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Amusements, Entertainments, Etc.

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A company by the name of the Rock Band Concert party is on the boards to give entertainment here the 2ii of this montta. Miss Flanees E. Willard, President of Nation W. C. T. ü., writcs in reference to Mrs. Kmily McL&ughliti, of Boston, speiikinjj ia Ünirergity Hall on Frlday evening: Mrs. Enilly .Mcl.aughlln Ig an oratress by lnherltnnce, as well as by ezperlenoe. Her brothera are both men of eloqoAnoe. and tho olderone Kev. Dr. K. K. Meridlth, of Boston, is one of the most lmpreaslvettpeakers to whom I have ever listened. Hls addreasee to Kimday soliool teaohers la Botton, have packed Tremont Templ every Saturday for years. Mrs. MeLuaghlln Is In look and ïnanner "her brother over agaln " upon the platform. Ho lar as a woman of the utmont geatleuess of redaement can be like a fervld raascultue orator. That she ba a great heart laat onoe apparent, and her sublime earnectneu lends emphasls to her clear aud logloal reaaoolnc. Iu the oonservatlve cltlea of Boston and Phlladolphia. Mrs. MoLaaghlln 18 an Hoknowlertged favorito and all protestant pulplts are freely open to her, exoept, of ciiurin', the Kplscopallan. For several years Mrs. McLiiughlln hai been a natlonaloffloerof the W. C. T. U. and ex-ofllolo memoer of IU executlve commlttee, I hope she wlll speak to thestudents as wellas the general public of Ann Arbor. Col. Jobn Sobieski will lecture before the U. M. T. A., March 5, and Mrg. Mary A. Woodbridge, of Ohio, on March 19. Alvin Wilsey was busy uil last week ruoving from the okl house into the new. His new block, situated on Fourth st., S., lias been erected with especial reference to tbe storage, showing and sale of musical Instruments, sheet muslc, etc. The building is two stories high with a fine cellar basement uuderneath, and with the upper story finlshed off into as conyenient a set of living apartments as are to be found in any block in the city. But the pride of the house is the iirst floor, or salesroom, which has a píate jlass front is 24x70 ft. long, 16 ft. ceilinjj, walls huiijT with handsome gilt paper, nd wood work to resomble niahogony. To the right as you enter re several large cases with drapery cui tning in place ofdoors, in which are kept all btring instrumenta, such as violins, guitars, banjos, etc. Upon the opposite side is an immense rack, handsomely fintshed off in plgeon hole style, each pocket large enough to uümit of 50 or 60 pieces of sheet iiiusic, to be arrangcd alphabetically and " musically " - in lieu of a better word. The balance of the room will be used for the display of planos and orjrans ot yarious styles and makes. The building is lightetl by gas made from a machine of his own. Taken as a whole the store is a fine additiou to the business houses of the city.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News