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royal Rsa'íiíj POWDER Absolutely Pure. Tbi powiliTiu-vrr varleH. A marvel of purlty, btrenuth nd wholesomeness. More eoonomical than the ordlnary ktndu.and cannot be soid lu eompetltlon with the multitudt' oí low test, Khcirl welrht, slum or nhonphate pnwdera. Holdonly Ín rnns. Itnyitl Kak Ín Puwder Co . 1O6 Wall t., N.Y. ECZEMA! And Every Spècfot of Ifchimr and Burnin Diseases l'ositlvely ('urtMl. ErZKMA.or Snit Hhnnm.withltaonfzinKitch. intr inri harninir. injt(inr]y reliev i hv n warm imth with í'ütu i'ka Hiiap, lid aslntrleappllcatioi] of CcTictRA, tbc jjrt-at km i'uie. rep-ated d uly, with two or 'hn-r done of Ci ticura He -oLVr.NT Nc Bl md Fiiriüt-r, lo kt p rhe blood cool, the perfpfrnt'on pitre id nnlrritutini.', thbu wel - opn,the Uver nd k1dne8 active, will apa dily hreem , Tetter. Ringworm, Puori - -1-, Ltch-n, Pru itu, Sn. Hcm'. Dhi drnlT d ev.-ry ptci sof lien mr, Bcnlj and Pimplv Humor of the Hcalu mid k:n, Wbeo thi; bost physicians tnd ail known rem di a n. WII1 IfIDonuld. fcU Dearboro ¦t.,ChlCttfo1 f illy aCkuowl' i -n cure oT KCMOUI or Sa!t Rheum o hewl in-ck, fíioe, nrnif uncí lejfB for teen y ; Qnt ble ") w tlk tzept n bande jiii-í k(.eí roí : nut ftbit to bolu hiui-elí 'or eihr earn; t'ícrt tiundre'i f remeoie ; doc ¦orj ir mi 'i '¦¦' h'r ¦ 'i meto ; p 'fmineijMy cureil by OuTIOU a ' eolvknt (bluod purrtlert i terna ij, íii.iiCoticuba aud Cd tCDBA Soap ( he gro r pkhi C'irt'H i ex i n -il ' . liarles Hougliton, Esq., htwver, 28 Sute StrtjuL. ii')Stou, ie a ia-e M nlt Uhcum undi;r íiiH oHh rv iim ftr ie Tjar8. whirh covered ttie pai eoi'w luidvaii-i limi. añil tú uhirball known mchofls (f 're iratir hrt heon appliel without ben--it. whiit was corap'etely corwd nulely by tbe Coticuka ltKEDiE3, leavii g u c!eaa and bealthy ck. . Mr John Ttiirl, WtlkeBbarre, P,i., rrltei : "I n tve 8 ffjred from 8 ilt lílieum fur over t?L'ht yeai, ot so b d th it I cmild n r atfend to iny fni-"tie f r weeks at a time. Three boxfe oi UTici'BA and four hoitleM f ({¦ solvbnt have entlrelv c 'Tfd me of thié dreadíul dUeaae." Mr. Isaac l'hlpa. Kuveua, o., wrltet '¦ 'Fr the lucí ye ii 1 lme tiad a ftptcíei of itchinír, HCflly and plmp'y bnmors on my lace to w leb I i'avu applird a ureat m my inetbod f ireatment vithmt pnreess, and vhich wab epüedily and entirely enred by roTicua . iMijNiriHir Praorlbe Tli'm.- I have totliuiií but ihe hiphf t uruif-e for th result ohtalned from your CuricuKA Hemujih, oí whicb l have su!d mure tban all oibers of kind. MO.NRÜ li ND, M. D.? Philadelphla, P;v. 2t50# Broad etreet. Sold by alidrugists. Prlco: Oüticura, 50 C s.; Rb8ilvhnt, H; s.)ap, 25ctf. Pri'parei by the Pottbh IRrn ant CiiRkiCAL Co., Boston, Ma-p. Si-nd for Pinimphlft. ¦nriATT 1KY the Tomp-exlon and Skin by JLjÍWJ U8in ¦' ihs CUTIOtJBA f.OAP. CATARRH Complete Trrafmeiit, with Inhaler, for Erery Form or Catarrh, $1. A8K FOR SANDFORD'S RADICAL CURE K. rfv S7 Head ColdB, Watery Dlsv wj%r ¦' ' charjrfH from tbe Nosc I IF' í' Rní 'I-M' Kingrtng NolHt's vï' V 'n I(' Ht'nd, Nitvous and íle TjfÜ Hcadache and Fever ínI Jïi J$V no'L'uí Diuc118 dlslORed, j " v "T nit-mbrane cleansed and V"íy rJL. bralrd, breatli iweataaed, I ( s r & smell, taste, and hearing restori'd, and ravages checked. Cough, Bronchitis, Uropplngslnto the Throat.Paíns In the Cheit, Dyspepala, Wam Ing of ötreuffth and Flesh, Loss of Sleep, etc., curad. l On: bottle Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one Dr. Sanford's Inhahr, inone package. of all drugglstt, forti. Aak for S;mfordV Radical Cure, a puredlstlllttton of Witch Uazt'l. Am. I'lae, Ca. Flr, Martgold, Clover Blossoms, etc. Pottkr Drug and ChimicalCo., Boston. Potter Drug and Chemical o., BoHton. ' KION' Y PAINH.9 and tbat "PIQ wfHry eennatjon evvr present with h()e f of ptiininl kldury. weak back-, overT fJÊ %vO-k nrwornout by ntandiiiff, walkine, %L r the i-ewinj; macliine, rured by ('uti Jk ctTKA Anti Pain Flater, a new original, eiftínntnd Bpewtyantldot to puin and inflaromation. A t driiRtrlMe, Wc ; for $1 .00. Malled fre'. Po t n uMVh and Chemical Co., Boeton. SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN OF FOHE CÖD LRLB OIL And Hypophosphltss off lime & Soda Almost as PalatabtoM Milk. The only r of fOD MTER OIL that canbAi j.,1 KMurutod for long tune a ¦ i) AsA""p'r'triT rot roxsntPTKHf, MKOHHIM JiHIÏIJ. AXAKM1A, tIKNliui, i)ii;niiy. k;iis am iiiuoat aT. hi.ii!'" S, ld aÏÏ'Vi: -.TlMi Ï'ISOUIIKRS OF iTlll.Mil'i' it is )i;:;rvllmis In i'1 n-snlU. ITi-srrihpil mui ....-rt ly lüo besl PhyBicUlU In tho countrics of Uie world. FOR SALr BY AtL DRUGGIST3. i „i CMVERSAL fcü m v-w- f 3 01 qatlj U W3 (rnh, Alt, Miiwrmt 35 5 Wj bat h. fi tmrnim ? s ¦ fP mw - - ¦ ¦¦ _?¦¦ i iW HBBB m 6nd for ctKui E. J. KNOWLTON, Ann Arbor. Mteh. A COMPLETE ARRAKNGMENT FOK Pbjsioian ud Families. Keatsr and Cneaper AND MOBX COüTVEüSTIEilSrT THAN A STATIONARY BATH TÜB, WITH NO EXPENSE OP BATH ROOM AND FIXTURK.


Ann Arbor Courier
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