratt, formerly of 365 Woodward avenue, Detroit, who has opened up one of tho9e neat attractive candy kitchens, that take so well In larger places. The Detroit Trade Journal speaks verv biirhlv of Mrs. Pratt. The State of Michigan runs by Standard time; the Univereity runs by standard time; the banks run by standard time; the courts run by standard time; in fact everything hereabouts runs by standnrd time except a few old fogies and the court house clock. As the supervisors seldom have occisión to use the court house clock perhaps a majority of them inight be prevalled upon to change that time pieee so as to convenience the people of the city. The surprise of Mich. Fritz this morning, ai Messrs. Robinson and Cramer marched into the Savings Bank and threw in their bank books, each apparently well-loaded with bank notes, was very great, but wtaen he came to look at the bilis and read "Bank of vVashtenaw," "Commercial Bank of Saline," etc, on them, he smelt a mice, and promptly telephoned for the chief of pólice. Cramer saya he blushed, but that's only hear-say evldence, you know. Joe T. Jacobs has exchanged his handsome residence in this city with other property, for the magniñeent farm of E. W. Codington, in Pittsneld, the consideration being $19,000. Joe evidently doesn't know as much about farming as he desires to, while Mr. Codington has probably gained a sufficiency of knowledge in that line. We hope the exchange will prove mutually beneticial. While Ann Arbor society will regret to have Mr. Jacobs and bis family leave our midst, even for so short a distance, they will extend a cordial welcome to Mr. Codington and his family. In the case of J. W. Hamilton vs. Geo. E. Frothingham, the suit growing out of the sale of the Register office, wherein Mr. Hamilton claimed $1,000 as due him for effecting said sa'.e, and which was allowed in this circuit, the supreme court has remanded the case back for a new trial, on the ground that Judge Je unisón - before whom the case was tried - erred in excluding testimony regarding the value of some property in Minneapolls that entered into the trade, and also iu excluding testimony respecting the agency of Mr. Hamilton. As the case has alreariy been tried tw'ce, if the third trial comes on, it inay becoine soinewliat inonotonous. Washtenaw Lodge, No. 719, I. O. G. T., has elected the following offleers for the present term; and the lnstallation will take place on Thursday evening of this week in the old Baptist church, to which the public is invited. A good program is expected: W. C. T.- George Scott. W. V. T.- Mrs. Orvllle Sage. W. 8ec- G. H. Seruton. W. A. sec.- Mis Maggle Kilnu. W. Trena.- Mrs. E. P. Camp. W. M.- George VaudewalUer. W L) M. --Miss Mnrull Kliun. W. I. O. - Mls Carne Jacobu. W. ü. O.- George Coulson. W. CUp.- Orville Sage. W . K. H. 8.- Mrs. Wm. Matthews. W. L. H. 8.- Mm. Geo. Scott. P. W. C. T.-N. P. HUI. The announcement of the death of Dr. Cyrus Backus, last Monday morning was a shock to the community. The doctor had arisen for the day and after havlng dressed he feil unconscious to the floor and expired in a few seconds, of disease of the heart. He had not been iu vigorous health for some time, but so sudden a termination of his life was not looked tor. The deceased had been a practicing physician in this city for a great many years, and was held in high esteem by a large circle of lrlend. He was a native of New York, 73 years old, and leave one daaghter, Miss Mary Backus, of tbis city, and one on, Mr. Charle K. Backua, of Detroit, who for many years wa the managlng editor of the Detroit Post & Tribune. What seemed a curious coincidence, Mre. Backu died on the tame day sixteen years prevlous, Fuueml serylce thi p. na.