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TZHTIE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK, ANN AKBOK. MICHIGAN, Transacts General Banking Business. CAPITAL,$8O,OOO. Orgacized noder the General Banking Law of tbin Sute, the stockboldora are individually Hable ! for au aHditioiml amouut equal to the stock held by i them, thereby creatina a tiaarantec Finid for the benefit of Deposito of $100,000.00. Taroe or cent. interest la allowod on 11 Baring Deposita of ott dollar and npwards, accorflini; to the raleo ot the Bank and Inarart oomponnaad scmi-ancnalty. Konoy to Loan on innir-m',. ¦ '! real iMtate aud other good aocuri'y. DIRECTORS: CHHIHTIAN MACK, Wil. l. HAKKIMAN, W. W. WINKH. DANIEL H1SCOLK, WILLIAM DEDBEL, WILLAKH B. SMIÏ H. DAVID IUN8EY. OFFICERS: C. MACK, Pres. W. W. WINES, , 're-Pres. J. iC. HISCIX-K. I Vislii.r. &Q0BYEAR'S DRUG STORE! Ho. 7 S. Main St. PURE DRUGS and MEDICINES Fine Toilet Articles ELEGANT PERFUMES AND ODOR SETS A Specialty Made of Physiclan's Prescrlptions. Cali and see us. J. J. Goodyear.! Burdock Blood Bitters Purtfy The Blood. Burdock Rlood Bitters : Mm Sound. Refreshing Sleep. Burdock Blood Bitters ¦M That Tired, Weary Feeling. Slck Hodaehe. Gbtts:- I hare been subject to Sicb Ileadacbe for ycars, nd have tried, ia rain, mapjr adrertised remedies and sereral pbyiicians, but all to no purpose. At laat I tried rour B. B. Bitters- without much faith, I admit - but today I can truly ay. that af ter taking the third bottle I har not suffered from it. I recommead it to all my friends; scTcral have been cured br it. My little randson was permanently cured of Bihousness and Bick Eeadache, which wer so severe as to cause conrultions. They hare all ceajed unce he commenced the use of B.B.B. MKS. B. C. BODLE. Oranse, Luzerne Countr. Pa. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. i South Main S)., Aun Arbor. The oldegt agency In the city. Establlghed over a quarter of a centnry ago. Rcpre8eHtlnK the iollowlug flret-class companlen, Itli over ., Capital and AhmcIs. HOMK IN8. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN8. CO., of New York. GIRAHD INS. CO., of Phlladelphia. OKIKNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Loudon. MVKKPOOI,, LONDON and QLOBK. WASHINGTON KIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Hatos Low as tlio Lowest, Lsses Libcrallr Adjnsted and pronijitly l'aid. C. II. MILLEN. n tj i t xj n E!. tEGAN'H IKPBBIAL T8C88. ! Spinil Spring, gradvd from 1 to ti poundH in praarare, WORN DAY A NIGHT, by an mi, mi a week ld, w au adult 80 years. l.iidirH Trussis a perfectlon. Km staiups ibr teatlmonlali of cures, eto. EtiA.N IMPERIAL TRUS9 00, ANN ARBkk, M [OH. Aitn ( ( ( t prcurnlt, giaen away J' I I I Sund ub r cents nooUee, aml 1 1 I bf mail jou will get free a Oí! U . U U U Pae of good. of lar?e TM #j v w Ttine, that will tart jou in work that will at ouce bring you in money faatpr han tnrthinK elae in America. All almut tho ', 'MO,0O0 In presente with each box. ARcntn wanti'd verywhere, of either sex, of all agc, Tor all the me, or spare time only, to work lor as at thelr I wn hom. Portunes tor all workcra abeolutoly nared. Don 't delay, H. Hállett & C"., n, Malae


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